DNS Scavenging alerts

DNS Scavenging how it works

Need DNS Scavenging alerts, to see what’s cleaned up, or that scavenging failed?  Download the DNS Addendum pack from my GitHub repo https://github.com/theKevinJustin/DNSAddendumAgnostic

Latest revision first includes a EventID 2502 monitor for scavenging failed.  Second, the monitor has count logic (setup to alert with 2 events in 30 minutes).  Third, EventID 2501 rule details scavenging totals.  Lastly, built a weekly report to summarize the scavenging alerts (cliff notes!).



Some quick ‘how-to’ setup DNS scavenging

Example of RegKey showing that Scavenging is setup – note Scavenging Interval key


Example of AD integrated DNS setup with 21 day scavenging interval, and prompts to configure (click OK twice)

DNS Scavenging setup on AD integrated DNS server


Import management pack, and run DNS scavenging.


Verify scavenging alerts

SCOM Monitoring Tab > Active Alerts > ‘Look for:’ scavenging

Example output


Additional SCOM PowerShell commands

Run PowerShell commands from the SCOM management server (MS)

$DNSAlerts = get-scomalert -name "*Scavenging*"
$DNSAlerts | format-table PrincipalName,TimeRaised,Description -auto -wrap


Example Output

PS C:\Users\scomadmin> $DNSAlerts = get-scomalert -name “*Scavenging*”

PS C:\Users\scomadmin> $DNSAlerts


Severity     Priority   Name                                                                        TimeRaised

——–     ——–   —-                                                                        ———-

Warning      Normal     Windows DNS Event 2502 Scavenging Failed monitor addendum alert             8/19/2024 2:02:3…

Warning      Normal     Windows DNS Event 2502 Scavenging Failed monitor addendum alert             8/19/2024 1:07:0…

Information  Normal     Proactive DailyTasks DNSAlerts Scavenging Summary Report Alert              8/19/2024 10:11:…



DNS alerts formatted

PS C:\Users\scomadmin> $DNSAlerts | format-table PrincipalName,TimeRaised,Description -auto -wrap


PrincipalName    TimeRaised            Description

————-    ———-            ———–

DC02.testlab.net 8/19/2024 2:02:32 PM  Windows DNS Event 2502 Scavenging Failed monitor alert 1 alert in 15 minutes

Event Description:

The DNS server has completed a scavenging cycle but no nodes were visited.

Possible causes of this condition include:

The next scavenging cycle is scheduled to run in 168 hours.


Learn articles for more details https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/troubleshoot/windows-server/networking/dns-scavenging-setup

