Time to integrate your Monitoring tools to ITSM tool. First, this blog post documents ‘ServiceNow Incident integration’. Second, let’s explain the common acronym in my experience is SNOW/SNow. Third, some background – ServiceNow has been around for some time as an Information Technology Service Management (ITSM), and discovery tool. As a SaaS solution, companies can purchase a subscription and integrate tools via RESTAPI to create/update/close events or incidents.
First, let’s begin to discuss SCOM notification methods. SCOM2022 adds a new capability with Teams integration. Second, most people are familiar with notification methods leveraging Email (html or not), perhaps SMS, but not so much command channel, calling some script in shell, PowerShell, etc. Generally, the command channel is basically a post processing script capability to execute notifications. Third, example tools where command channel might be used – BMC BEM (BMC Event Manager), BMC Remedy, xMatters, DerDack; SNOW integration within SCOM, using notification channels. Lastly, SaaS solutions (vendors like xMatters, and ServiceNow) allow RESTAPI crafted requests to take actions.
SNOW prerequisites
1) ServiceNow User/Password (or API key)
2) SNOW RESTAPI PowerShell needs to securely access credentials
For the Incident PowerShell, we store Credentials within Windows Credential Manager
3) Network connectivity to SaaS provider (use test-netconnection from SCOM MS to test connectivity over whatever port(s) vendor requires.
ServiceNow CallerID GUID
4) Production and Test URL’s (also required for network connectivity tests)
5) Access to SNOW UI to verify required fields and values for the script parameters.
Update incident script and begin testing.
Download script from GitHub repo https://github.com/theKevinJustin/SCOM-SNOWIncidents
Download script, and copy to monitoring repository
Copy to SCOM management servers (MS)
NOTE Path, to run from management server
Update script, with pre-reqs above –
Credential Manager stored ID
For more detail, look at parameter examples below to verify UI.
Update with customer/ServiceNow SNOW subscription specific values:
##Company## (customize SNOW short_description)
##Team## (customize SNOW short_description)$Channel = “Direct”
#$Proxy = “##CustomerProxyURL##”
$CallerID = “##GUID##”
#$Proxy = “##CustomerProxyURL##”
$CallerID = “##GUID##”
# Test New-SNOWIncident.ps1
# Depending on how you want to randomly choose an incident
Lab example
$Alerts = get-scomalert -resolutionstate 0 | where { $_.Name -like “System Center*” }
Gather Critical, New alerts
$Alerts = get-scomalert -ResolutionState 0 -severity 2
Debug for warning alerts
$Alerts = get-scomalert -ResolutionState 0 -severity 1
# Debug
$Alerts[0] | fl ID,Name,Description,Severity,MonitoringObjectDisplayName
.\New-SNOWIncident.ps1 -AlertName $Alerts[0].Name -AlertID $Alerts[0].ID -Impact 4 -Urgency 4 -Priority 3 -AssignmentGroup “System Admin” -BusinessService “System Management” -Category Support -SubCategory Repair -Channel Direct
Example output
PS C:\Users\scomadmin\Desktop> .\New-SNOWIncident.ps1 -AlertName $Alert.Name -AlertID $Alert.ID -Impact 4 -Urgency 4 -Priority 3 -AssignmentGroup “System Admin” -BusinessService “System Management” -Category Support -SubCategory Repair -Channel Direct
TEST ServiceNow URL specified.
CredentialManager PoSH Module Installed, ModuleBase = C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\CredentialManager\2.0
The System Center Management Health Service 5E04F804-8B71-6EB6-0101-DCBB58022498 running on host 16DB02.testlab.net and s
erving management group with id {E39F5F53-9FBB-9D7F-4BFE-5F0324630AE5} is not healthy. Some system rules failed to load.
impact 4
urgency 4
priority 3
ServiceNow Credential NOT stored on server