Set up Azure Service Principal


Azure Service principal is like a Mech ID that does work for you behind the scenes

Stack Overflow states it plainly

An Azure service principal is a security identity used by user-created apps, services, and automation tools to access specific Azure resources.
Docs site defines it as a Security identity object
We will need the AAD Tenant ID, Application ID (service principal, and Password (key)

AAD Tenant ID


For Service Map, the Tenant ID is the Azure Active Directory, Directory ID


From Azure Portal

Select Azure Active Directory > Properties > Directory ID in the Azure portal

See Docs site link

Save this to notepad, somewhere for safe keeping – password safe

Tenant ID

This is where you setup the Service Principal for an application
Azure Active Directory is NOT required
From Azure Portal
Click on Azure Active Directory
Click on Properties
Copy the Directory ID
From OMS
Click on Overview, Settings
Click on Accounts, Manage Users
Copy the Tenant ID
Once you have the Directory ID copied to notepad, you need to set up an App registration

App Registration ID

From Azure Portal
Click Azure Active Directory
Click App Registrations
Click + New application registration
Create name and URL
My example is ‘ServiceMap-App’ with my domain
Click Create
Click Settings
Click Keys
Recommend setting 2 keys, and save to notepad, and somewhere secure
I did 1 year and 2 year keys
Enter name for Description, Duration box, and click Save
Value will be displayed
Copy the value


Don’t exit without grabbing the keys!  You will have to delete the App-Registration and start over
After creation, copy the values from Notepad for Tenant ID, Application ID, and keys


Service Map for SCOM


Ever compare your work to an amusement park?

Every business application compares to a ride, roller coaster, or even a kiddie ride.

Anyone ever ask you directions to that ride, or more technical based questions like ‘what’ communication makes up that business application?



In comes Service Map to save the day!



Last year I blogged about setting up Service Map with OMS/Log Analytics, but I didn’t get the feature installed for SCOM.

December blog on how to set up OMS/Log Analytics


It’s basically the SCOM Agent (MMA) and a Dependency Agent (think old Blue Stripe agent)


Excited to see the new Service Map to hit public preview, hoping by September



Check out the blog series

Planning and PreReqs blog
Install and configure MMA agent blog
Dependency agent blog

Set up Azure Service Principal blog
Set up SCOM Management Group blog



Service Map – Setting up SCOM management group


It’s time to get my SCOM MG running Service Map

Nothing like seeing what an application actually does, mapping ports a server is using, and who the server talks to!

From the docs site –


Download Management Pack

Let’s start with the pack download

Download Management Pack



Install Management pack

Choose your preference

PowerShell (as admin)

Import-SCOMManagementPack -FullName “S:\monadmin\backup\$date”

In case you need help – TechNet article


Lab Example

Import-SCOMManagementPack -FullName “S:\MonAdmin\SCOM\Management packs\Service Map – Blue Stripe for SCOM – OMS\v1.0.0.6\Microsoft.SystemCenter.ServiceMap.mpb”



Import via SCOM Console




Configure the Service Map integration

In SCOM Console, click on Administration Tab

Navigate to the Operations Management Suite, and expand for the Service Map selection


Click ‘Add workspace’

Paste in your Tenant ID, Application ID, and Service Principal Key that you set up prior

Click Next



Verify Workspace Information
Click Next



Two options – if you don’t have any Windows Computer based groups in your MG, skip down to Server Selection


If there are Machine Groups to add, click ‘Add/Remove’



Click Next to select individual servers

Click Add

Click OK to close window



Click Next to move to next window



  • Speed to fetch information is based on a rule see docs site
  • In the Server Selection window, you configure the Service Map Servers Group with the servers that you want to sync between Operations Manager and Service Map. Click Add/Remove Servers.

For the integration to build a distributed application diagram for a server, the server must be:

  • Managed by Operations Manager
  • Managed by Service Map
  • Listed in the Service Map Servers Group


From <>



Setup proxy if needed

Click Add Workspace






Use Service Map

Time to Use the tool –




Verifying Servers specified in Service Map

Verify group

SCOM Console > Authoring Tab > Groups

Look for > Service Map

View Group members or look at Explicit tab





On Management Server (MS), Operations Manager Event log


get-eventlog -logname “Operations Manager” -newest 25


# This command will help if you get stuck on the workspace

get-eventlog -logname “Operations Manager” -Source “Operations Manager” -newest 25 | ? {$_.eventID -eq 6400 } |fl



Filter by Error,Warning



Install Azure Log Analytics Service Map Dependency Agent



To make all this work, sometimes, it seems like a slot machine, deposit your quarter, and hope you hit the jackpot!