ServiceNow Event integration

ServiceNow Event integration
ServiceNow Event integration
Time to integrate your Monitoring tools to ITSM tool.  First, this blog post documents ‘ServiceNow Event integration’.  Second, let’s explain the common acronym in my experience is SNOW/SNow.  Third, some background – ServiceNow has been around for some time as an Information Technology Service Management (ITSM), and discovery tool.  As a SaaS solution, companies can purchase a subscription and integrate tools via RESTAPI to create/update/close events or incidents.
First, let’s begin to discuss SCOM notification methods.  SCOM2022 adds a new capability with Teams integration.  Second, most people are familiar with notification methods leveraging Email (html or not), perhaps SMS, but not so much command channel, calling some script in shell, PowerShell, etc.  Generally, the command channel is basically a post processing script capability to execute notifications.  Third, example tools where command channel might be used – BMC BEM (BMC Event Manager), BMC Remedy, xMatters, DerDack; SNOW integration within SCOM, using notification channels.  Lastly, SaaS solutions (vendors like xMatters, and ServiceNow) allow RESTAPI crafted requests to take actions.
SNOW prerequisites
1) ServiceNow User/Password (or API key)
2) SNOW RESTAPI PowerShell needs to securely access credentials
For the Incident PowerShell, we store Credentials within Windows Credential Manager
3) Network connectivity to SaaS provider (use PowerShell test-netconnection from SCOM MS to test connectivity over whatever port(s) vendor requires.
4) ServiceNow CallerID GUID
5) Production and Test URL’s (also required for network connectivity tests)
6) Access to SNOW UI to verify required fields and values for the script parameters.
Update incident script and begin testing.
Download script from GitHub repo https://github.com/theKevinJustin/New-SNowEvent/
Download script, and copy to monitoring repository
Copy to SCOM management servers (MS)
NOTE Path, to run from management server
Update script, with pre-reqs above –
Credential Manager stored ID
For more detail, look at parameter examples below to verify UI.
Update with customer/ServiceNow SNOW subscription specific values:
##CUSTOMER##    (customize SNOW short_description)
##TEAM##    (customize SNOW short_description)$Channel = “Direct”
$CallerID = “##CallerID##”
# if proxy is used, uncomment and replace with Proxy URL
#$Proxy = “##Proxy##”
# Test New-SNOWEvent.ps1
# Depending on how you want to randomly choose an alert to create SNOW event
Lab example
$Alerts = get-scomalert -resolutionstate 0 | where { $_.Name -like “System Center*” }
Gather Critical, New alerts
$Alerts = get-scomalert -ResolutionState 0 -severity 2
Debug for warning alerts
$Alerts = get-scomalert -ResolutionState 0 -severity 1
# Debug
$Alerts[0] | fl ID,Name,Description,Severity,MonitoringObjectDisplayName
.\New-SNOWEvent.ps1 -AlertName $Alerts[0].Name -AlertID $Alerts[0].ID -Impact 4 -Urgency 4 -Priority 3 -AssignmentGroup “System Admin” -BusinessService “System Management” -Category Support -SubCategory Repair -Channel Direct
Example output
PS C:\Users\scomadmin\Desktop> .\New-SNOWIncident.ps1 -AlertName $Alert.Name -AlertID $Alert.ID -Impact 4 -Urgency 4 -Priority 3 -AssignmentGroup “System Admin” -BusinessService “System Management” -Category Support -SubCategory Repair -Channel Direct
TEST ServiceNow URL specified.
CredentialManager PoSH Module Installed, ModuleBase = C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\CredentialManager\2.0
The System Center Management Health Service 5E04F804-8B71-6EB6-0101-DCBB58022498 running on host 16DB02.testlab.net and s
erving management group with id {E39F5F53-9FBB-9D7F-4BFE-5F0324630AE5} is not healthy. Some system rules failed to load.
impact 4
urgency 4
priority 3
ServiceNow Credential NOT stored on server

SCOM maintenance schedules

SCOM maintenance schedules
SCOM maintenance schedules
Do your SCOM users need to know if a server is in scheduled maintenance?  This came about as Aris asked questions.
 First, let’s discuss specific maintenance mode and maintenance schedule scenarios users might ask.  Second, determining IF scheduled maintenance enabled, running, about to run.  Third, how does another user know when scheduled maintenance ends, allowing action and decision point to add/extend server maintenance.  Fourth, whenever scheduled maintenance entered by one user, is NOT automatically seen by other roles.  While product guidance states ‘maintenance schedules be added by someone in SCOM admin group’, self-service users still need visibility.  Lastly, can we figure out a way to answer these questions.  Given these points, users to be able to see server maintenance details.  Also, can solution adhere to best practice ‘no alerts during planned maintenance’.
From PowerShell on SCOM MS
$ScheduleList = Get-SCOMMaintenanceScheduleList
foreach ( $ID in $ScheduleList.ScheduleID)
$Schedule = get-SCOMMaintenanceSchedule -ID $ID
# $Schedule.MonitoringObjects ;
(get-scomclassInstance -id $Schedule.MonitoringObjects.Guid).DisplayName
# Debug endtime
$Schedule | ft User,ActiveStartTime,ActiveEndDate,ScheduledEndTime
Example Output
SCOM Maintenance Schedule Output
SCOM Maintenance Schedule Output
Scheduled Maintenance report task
Maintenance mode report – what’s about to end maintenance mode.
Obviously, expect both workflows into the ‘Proactive NOSC DailyTasks’ pack.  GitHub repo  https://github.com/theKevinJustin/ProactiveNOSCDailyTasks

January addendum updates

Fast and Furious (sarcasm and humor)
Fast and Furious (sarcasm and humor)

