Nutanix Monitoring on SCOM or OMS

Comtrade has been around quite some time now delivering custom management packs, in my experience for everything Citrix, F5 now, and Nutanix for SCOM and OMS.

Their profile is accurate in my opinion “The SCOM Extension Specialists”

Comtrade’s Channel Profile states “we natively integrate with System Center Operations Manager, providing a comprehensive monitoring of network (F5) and hyperconverged infrastructure (Nutanix) with insight into Citrix and Microsoft applications.”

Note: These MP’s are not free.  Contact for a trial key and download.


If you use Nutanix hosts, this will provide insights on configuration, logs, resource performance, and overloaded clusters/hosts

SCOM MP dashboards don’t look that much different, but provide easy insight into your virtual environment


How the solution works

OMS specifically



OMS Dashboard



Log Analytics



OMS Hardware Dashboard



Cluster Performance



Host Summary




Additional information

Nutanix Monitoring on OMS by Comtrade

Nutanix OMS Solution



SCOM MP information



How to be heard (provide feedback on Microsoft products)

Ever feel like everyone’s not listening?

Do you want to be heard?

Are you willing to share ideas and feedback about OMS and the various products?
Good, Microsoft development has that covered.


I recommend this to ALL of my customers
Please sign-in, vote on ideas and feedback.

Please put your comment, suggestion, feature out to the community!


Example – Custom Security events filtering is your number one priority

Vote for this request

ADFS auditing



Additional information
UserVoice websites (please verify the links )

OMS Log Analytics

SCOM UserVoice

Getting Started with OMS – Operations Manager Suite

How do you make sure the business you’re in is productive and making widgets?


What does OMS do?

Acronym:  OMS – Operations Manager Suite


Answer:  Pretty much anything you can imagine to help provide a single pane of glass into what is happening in your IT environment.

Do you use System Center?

You can tailor OMS to any solution in the Solutions gallery, and you can even request solutions and functionality in the UserVoice website.


Ready to dig into OMS, even if you’re not cloud based?


OMS has four basic services


Learn more about the OMS solutions

Verify OMS managed Computers link

Capacity and Performance (HyperV) link

Service Map link

How to be heard link



Additional information

OMS Overview Azure Monitor overview

Channel 9 videos
OMS Blog



Azure Application Insights

Application Insights

Application Insights simply put is Application Performance Management for web developers (or DevOps) on multiple platforms

Are you trying to solve how to monitor application performance?

Do you need to monitor application performance for ASP.NET, Java or Node.js apps?

SCOM can monitor, but not necessarily with the same functionality

Riverbed makes products, but at a higher cost





Much like SCOM APM agent, application Insights Monitors the same information, without having to setup SCOM in Azure

This is also an OMS solution, so if you’re using Azure for Web Applications, this should be on the to-do list




How about application Telemetry data?



Verify OMS Managed Computers

Ever wondered what objects are setup for OMS?


Maybe you’ve seen lots of errors on servers you don’t expect ?

It’s possible someone chose a group or nearly all managed computers in your SCOM environment.


How do we verify, or change what computers send data to OMS from SCOM?

1) Look for a group
In SCOM console, monitoring tab

Look for the ‘advisor’ group
Maybe someone put a group in there

2) Verify OMS members

In the SCOM console, Administration tab
Click on Managed Computers
See middle pane for what is currently set up


Update OMS Managed computers

In the SCOM console, Administration tab
Click on Managed Computers
See middle pane for what is currently set up

Click the ‘Add a computer/group’ link on the tasks pane (right side)

Add computers or groups

Add keyword, click search, highlight and click Add

Click OK when done updating members


Optionally, highlight the member, click delete


Verify the Advisor MP’s on computer

Go to server (added or removed)

If added, look for 1201 events in the Operations Manager Log

If removed, look for 1204 events in the Operations Manager Log



O365 Office Analytics

Ever wonder where all your time goes each week?


From an executive standpoint, want to see statistics on where employees are spending most of their time?


Did you know Office365 has an Outlook AddIn for analytics? Personal Analytics Link



Access your analytics


Requires E3 add on or above (E5), and can be configured by the Office Admin



The MyAnalytics dashboard

Set your goals in meetings, email, network, focus/project time, and after hours



Click on Email hours for insight on where you so pend your time

Click on View Details to see when you’re sending and reading email



Click on the Network tab to add important people to your dashboard that you work with (for projects, job duties, etc.)

You can add people by using the Search Bar (top right hand corner)


Add Important People to your network

Click the Star to favorite people in the ‘Stay in Touch’ pane (or from the Network pane)



From the Network pane, click on Important people to see your VIP list




Click on the Meetings

Click View Details to see what meetings you multitask


Focus Hours and After Hours

Review the insights, and customize to your needs


For more information about Office Analytics

Knowledge Link

Personal dashboard link


Optimize SQL for SCOM

Maybe I’m old school, but do you ever feel like optimizing SQL is like playing a video game?