So to get started, you probably have a list of computers where you have the MMA agent, and want to install Service Map to see how and who the computers are talking (to)


Login to Azure Portal

Click on Log Analytics

Click on your Subscription

Click on Service Map

Click on the Download link for Windows or Linux

Save file



Take saved file and copy to computer





GUI method

If you want a PowerShell method, Daniel Orneling has a great blog and Gallery TechNet script that will help


Docs site link has more details

Execute the InstallDependencyAgent-Windows.exe


Answer yes for UAC elevation


Click I Agree


Click Finish




Verify Agent installed


NOTE: If installing for SCOM, it's based on the Rule 'Microsoft.SystemCenter.ServiceMapImport.Rule'



get-eventlog -logname “Operations Manager” -Source “HealthService” -newest 25 | ? {$_.eventID -eq
1201 } |fl

get-service MicrosoftDependencyAgent




Event Viewer

Installing and configuring the MMA agent


Maybe the MMA agent is like Venom?
Proof I’ve watched too many a Marvel movie…


An existential moment perhaps, but the MMA agent can be a bunch of strings stuck from one place to another, monitoring whatever its told to do.




If you are running SCOM2016 or above, the MMA agent is built-in with Log Analytics, just configure your workspace





Download and Install MMA agent

SCOM 2012R2 agent does not have MMA, so download MMA agent from Log Analytics workspace

Azure Portal > Log Analytics > Subscription > Advanced Settings

Click on Windows Servers from Connected Sources to download Windows Agent

Click on Linux Servers from Connected Sources to download Linux Agent



From the Azure Portal (

Click on Log Analytics, <your subscription >

Click on Advanced Settings

My view defaulted to Connected Sources > Windows Servers


Save the workspace ID and workspace key to notepad/OneNote for later




< Assuming the MMA agent is installed with Log Analytics capability >



Update MMA Agent with Workspace ID and Key

From MMA agent, update the OMS Workspace with the GUID copied to notepad


Click on Start > Control Panel, System and Security > Microsoft Monitoring Agent

Click on Azure Log Analytics (OMS) tab on MMA agent

Click Add


Add Workspace ID and Key to agent

Click OK

Click OK again on MMA properties


Look for the healthy green checkbox’d circle


Troubleshooting Errors in the Operations Manager Event Logs

Blog posts – Verify, 55002









Azure Log Analytics Service Map Planning and Pre-reqs

My grandfather said two things:

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of manure

Death and taxes are part of life


Planning out a deployment is a good thing.

My best friend would say “No one plans to fail, they just fail to plan”



This will be a multi-part blog – breaking out the high level steps, and my experience getting the solution set up.


What do we need for Service Map?

  • Azure connectivity
    • Setup Log Analytics workspace on MMA/SCOM agent article
    • Troubleshooting onboarding issues KB,
      • Check for Events in Operations Manager event logs blog
  • Computers in scope for visualization
    • What computers (Windows or Linux)
    • Pricing FAQ
  • Dependency agent installed on computers
  • Azure Service Principal
    • (think of it as an SSH shared key ID/password for Azure Apps to communicate)
    • Docs article


High level steps

  1. Overview blog
  2. Install the MMA agent blog
  3. Install the dependency agent blog
  4. Configure Azure Service Principal blog
  5. Configure Service Map on SCOM blog


Possible SQL issues affecting SCOM performance


Good reasons for a Risk Assessment


SQL RAS runs 800+ queries to check on target SQL servers

Check Best Practice Recommendations (BPR)


May be good opportunity to audit the SQL build for BPR!




Ran across some good examples where SQL settings brought SCOM to a standstill

One was Cardinality Estimation – basically, predicts how many rows a query will return

Part of SQL since 1998 with SQL Server v7.0


Let’s figure out what SQL2016 runs OoB (out of box)


SQL 2016

SELECT ServerProperty(‘ProductVersion’);

SELECT name, value
FROM sys.database_scoped_configurations



The other is CLR Strict Security

SELECT * FROM sys.configurations

WHERE name = ‘clr enabled’



Talking with Shawn Nakhostin – SQL PFE, we discussed opportunities and questions around SQL optimization and best practices.

Shawn gave me the following feedback on customer performance issues:

I’ve found some customers who have had performance issues with SQL based on organizational SQL settings:

  1. Trace flag 9481
  2. CLR Strict Security is by default enabled


Trace flag 9481

Enabling or disabling this TF is not a matter of best practice.

The customer should see what works for them.

Here is the explanation:

Customer started using a new cardinality estimator in SQL Server 2014.

The product team knew that the new CE improved some of the query plans, but not all of them. In other words, they knew that this would improve overall query performance in “some” environments but might have a different impact in other environments.

For this reason, they created TF 9481 so that environments that see query performance degradation after upgrading SQL Server from version 2012 and earlier, they can turn on this trace flag so that the query optimizer uses the old algorithm for CE.

Note:-Trace flag 9481 forces the query optimizer to use version 70 (the SQL Server 2012 version) of the cardinality estimator when creating the query plan.


CLR Strict Security is by default enabled

This causes all assemblies to be treated as unsafe.

As a result, assemblies will not load.

To get the assemblies to load they can do one of the following:

  • Sign the assembly. This may work if you have a few assemblies but becomes a huge task if there are many assemblies to sign.
  • Set the TRUSTWORTHY database property to on.
    • This is not recommended because in some form defeats the purpose of using CLR Strict Security.
  • Add the assembly to the trusted assemblies list.
    • This is called whitelisting, which may be a better option than the previous two.