January addendum updates for multiple management packs

First, the biggest change item for large enterprise environments included a change in syntax for get-SCOMAlert
get-scomalert -ResolutionState (0..254) -Name “##stringhere##*”
get-scomalert -ResolutionState 255 -Name “##stringhere##*”
Second, another change with the repo’s was a ‘whitespace audit’ encoded characters, or ‘data concealment’.  See AT&T link CyberSecurity Link
Third, after whitespace we focused on script/workflow efficiencies seen in large enterprise environments.  While Efforts began in December, the workflow efficiencies sprint resulted in two sets of improvements.
Fast and Efficient
Fast and Efficient
1) Added ‘Reset Monitors Script base code’ $Age variable
What does this mean?
Simply put $Age allows admins to define monitor age before resetting.
The default is 1 (day), but can be specified in the script to tailor to requirements.
$Age = [DateTime](Get-Date).AddDays(-1)
2) Beyond incorporating $Age into the reset monitor logic, the packs utilize logic for a much faster runtime (~90%+).
What does this mean?
Updated logic quickly gathers unhealthy monitor objects, by leveraging ‘Get-SCOMManagementPack‘ and then ‘Get-SCOMClass‘, before passing to ‘Get-SCOMClassInstance‘.
Example PowerShell
## Grab the MP, get the Monitors and Rules from the MP, then grab all alerts found inside the Monitors/Rules
$SCOMCoreMP = Get-SCOMManagementPack -DisplayName “Microsoft Windows Server DNS Monitoring”
# Get classes – Examples –
$Monitoring = $SCOMCoreMP
# DNS pack naming
$DNSClasses = @(Get-SCOMClass -ManagementPack $Monitoring; )
$DNSClass = $DNSClasses | sort -property Name -uniq

Repo’s updated in January

January addendum updates include:
ADCS, ADDS, DNS, DFS/File Services, IIS, SCCM pack for MECM/MEM/MCM monitoring, Operating Systems, Proactive NOSC Daily Tasks, and Tangible ProV application monitoring.

Links below to GitHub repositories (repo’s)

Tangible ProV application monitoring

Tangible ProV application monitoring - (touch)
Tangible ProV application monitoring – (touch)


Use the Tangible SCOM management pack to monitor logins and ProV application registration issues.  First, the management pack configures Seed class discovery.  Second, the pack includes rules/monitors for Tangible ProV software.  Third, rules and monitors for 2802 ‘Could not validate product key’ and 4402 ‘Could not validate the contents of user logon request context: AS-REQ contains an invalid or unknown username type’ events.  Fourth, the service monitor, which uses Kevin Holman’s fragment library for service recovery scripts/rules.  Fifth, scheduled and on-demand daily reports for audit and record keeping purposes.  Lastly, alert cleanup logic, to reduce admin burden and overhead.


Reference the Tangible vendor’s website – Tangible ProV application website


NOTE: This may not apply for everyone, as the ProV application ‘Auto-provisions Active Directory user accounts for visitors or new employees whenever they want to work from one of your PCs.’


The Daily report piece of the pack makes things easier answering ‘what happened in the last 24-72 hours’ question.  Gathers open/closed insights and organizes alerts.

Screenshot of the daily report

Zero Alert example of daily report
Zero Alert example of daily report

Report example of insights (in text)

Open ProV alerts = 13Since last report run:#———————–Total ProV alerts = 23Auto-closed monitors = 22Auto-closed rules = 0Total automation closures:#—————————Auto-closed monitors = 262Auto-closed rules = 0# Unhealthy Tangible ProV service alert details#==============================================NetbiosComputerName TimeRaised           RepeatCount Name                     ——————- ———-           ———– —-                     DC01        8/11/2023 5:18:14 AM           0     Tangible ProV ProVService…


All in all, the daily report utilizes get and set-SCOMAlert to accomodate large enterprise environments.

$OpenAlerts = get-scomalert -ResolutionState (0..254) -Name “Tangible ProV ProVService Service*”

$OpenAlerts = $OpenAlerts | ? { $_.TimeRaised -ge $Time }
# $OpenAlerts.count

# Closed alerts
$ClosedAlerts = get-scomalert -ResolutionState 255 -Name “Tangible ProV ProVService Service*” | ? { $_.TimeRaised -ge $Time }
# $ClosedAlerts.count



Tangible ProV application monitoring details and download

GitHub https://github.com/theKevinJustin/TangibleProV

Download here


Improving SCOM Monitor reset logic

Faster - Improving SCOM Monitor reset logic
Faster – Improving SCOM Monitor reset logic


My thanks to Aris Somatis for his deep dive reviewing the packs with me, particularly new use cases.  The PowerShell below builds on Scott Murr’s initial TechNet published logic from years back.  Consequently, the reset logic provides a ‘manual intervention required’ alerting/monitoring system.



Improving SCOM monitor reset logic

Calling the reset method has been a game changer for my customers – including operators, system and application owners!


