SNOW REST integration prerequisites

SNOW REST integration prerequisites
SNOW REST integration prerequisites

Did you know –

These PowerShell scripts allow organizations to specify which alerts/events that need to go to ITSM tool.

Does not matter to the tool, whether Broadcom (Spectrum/DXOI), SolarWinds, MECM/MEM/MCM, SCOM

Pretty much ANY tool that can leverage PowerShell scripts and/or REST calls can utilize this script.

The following ServiceNow ‘SNOW REST integration prerequisites’ are required before proceeding.

TEST/PROD ServiceNow (SNow) URL(s)



Incident short_description naming convention

ServiceNow SNOW Alert rule (to make events create incidents)

ServiceNow SNOW Incidents require additional variables to match ServiceNow selections


SNOW Incident short_description field is the title of the incident

Pre-define this in the SNOW REST Event/incident injection, to meet organizational naming conventions

Description can be additional details about the issue to be investigated, resolved.

SNOW Incident short_description, description fields
SNOW Incident short_description, description fields


Examples of short_description titles

# Setup SNOW Event Name standard

Example SNOWAlertName

$SNOWAlertName = “<Org> <Team> SCOM Test Event – $Alert”

Example SNOWAlertName

$SNOWAlertName = “<Team> <ORG> SCOM Event – $AlertName”

Example SNOWAlertName

$SNOWAlertName = “<Team> <ORG> SCOM $AlertName”

Example SNOWAlertName

$SNOWAlertName = “##CUSTOMER## ##TEAM## SCOM Event – $AlertName”

Example SNOWAlertName

$SNOWAlertName = “##TEAM## ##CUSTOMER##: SCOM – $AlertName”

Example SNOWAlertName

$SNOWAlertName = “##TEAM## ##CUSTOMER##: SPECTRUM – $AlertName”

Example SNOWAlertName

$SNOWAlertName = “##TEAM## ##CUSTOMER##: SOLARWINDS – $AlertName”


SNOW Incident fields

Direct Incident REST injection requires additional fields, such as caller, business_service, category, subcategory, channel, impact, urgency, priority, assignment_group
SNOW Incident fields
SNOW Incident fields
Additional SNOW incident fields
Additional SNOW incident fields


Additional information


SNOW Utah Connector

Additional blogs showing scope and options using ServiceNow for ITSM tool

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