Updated Skype for Business 2015 Addendum pack

Continuing work with Nick Wood on the Skype pack for additional operational features.

Previously Blogged about this July 2018, and continue to make improvements

The TechNet gallery bundle is updated with new functionality.

Skype KHI addendum

Pack gathers the Skype KHI performance counters

Packets * Discards performance rules where greater than 100 discards are seen on NIC’s,

Monitoring Tab folder/performance view

Skype Custom Overrides

Includes common overrides for noisy monitors/rules.

Install SCVMM management packs from VMM Server

Time for some automation

Ever have to upgrade SCVMM packs every time a new Update Release (UR) comes out?

Copy the files off from the VMM server to your SCOM MS, install.

How long does that take?

Try this script out – assuming you have a login on the VMM Server

TechNet Gallery post here

# Set up some variables


$VMMServer = “16VMM01”

# Set up your path, this example is monadmin\backup

$date = Get-Date -UFormat “%Y-%m-%d”

# Set up backup path

$backupPath = “C:\monadmin\backup”

$backupDrive = “C:”

# Create some functions

Watch them roll, let PowerShell do your work!

UR6 packs

SCOM management packs backed up

Check out the SCOM Console Admin tab for updates!

Troubleshooting Service Map pack




Updated 14 Mar 2019


If you get these exceptions like me, the issue has been raised, with a deliverable targeted for SCOM2019UR1.

Disable the rule to reduce noise.



Are you using Service Map Management pack, and getting errors?


This alert is based on the 46651/46652 event ID in the Operations Manager event log

From SCOM Console > Authoring Tab > Management Pack Objects > Rules

Search in ‘Look for:’ bar GenericException (yes no space in between)





Rule Details


To enable debug on the MS


For collecting logs, please do the following:

  • Create folders “c:\Debug\ext\”
  • Now, Wait for an hour(which is the default time interval set in the rule for running service map api).
  • You will see some log files created in that folder “ext”. Please share the same in email.


The file showed up after the alerts, and listed debug INFO and WARN lines, and the time stamps match up to the generic exception rules.


Stay tuned for more information, I have been trying to get more answers on the exception

{WARN} [12:35:20.966] [ScomUtils] failed to export XML for Management Pack: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

   at ScomBridge.ScomUtils.WritePackXmlToFile(ManagementPack pack, String filename)