Did you know –
These PowerShell scripts allow organizations to specify which alerts/events that need to go to ITSM tool.
Does not matter to the tool, whether Broadcom (Spectrum/DXOI), SolarWinds, MECM/MEM/MCM, SCOM
Pretty much ANY tool that can leverage PowerShell scripts and/or REST calls can utilize this script.
The following ServiceNow ‘SNOW REST integration prerequisites’ are required before proceeding.
TEST/PROD ServiceNow (SNow) URL(s)
Incident short_description naming convention
ServiceNow SNOW Alert rule (to make events create incidents)
ServiceNow SNOW Incidents require additional variables to match ServiceNow selections
SNOW Incident short_description field is the title of the incident
Pre-define this in the SNOW REST Event/incident injection, to meet organizational naming conventions
Description can be additional details about the issue to be investigated, resolved.
Examples of short_description titles
# Setup SNOW Event Name standard
Example SNOWAlertName
$SNOWAlertName = “<Org> <Team> SCOM Test Event – $Alert”
Example SNOWAlertName
$SNOWAlertName = “<Team> <ORG> SCOM Event – $AlertName”
Example SNOWAlertName
$SNOWAlertName = “<Team> <ORG> SCOM $AlertName”
Example SNOWAlertName
$SNOWAlertName = “##CUSTOMER## ##TEAM## SCOM Event – $AlertName”
Example SNOWAlertName
$SNOWAlertName = “##TEAM## ##CUSTOMER##: SCOM – $AlertName”
Example SNOWAlertName
$SNOWAlertName = “##TEAM## ##CUSTOMER##: SPECTRUM – $AlertName”
Example SNOWAlertName
$SNOWAlertName = “##TEAM## ##CUSTOMER##: SOLARWINDS – $AlertName”
SNOW Incident fields
Direct Incident REST injection requires additional fields, such as caller, business_service, category, subcategory, channel, impact, urgency, priority, assignment_group
Additional information
REST/RESTAPI https://www.techtarget.com/searchapparchitecture/definition/RESTful-API
SNOW Utah Connector https://docs.servicenow.com/bundle/utah-it-operations-management/page/product/event-management/task/t_EMConfigureSCOMConnector.html
Additional blogs showing scope and options using ServiceNow for ITSM tool