Parse Events via PowerShell into table

Parsing Events via PowerShell into table
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Parse Events via PowerShell into table.  Ever have need to parse an event, and grab a field from the event description, then perform some action after that?


Here’s some PowerShell that may help you first to create a table, then setup columns, gather data, then parse what you need, and run a command to then output to the table


# Create Table for alerts

$Table = @()

$Table = $null


$Table = New-Object System.Data.DataTable “Failed Hosts List”

$Col1 = New-Object System.Data.DataColumn Host

$Col2 = New-Object System.Data.DataColumn IPAddress





$Alert20046 = Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{LogName=’Operations Manager’;



$Alerts20046 = $Alert20046.Message



$Alerts20046uniq = $Alerts20046 | sort -uniq



# $DeniedUniq = $Denied20046 | Sort-Object -Uniq

# $ServersDenied = @()


foreach ( $server in $DeniedUniq)


$Name = nslookup $server

foreach ($server in $Name)


# Add to Table   

# $Name.Split(“:”)[6]

# $Name.Split(“:”)[8]

$row = $Table.NewRow()

$row.Host = $Name.Split(“:”)[6]

$row.IPAddress = $Name.Split(“:”)[8]





Mining Windows Event Log

Mining Ore from the Windows Event Log and finding a way to make it portable


Use Get-WinEvent to use XML and filters from event viewer, to mine an event, including examples for a specific string, from a specific event, in a specific event log?



Hopefully this post will help with a few tips to simplify monitoring for events, whether in AzMon, SCOM, or via PowerShell.



Let’s start with the Dr Scripto blog post from quite a while ago –


Not sure how many people use get-WinEvent, but this is one tool in PowerShell that can help an admin parse the XML side of an event.


Example 1

Query Application Event Log for Severity, Event, and Event Data contains lync.exe

$query = @”


  <Query Id=”0″ Path=”Application”>

    <Select Path=”Application”>*[System[Provider[@Name=’Application Hang’]

    and (Level=2) and (EventID=1002)]]

    and *[EventData[Data=’lync.exe’]]</Select>




Get-WinEvent -FilterXml $query


PowerShell output

Use Get-WinEvent to use XML and filters from event viewer
Lync.exe event example output




Use Get-WinEvent to use XML and filters from event viewer

The Tip or Trick part of this – leverage your Event Viewer Filter as a query to use with get-WinEvent

Credit for this tip comes from Andrew Blumhardt!

See below for examples to ‘use Get-WinEvent to use XML and filters from event viewer’


Navigating via Event Viewer:

Hop onto your favorite server, or connect to another server via Event Viewer

Go to the Event Log > Click Filter Current Log

Build out your filter (i.e. choose specific Event Sources, exclude events, include severities, timeframe (start/end), etc.)

Use Get-WinEvent to use XML and filters from event viewer
SCVMM Application Log Event ID 25933

Switch to the XML tab (and note you can edit your query further!)

SCVMM query example screenshot
Event Viewer filter XML tab

You can copy the query from the Event Viewer into your Get-WinEvent syntax

$query = @”

<Query Id=”0″ Path=”Application”>
<Select Path=”Application”>*[System[Provider[@Name=’Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.2012.Monitor.UserRoleQuotaUsageMonitor’ or @Name=’Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.2012.Report.ServiceUsageCollection’ or @Name=’Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.2012.Report.VMUsageCollection’ or @Name=’Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.2016.EnableCredSSPClient’ or @Name=’Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.2016.Monitor.UserRoleQuotaUsageMonitor’ or @Name=’Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.2016.Report.ServiceUsageCollection’ or @Name=’Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.2016.Report.VMUsageCollection’] and (Level=2 or Level=3) and (EventID=25933)]]</Select>


Get-WinEvent -FilterXml $query


PowerShell output

Use Get-WinEvent to use XML and filters from event viewer
SCVMM query example screenshot





Example 3

Grab System Event Log, Event ID 5827  (NetLogon denied events)

get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{LogName=’System’; ID=’5827′;}


PowerShell output

Use Get-WinEvent to use XML and filters from event viewer
get-WinEvent filter by logname and event ID





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