Scott’s reset logic, from SCOM2012, helped administrators reset unhealthy monitors where alerts may have been closed.  Because Scott leveraged the ResetMonitoringState method, the community gained a way to keep true health.  Additionally, many administrators and engineers built custom management packs to provide solutions.  Second, the addendum packs blog brought in more options – best practices, lessons from the field (and customers), and health model accurate alerting for what was really broken in the environment.  Third,    addressing ‘gaps’ or ‘blind spots’ from product teams.   As a result of NEW monitoring, the packs may include: rules/monitors, datasource/writeAction (DS/WA) workflows, recovery tasks and automation, count logic monitors, overrides, discoveries, and groups.    Thirdly, to take monitoring to the next level.  To top that off, with very little/NO cost compared to competitors!

PowerShell code

Aris’s Age use case takes this even further.  Using monitor age allows further analysis to dial down ‘monitor reset’ to object is X days old.  Comparatively, the 24-72 hour setup default is used in the addendums, so Age provides a second option.  Third option can rely on SCOM’s built-in cleanup, but that’s typically 14-30 days.   Overall, flexibility is a good thing.


# Specify age variable for your environment

$Age = [DateTime](Get-Date).AddDays(-7)


PowerShell code snippet

First, the reset logic can pivot on the age requirement.  Then, adjust the Age variable per requirements.  Third, figure out which method applies to gather a unique list of classes, whether by partial string(s), or by management pack name(s).


Set age variable (how long ‘OLD’ monitors might be stale and need reset)

# Example sets $Age variable to 7 days ago (-7)

$Age = [DateTime](Get-Date).AddDays(-7)



Unpack two different ways to gather classes for monitors to reset

# When common string name exists in all classes

Example DFS/FileServices packs all have one of the three strings:

# DFS pack naming

$DFSClasses = @(Get-SCOMClass -Name “*FileServices*”; Get-SCOMClass -Name “*FileServer*”; Get-SCOMClass -Name “*DFS*” )

$DFSClass = $DFSClasses | sort -property Name -uniq

# Debug



# Get AD classes – Microsoft.Windows.Server.AD.2016.Discovery, Microsoft.Windows.Server.AD.Library

$ADLibrary = Get-SCOMManagementPack -name “Microsoft.Windows.Server.AD.Class.Library”

#get-scomclass -ManagementPack $ADLibrary

$ADMonitoring = Get-SCOMManagementPack -name “Microsoft.Windows.Server.AD.2016.Monitoring”

#get-scomclass -ManagementPack $ADMonitoring | fl DisplayName,Name,ID

$ADDiscovery = Get-SCOMManagementPack -name Microsoft.Windows.Server.AD.2016.Discovery

#get-scomclass -ManagementPack $ADDiscovery | fl DisplayName,Name,ID

# ADDS pack naming

$ADDSClasses = @(Get-SCOMClass -ManagementPack $ADLibrary; Get-SCOMClass -ManagementPack $ADDiscovery; )

# NOTE Excluded AD Monitoring pack as NO classes existed

$ADDSClass = $ADDSClasses | sort -property Name -uniq


# Debug count of unique classes




Reset monitor PowerShell screenshot

Download from GitHub https://github.com/theKevinJustin/SCOMMonitorReset

SCOM Reset PowerShell
SCOM Reset PowerShell


Example PowerShell on HealthService resets

NOTE debug logic enabled

Found 0 unhealthy monitors for class Microsoft.SystemCenter.HealthServicesGroup
Found 1 unhealthy monitors for class Microsoft.SystemCenter.HealthServiceWatcher

Resetting Health State on ' + Microsoft.SystemCenter.HealthServiceWatcher:Microsoft.SystemCenter.AgentWatchersGroup;5e0
4f804-8b71-6eb6-0101-dcbb58022498 + '



Building on Scott’s idea – (retired links)
Original post https://sc.scomurr.com/scom-2012-monitor-reset-cleaning-up-the-environment/
TechNet gallery download https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/SCOM-2012-Batch-reset-63a17534
Alternate link https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/Auto-reset-script-for-d8b775ca

Hear ye hear ye

Hear ye hear ye - see the nice warm toasty updated packs
Hear ye hear ye – see the nice warm toasty updated packs

See the nice warm toasty updated packs

Fresh off the press, right to your door, just in time for that gift for your special someone!  Time for new updates to keep you ever-green’d, up to date, fixes, etc.  ;-P


Holman updated his SCOM.Management pack for SCOM2022 UR2

Github https://github.com/thekevinholman/SCOM.Management


Addendum packs updated

Multiple packs with multiple updates.  Removed debug detail for DS/WA (Data Source/Write Action workflows) Health Explorer outputs, simplified mgmt pack recovery tasks for single WA script.

