Delete PKI certificates

Don't you wish this were the certificates we worked with!
Don’t you wish this were the certificates we worked with!


Man, I wish I had a few of these certificates in my PKI infrastructure (portfolio)!  Ever need to identify an expired certificate, and or delete the certificate?  Depending on UAC, AppLocker, and other settings, the delete portion may require server logon.



Identify an expired certificate

Few ways to identify an expired certificate on servers.

Via RDP session to server

RDP to server, open MMC > Add Plug In > Certificates > for Computer

RDP to server, MMC, Certificates Plug In, Computer, expand certificate store to find expired certificate.
RDP to server, MMC, Certificates Plug In, Computer, expand certificate store to find expired certificate.


Via PowerShell

GCI Cert:\LocalMachine\*

The certificate store file path will vary the above command.

NOTE the SuperUser blog post will help decipher the folder name


Via ‘smart’ PowerShell across multiple machines

Courtesy of Vance Cozier!

“server1”,”server2″| % {invoke-command $_ -scriptblock {$env:ComputerName; GCI Cert:\LocalMachine\* }}


Via Monitoring for expired certificates

Using SCOM Certificate Monitoring or PKI monitoring management packs

Identify Expired certificates

Console navigation steps:

From SCOM console > Monitoring Tab

Expand PKI folder > Expand Certificates and CRLs folder

Click on ‘Certificates – Expired’ state view

SCOM Expired PKI certificates state view.
SCOM Expired PKI certificates state view.


Did you know

Run PowerShell commands from Holman’s SCOM Management pack (blog)- github download

Run PowerShell from Monitoring tool

From SCOM console > Monitoring Tab > SCOM Management folder > SCOM Agents

Highlight agent(s)

From Tasks Pane > click on ‘Execute any PowerShell’ task

SCOM Management pack, SCOM Agents, highlight agent(s), click on Task Pane > Execute any PowerShell task.
SCOM Management pack, SCOM Agents, highlight agent(s), click on Task Pane > Execute any PowerShell task.

On the pop-up window, click Override

Adjust timeout to 70 (seconds)

Override command line

Run the following commands (various Certificate store examples provided for removing expired certificates)

Personal Certificates folder

Get-ChildItem Cert:\LocalMachine\My | ? { (( $_.Subject -like “*GlobalSign*” ) -OR ( $_.Issuer -like “*GlobalSign*” )) -and $_.NotAfter -lt (get-date) } | fl Subject,Issuer

Trusted Root folder

Get-ChildItem Cert:\LocalMachine\Root | ? { ( $_.Subject -like “*GlobalSign*” ) -OR ( $_.Issuer -like “*GlobalSign*” ) } | fl  Subject,Issuer

Third Party Root

Get-ChildItem Cert:\LocalMachine\AuthRoot | ? { (( $_.Subject -like “*GlobalSign*” ) -OR ( $_.Issuer -like “*GlobalSign*” )) -and $_.NotAfter -lt (get-date) } | fl Subject,Issuer

Run PowerShell task.
Run PowerShell task.

Click OK button to close Overrides window

Click OK to run task

View task output

PS C:\Users\admin> Get-ChildItem Cert:\LocalMachine\Root | ? { ( $_.Subject -like “*GlobalSign*” ) -OR ( $_.Issuer

like “*GlobalSign*” ) } | fl Subject,Issuer


Subject : CN=GlobalSign Root CA, OU=Root CA, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, C=BE

Issuer  : CN=GlobalSign Root CA, OU=Root CA, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, C=BE

Subject : CN=GlobalSign, O=GlobalSign, OU=GlobalSign Root CA – R2

Issuer  : CN=GlobalSign, O=GlobalSign, OU=GlobalSign Root CA – R2



Once task completes, go back to the Certificates state view > highlight the certificate > Click the Rediscover Certificates task

SCOM PKI Certificate state view
SCOM PKI Certificate state view




Delete PKI certificates

After identifying correct certificate and folder in question that requires deletion:

    1. Verify backup of certificate
    2. Test delete via PowerShell window from SCOM

Get-ChildItem Cert:\LocalMachine\AuthRoot | ? { ( $_.Subject -like “*GlobalSign*” ) -OR ( $_.Isser -like “*GlobalSign*” ) } | Remove-Item -DeleteKey

  1. Verify Task output shows certificate deleted
  2. Refresh MMC GUI > Certificates plug in, and folder to verify certificate deleted
  3. Go back to SCOM Console Monitoring Tab
  4. Expand PKI folder
  5. Expand Certificates and CRLs folder
  6. Click on Certificates – Expired state view
  7. In Tasks pane on right, click on Rediscover certificates task, Click OK to run
  8. Open Health Explorer and reset monitor to clear alert

