Azure UNIX server SCOM agent setup errors with OEL v7.x


Ran into some customers with UNIX agent problems, including Azure Oracle Enterprise Linux servers with SCOM agents.






Basically this error means

  1. Fully-qualified domain name cannot be determined from the UNIX or Linux host itself
  2. The FQDN known to the UNIX/Linux host does not match the FQDN used by the management server to reach the host



Full error message text


Agent verification failed. Error detail: The server certificate on the destination computer ( has the following errors:

The SSL certificate could not be checked for revocation. The server used to check for revocation might be unreachable.

The SSL certificate is signed by an unknown certificate authority.

It is possible that:

  1. The destination certificate is signed by another certificate authority not trusted by the management server.
  2. The destination has an invalid certificate, e.g., its common name (CN) does not match the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) used for the connection.  The FQDN used for the connection is:
  3. The servers in the resource pool have not been configured to trust certificates signed by other servers in the pool.


The server certificate on the destination computer ( has the following errors:

The SSL certificate could not be checked for revocation. The server used to check for revocation might be unreachable.

The SSL certificate is signed by an unknown certificate authority.

It is possible that:

  1. The destination certificate is signed by another certificate authority not trusted by the management server.
  2. The destination has an invalid certificate, e.g., its common name (CN) does not match the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) used for the connection.  The FQDN used for the connection is:
  3. The servers in the resource pool have not been configured to trust certificates signed by other servers in the pool.





Troubleshooting links

Old TechNet article for SCOM 2007R2

Docs site – link for 1801 – Steps haven’t changed, and IMHO, docs site is better documented



Here are some commands to help troubleshoot UNIX agent



Check UNIX Agent status

scxadmin -status


Example Output

$ scxadmin -status

scxcimserver: is running

scxcimprovagt: 2 instances running




Set Unix agent to START verbose logging

scxadmin -log-set all verbose




Restart Health Service & tail scx log

scxadmin -restart

cd /var/opt/microsoft/scx/log

tail -f scx.log



To correct a SCOM agent getting a SSL certificate error:

From the Docs site, the SCXsslConfig “tool is useful in correcting issues in which the fully-qualified domain name cannot be determined from the UNIX or Linux host itself, or the FQDN known to the UNIX/Linux host does not match the FQDN used by the management server to reach the host.”


As root:

1.             Get the exact hostname of the server with the hostname command  

2.             Stop the SCOM agent – /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/tools/scxadmin -stop  

3.             Rebuild the cert  – /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/tools/scxsslconfig -v -f -h HOSTNAME -d <FQDN_Here>  

4.             Start the SCOM agent – /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/tools/scxadmin -start 







Additional Configuration topics from the docs site

Configuring SSL Ciphers link

Specifying an alternate Temporary Path for scripts link

Universal Linux – Operating System Name/Version link



Other document links

Holman SCOM 2012R2 Deploying Unix agents

Holman SCOM 2016 Monitor Unix/Linux

Adding agents via PowerShell

Skype for Business 2015 (premise) Addendum MP

Ever try to figure out a Skype alert, for which server in the pool(s) is failing?


While maybe not the clearest to find root cause, the Skype pack brings a bunch of functionality, including synthetic transactions.


I was lucky enough to collaborate with Nick Wood, Skype PFE, to help provide more detail, troubleshooting, impact on what is critical versus warning.


What the addendum pack brings

Do you think 656 monitors can all be critical?

  • Sets up service restart recovery tasks for all Skype services
  • Company Knowledge tab for troubleshooting/user impact


Gallery Download


Here is a visual of our Skype efforts for integrating troubleshooting details into SCOM console.

NOTE:  Company Knowledge tab would be accessible from the alert as well


Company Knowledge

SCOM Console, Authoring tab, Dispatcher Queue monitor

Highlight monitor, right click, choose properties

Click on ‘Company Knowledge’ tab

Incorporated the XLS into SCOM under Company Knowledge for additional information on user impact, causes, and troubleshooting (under resolutions)


Active Directory 2012-2016 Addendum packs updated

Man time flies!


Thought I’d share some new functionality for AD DS (Active Directory Domain Services)


Ran across some customer errors with AD Event ID 1084, which exists in the old 8321 pack, but not in the v10.x pack.

Well, if you get these errors, your DC isn’t replicating, and most likely will need to be rebuilt.


Gallery download


Broke out the packs to separate the Recovery Tasks in their own pack, versus added functionality in the addendum.

Figured better to send packs NOT sealed, so that meant 2 packs,

WYSIWYG (wizzy-wig acronym)


What this means

v1.0.0.1 pack had just the AD DS Service Recovery Tasks

v1.0.0.2 pack has a Service Recovery Tasks pack, and the Addendum pack

What I think is cool is that the Addendum pack contains 2 rules, simple rule event (enabled by default), and also a PowerShell rule.


Rule Figured out how to simply look for criteria, count it, and alert on it.

We always look for alert suppression, some of the sliding/counting monitors are too much.


Starting with Holman’s alerting rule fragment, we can create more powerful combinations than just a single symptom.

Using Variations of the get-date command, we can actually specify how far back to look, to count for alerts.

Easier method to count events, to figure out an alert threshold.


From the rule in the Addendum pack

# Check blog for more detail
# If you want this in other time increments – AddHours, AddSeconds, AddMilliseconds
$LastCheck = (Get-Date).AddMinutes(-65)

[int]$TempCount = (get-eventlog -logName “Directory Service” -Source “NTDS Replication” -InstanceID 1084 -Message “*8451 The replication operation encountered a database error*” -After $LastCheck).Count

IF ($TempCount -ge 1)
$Result = “BAD”
$Message = “The number of 1084 Replication Database error events was greater than 1”
$Result = “GOOD”


Maybe we need multiple event ID’s, or search multiple event logs… you decide, and let me know.