Active Directory Certificate Services (ADCS) version agnostic 2016+ addendum https://github.com/theKevinJustin/ADCS2016-Addendum 2012 here  See the blog post for capabilities here https://kevinjustin.com/blog/2023/08/18/adcs-addendum-packs/

Active Directory Domain Services addendum https://github.com/theKevinJustin/ADDSAddendumAgnostic

See the blog post for capabilities here https://kevinjustin.com/blog/2023/08/18/adds-addendum-pack/

Active Directory Federation Services addendum https://github.com/theKevinJustin/ADFSAddendum See the blog post for capabilities here https://kevinjustin.com/blog/2023/08/18/adfs-addendum-pack/

FileServices Agnostic addendum https://github.com/theKevinJustin/FileServicesAddendum See the blog post for capabilities here https://kevinjustin.com/blog/2023/08/31/file-services-addendum/

MCM/MEM/MECM/SCCM Configuration Manager addendum https://github.com/theKevinJustin/MECMSCCMAddendum See the blog post for capabilities here https://kevinjustin.com/blog/2023/08/30/mecm-sccm-addendum-pack/

PKI certificate monitoring addendum https://github.com/theKevinJustin/PKIAddendum See the blog post for capabilities here https://kevinjustin.com/blog/2023/08/24/pki-addendum-pack/

Proactive NOSC DailyTasks reports addendum https://github.com/theKevinJustin/ProactiveNOSCDailyTasks See the blog post for capabilities here https://kevinjustin.com/blog/2023/08/15/proactive-daily-reports/

SCOM Core addendum https://github.com/theKevinJustin/SCOMCoreAddendum See the blog post for capabilities here https://kevinjustin.com/blog/2023/08/30/scomcore-addendum-pack/

Top Process workflows tied to monitors in Tier1 https://github.com/theKevinJustin/TopProcessTier1 See the blog post for capabilities here https://kevinjustin.com/blog/2023/08/15/proactive-daily-reports/

Tier0 https://github.com/theKevinJustin/TopProcess

Windows Server 2012/2012R2 Operating System Addendum https://github.com/theKevinJustin/2012OSAddendum See the blog post for capabilities here https://kevinjustin.com/blog/2023/08/28/os-addendum-packs/

Windows Server 2016+ version agnostic Operating System Addendum https://github.com/theKevinJustin/2016ServerAgnostic See the blog post for capabilities here https://kevinjustin.com/blog/2023/08/28/os-addendum-packs/



Updated DNS2012R2 Addendum

DNS2012R2 addendum pack updated!

Updated DNS2012R2 Addendum overrides.  Learned a few new things with Overrides workspace views, and why Authoring pane > Management pack Objects > Overrides may not load.



When your management pack has improper overrides, expect the loading icon.  This may be caused due to overrides, whether error is with target, class/rule/monitor.

Console Overrides Loading
Console Overrides Loading


Sometimes, an Object of class error gets your hopes up (pointing at a non-existent object).

Object of Class error
Object of Class error


Example when Overrides loads properly

When Authoring Tab Overrides view loads successfully.
When Authoring Tab Overrides view loads successfully.



If Overrides view will not load, try creating a workspace view for Overrides.

Navigation Steps:

From SCOM Console

Click on My Workspace

Right Click  > New > Overrides Summary View

Create Workspace Overrides View
Create Workspace Overrides View


Select checkbox ‘with a specific override management pack’ checkbox, then the ‘specific’ link to choose management pack(s).

Select Specific Override management pack(s)
Select Specific Override management pack(s)


Choose unsealed management pack(s) with overrides

Can select all – OR pick a few to see what loads without errors

Click OK

If you get the loading screen and error, now begins the pack analysis.


Clicking on the ‘Show’ link points to a non-existent object

Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Common.ObjectNotFoundException: An object of class ManagementPackClass with ID 76e2559c-aaf4-b1ec-60cf-d40ab4102fbc was not found.


How did I know that?

Run get-SCOMClassInstance command from PowerShell or Operations Manager shell

Example output of ‘get-SCOMClassInstance -ID “76e2559c-aaf4-b1ec-60cf-d40ab4102fbc” ‘

Get-SCOMClassInstance output of the GUID listed in the console error.
Get-SCOMClassInstance output of the GUID listed in the console error.


Work on the Overrides of the affected XML packs, and Import.

