SNOW REST connectivity

SNOW REST connectivity network icon
SNOW REST connectivity network icon


Verify ServiceNow test/production  environment connectivity.  Are you ready to begin the checks for ‘SNOW REST connectivity’?


Verify the following pre-requisites are met before proceeding:


TEST/PROD ServiceNow (SNow) URL(s)




High level outline:

Verify network connectivity via proxy, using SNOW URL’s, ID, password

Verify CredentialManager Snapin installed

Setup credentials in CredentialManager



Verify network connectivity via proxy, using SNOW URL’s, ID, password

Determine the SCOM notification account being used, see blog for details.

RDP to SCOM MS using notification account.

Open PowerShell as administrator

Verify network connectivity pasting command into PowerShell window

Example SNOW URL

Test-NetConnection -ComputerName -port 443

Test-NetConnection -ComputerName -port 443 -proxy ##PROXY##


Successful connectivity

PS C:\MonAdmin\SCRIPTS> Test-NetConnection -ComputerName -port 443

ComputerName     :

RemoteAddress    :

RemotePort       : 443

InterfaceAlias   : Ethernet 2

SourceAddress    :

TcpTestSucceeded : True



Verify CredentialManager Snapin is installed

Best practice – Encrypt credentials on SCOM MS to prevent cleartext in scripts.  To begin, this includes details to verify SnapIn, verify credentials stored, store credentials.


Verify CredentialManager Snapin is installed

RDP to SCOM MS server(s) as SCOM Notifications SVC account with SA access

Open PowerShell as administrator

Paste command(s) into PowerShell window to test network connectivity to SNOW environments

# Verify Credential Manager snap in installed

$CredMgrModuleBase = Get-Module -Name CredentialManager

if ( $Null -ne $CredMgrModuleBase.ModuleBase )

{ write-host -f yellow “CredentialManager PoSH Module Installed, ModuleBase = $($CredMgrModuleBase.ModuleBase)” }

if ( $Null -eq $CredMgrModuleBase.ModuleBase )

{ write-host -f red “CredentialManager PoSH Module NOT Installed” }


CredentialManager snapin PowerShell output
CredentialManager snapin PowerShell output


Verify Stored Credentials on server

First, verify any credentials stored on server, specific to ServiceNow or not.  Second, we begin to use the Get-StoredCredential command. Third, we will setup the credential for REST integration, lastly verifying credential.

Setup Credentials for SNOW RESTAPI

RDP to SCOM MS server(s) as SCOM Notifications SVC account with SA access

Open PowerShell as administrator

Paste command(s) into PowerShell window to test network connectivity to SNOW environments


If no output, there are no credentials stored under the RDP login.


Commands specific to ServiceNow to verify credentials exist

$Credential = Get-StoredCredential -Target “ServiceNowCredential”

$Credential = Get-StoredCredential -Target “svc_rest_scom”

CredentialManager Get-StoredCredential Output
CredentialManager Get-StoredCredential Output

Alternate command to verify stored credential

Get-StoredCredential -Target “ServiceNowCredential”

CredentialManager Get-StoredCredential -Target "ServiceNowCredential"
CredentialManager Get-StoredCredential -Target “ServiceNowCredential”



Setup Credentials for SNOW RESTAPI

RDP to SCOM MS server(s) as SCOM Notifications SVC account with SA access

Open PowerShell as administrator

Paste the following commands to create stored credential:

New-StoredCredential -Target “ServiceNowCredential” -UserName “svc_rest_scom” -Password “##Password##” -Persist ‘LocalMachine’


New-StoredCredential output example
New-StoredCredential output example


Verify credential being used by SCOM

$Credential = Get-StoredCredential -Target “ServiceNowCredential”



Therefore, network connectivity verified.  Lastly, encrypted credentials are stored in the SCOM notifications SVC account.  Continue the integration!

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