Keep on shooting, hopefully you don’t hit your thrusters and drift and then die!


Does your SQL DBA Team (or did you):

NTFS Allocation Unit set to 64KB for the SQL Server drives

Dedicate memory for the OS (set SQL to use max memory)

Set autogrow to be greater than 1 MB?

MaxDOP (degrees of parallelism)

TempDB’s are on separate mounts (and match the number of cores)

Database and log files are on separate mounts

Backup SQL Server encryption keys

Disable XpCommandShell


Most of the documentation can be had from a single link


Disable XpCommandShell


SYSTEM CENTER 2016/2019 Operations Manager – Anti-Virus Exclusions

Updated 30 June, 7 July 2020 and includes article updates




NOTE: Process name exclusion wildcards could potentially prevent some dangerous programs from being detected.


Hopefully this table is helpful (my thanks to Matt Goedtel for the docs site updates, and Matt’s efforts to keep docs the ‘go-to’ site)


Previously the blog left the SCOM Admin and Security teams with questions where blogs did NOT match vendor site documentation.  The blog merged the PFE UK team blog & Kevin Holman blog  into an easier tabular view per component)


Original Blog introduction

As we are all aware, antivirus exclusions can affect monitoring data generated, and affect system performance.


Best practice is to implement specific exclusions.


Management Server installation folder
Default: “C:\Program Files\Microsoft System Center 2016\Operations Manager\Server\”
Agent installation folder
Default: “C:\Program Files\Microsoft Monitoring Agent”
Gateway installation folder
Default: “C:\Program Files\Microsoft System Center 2016\Operations Manager\Gateway\”
Reporting installation folder
Default: “C:\Program Files\Microsoft System Center 2016\Operations Manager\Reporting”
WebConsole installation folder
Default: “C:\Program Files\Microsoft System Center 2016\Operations Manager\WebConsole”
SQL Data installation folder
Default: “C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1x<INSTANCENAME>\MSSQL\Data”
SQL Log installation folder
Default: “C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1x<INSTANCENAME>\MSSQL\Log”
SQL Reporting installation folder
Default: “C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS.1x<INSTANCENAME>
File Types
SQL Server
Default: “C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL1x.<Instance Name>\MSSQL\Binn\SQLServr.exe”
SQL Reporting Services
Default: “C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS1x.<Instance Name>\Reporting Services\ReportServer\Bin\ReportingServicesService.exe”


Useful information for decoding the matrix

Docs site


SCOM 2012/2012R2 KB975931

PFE UK team blog


Version mapping by folder (my thanks to StackOverFlow )
100 = SQL Server 2008    = 10.00.xxxx
105 = SQL Server 2008 R2 = 10.50.xxxx
110 = SQL Server 2012    = 11.00.xxxx
120 = SQL Server 2014    = 12.00.xxxx
130 = SQL Server 2016    = 13.00.xxxx

Setting up OMS Capacity and Performance

Setting up OMS Capacity and Performance
Setting up OMS Capacity and Performance


Update 18 Dec 2023 – Solution retired in 2021 with OMS sunset. Repository archived by the owner on Feb 1, 2021. It is now read-only.



Do you know what your HyperV hosts are doing?

Not a HyperV fan, there’s a VMWare solution also here




Capacity dashboard

Capacity and performance preview summary
Capacity and performance preview summary


OMS dashboard
OMS dashboard



Setting up OMS Capacity and Performance

Already have the dashboard setup?  Perhaps this will help troubleshoot

Do you have network connectivity, or is a proxy required?


Troubleshooting dashboard

Windows Agents


Verify Operations Manager event log on local agent, then filter for error events and/or EventID 4506.  Look for dates/times to see when events started.

Example Event ID 4506 details the Capacity and Performance Solution, citing ‘Microsoft.IntelligencePacks.CapacityPerformance.Collector’.

Operations Manager Event Log, Event ID 4506 examples
Operations Manager Event Log, Event ID 4506 examples


Additional options

  1. Search LAW (Log Analytics workspace) logs

OMS Log search screenshot


2. Verify no proxy is set up (unless your network requires this)

OMSAgent proxy setting
OMSAgent proxy setting


3. 4506’s result from too many workflows sending data from MS to DB’s (OpsMgr and DW).  Additionally, 4506 events can be communication issues from MS to DB server(s).   Lastly, use TLS1.2 configuration as a best practice to enforce encryption from MS to SQL communication.  Beyond encryption, TLS may be a culprit if AlwaysOn or SQL clusters are involved, particularly as the SCOM console connections fail as SDK cannot talk with SQL side.  See Kevin Holman’s blog for additional TLS1.2 information and setup.

TLS blog



Learn article
TechNet blog

SQL Engineering Blog


Ever wonder when a SQL MP is published?

Wonder no longer, look for the SQL Engineering Blog!



Old – redirect in effect