Once corrected, the Workspace view loads successfully, finite!

Overrides Workspace view of addendum packs




My Workspace https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/system-center/scom/manage-web-console-my-workspace?view=sc-om-2022

Monitoring workspace https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/system-center/scom/manage-using-monitoring-workspace?view=sc-om-2022

NiCE VMware addendum

'NiCE VMware addendum' enhances VMware monitoring, tuning alerts to 'manual intervention' required alerting. 
‘NiCE VMware addendum’ enhances VMware monitoring, tuning alerts to ‘manual intervention’ required alerting.

‘NiCE VMware addendum’ enhances VMware monitoring, tuning alerts to ‘manual intervention’ required alerting. The NiCE folks have been around for some time as a trusted Microsoft partner, creating additional monitoring functionality across Microsoft products.  Having completed a number of projects implementing the VMware pack, it’s time to share the configuration and alert report capabilities.



Changes to Nice vmware pack

Key breakdown of VMware ESX environment monitoring

NiCE VMware monitoring features for ESX, vSphere, vSAN environments
NiCE VMware monitoring features for ESX, vSphere, vSAN environments


Adjustments to vendor pack to further the mantra ‘alert when manual intervention required’.

Set monitor alerts to multiple samples over an hour (i.e. compute and performance of ESX environment)

Reports by team (requires regular expression updates for environment servers owned by each team)

Monitor reset logic, and service monitorType (count logic for X failures over Y time, before alert)

Overrides to change vendor pack provided discoveries, rules, monitors

Remove alert noise for unmanaged objects in ESX environment


Customize pack for environment

Customize the ‘NiCE VMware addendum’ pack for specific environment. This means updating group discoveries, and GUIDs for group specific overrides.  Further updates are required to update server naming conventions for team virtualization reports.

Classes/groups created for pack

VMware classes included for additional customization.


Breakout of Discoveries that need pattern updates to match

Find/Replace ##ESXHostDataStoreNamingConventions## with names to exclude

Example of regular expressions for multiple customers

VMware Group Seed Classes defined in the addendum.


Update disable guest machine alerts

Disable guest machines in ESX environment to disable alerts.

Find ##ESXGuestServersDiskUsageNamingConventions##

Replace with relevant guest naming conventions


Example template/guest/virtual machine names typically disabled

Update discovery to disable alerts on object names of virtual machines in ESX environment.


Service MonitorType

Service MonitorType adds Samples and Intervals to alert after consecutive failures (x failures in y minutes then alert )

VMware service MonitorType defined in the addendum.

Rules, Monitors, Recoveries

List of workflows used to troubleshoot/resolve problems

VMware addendum rules, VMTools monitor, and recovery components included.




NiCE VMware management pack https://www.nice.de/nice-vmware-mp/


File Services Addendum

File Services is all about sharing.
File Services is all about sharing.

‘File Services Addendum’, named Microsoft Windows Server FileServices 2016 Addendum, adds replication health/backlog script, seed and group classes, replication/service monitors, recovery tasks, and overrides to tune monitored environment.




Overview of File Services monitoring

Addendum assumes the file services version agnostic version 10. pack is installed.

Looking at XML file in Notepad++, the pack references are what packs the workflows refer to (other management packs).  Kevin Holman taught building backwards compatibility with MP authoring.  Backwards compatibility allows SCOM2012+ import without errors.  To take this one step further, the v10.0.0.0 file services packs referenced represent the version agnostic packs.

NOTE: File Services Addendum references may need updates if the whole file services management packs are NOT installed.

References screenshot

File Services Addendum references may need updates if the whole file services management packs are NOT installed.


Addendum logic


Daily report and close automation, on-demand tasks for reports

DFS backlog script errors

SmSvc, DFSN, DFSR service recovery and rule alerts (from Holman fragments library)

DFS replication backlog watcher, script, alerts


Notepad++ screenshot

Addendum rules, tasks, monitors, recoveries.


Next, we look at the group/class discoveries

Update the Class/Group discoveries for DFS servers or script install paths for replication script.
Update the Class/Group discoveries for DFS servers or script install paths for replication script.

Update Class/Group discoveries for DFS servers or script install paths for replication script.

Find and replace FilePath and ##DFSServerNamingConvention## variable.

Save file and Import




Kevin Holman MP authoring with fragments https://kevinholman.com/2019/01/17/mp-authoring-with-fragments-introducing-combo-fragments/

Kevin Holman MP fragment library https://github.com/thekevinholman/FragmentLibrary