Alternatively, leverage PowerShell reset logic on SCOM MS, use blog




SCOM Certificate monitoring TechCommunity blog

Download SCOM Certificate monitoring pack

Long-standing PKI certificate pack and blog

Identify certificate stores to windows folders

STIG finding V-69223

Why Addendum packs

IT Ninja required for improving monitoring hence 'Why addendum packs'
IT Ninja required for improving monitoring hence ‘Why addendum packs’


‘Why addendum packs’?  What value can they bring to my customer?  Kevin Holman started the Addendum thought process quite a while back.  Added functionality to a core application/program/product.  The first example of this pack naming convention is his SQL RunAs Addendum to simplify SQL monitoring.   Let’s break down a number of examples how the SCOM community has built packs to better monitoring, and how I believe the addendum packs bring IT Ninja lessons from Microsoft experts monitoring to your environment.


Why Addendum packs

Better monitoring from the experts, including customer examples for other ‘blind spots’ in monitoring.  Blind spots consist of ‘not monitored’ pieces of infrastructure, from simply an event, ping, service, tcp port check, process, web site, scripted workflow, with the purpose to identify a problem.

The goal of monitoring is to:

Identify, self-heal, automatically run recovery or diagnostic workflows alert when manual intervention is required.  Doesn’t matter what tool you use, they all do some portion of these steps.


The addendum packs do these things, adding a few differentiators.

Auto closure daily scripts (close rules/monitors)

Auto reports of problems (M-F 0600-0700 local, reflecting last 24-72 hours of open/closed alerts)

Employ count logic (x in y time)

Self-heal monitors with no new events

Adjust alert severities to health model

where critical (red) = outage, warning (yellow) = issue, informational reports or FYI’s

Capable of updating alerts (status, owner, ticketID+)

Tasks to run workflows on-demand

Recovery tasks – (i.e. service restart automation or TopProcess, Logical disk cleanup, MECM Client cache clean )

Integrate additional monitoring (like DFS replication queue script/alerts)

Synthetic checks for DNS and web applications

Web Availability and Transactional monitoring, ADFS, CRL, PowerShell Invoke-WebRequest, and more

Security and Compliance checks


Imagine I forgot something capability wise.

Stay tuned, as this builds into an even better outcome, quality data into ‘a single pane of glass’ of multiple tools within PowerBI.

SQL query Plan howto

SQL Query Plan - can't you do anything right?
SQL Query Plan – can’t you do anything right?

Ever need to build out a capability and the SQL query is your blocker?  Use a SQL query Plan ‘howTo’ to figure out what’s taking query so long.  My thanks to Dennis Zwahlen (a Data and AI CSA – LinkedIn ) helping me figure out what was causing a SCOM DW SQL query to render data VERY slowly!


Don’t get me wrong, the sheer volume of events is definitely part of the problem.   Event rules are using expressions to further restrict collected event data.

SCOM DW Events ingested for DC Security Events when SIEM is a limit, and NOT using ACS feature

SCOM DW Events ingested for DC Security Events when SIEM is a limit, and NOT using ACS feature.  Will discuss the SCOM DW Event ingestion and additional XML authoring options to turn down the pressure.


Time to use the ‘SQL query Plan howto’ blog for SQL execution plan, to help to figure out why the DW Query takes so long.  Using the execution plan, similar to SQL profiler, will provide insight to possibly speed up query, allowing PowerBI app/report rendering of data.

From SSMS > View > Add Display Estimated Execution Plan

From SSMS > View > Add Display Estimated Execution Plan
From SSMS > View > Add Display Estimated Execution Plan


SQL execution plan starting from the left documenting SQL query
SQL query plan starting from the left documenting SQL query

SQL query plan starting from the left documenting SQL query

Sort is taking 4.5 minutes in this example of the SQL execution plan visual.  You can see moving right from the Join lines documents how SQL behaves, and how each piece affects overall execution.

SQL query plan starting moving right from the left documenting SQL query
SQL query plan starting moving right from the left documenting SQL query

Hope this helps for another diagnostic SQL step in your tool box!

Updating SQLserver packs to v7.2.0.0

HA HA HA, that's so funny. An error I didn't expect importing the SQL packs 'Updating SQLServer packs to v7.2.0.0'
HA HA HA, that’s so funny. An error I didn’t expect importing the latest SQL packs ‘Updating SQLServer packs to v7.2.0.0’


Quick public service announcement – remove the SQL Server Core Custom Monitoring pack before ‘updating SQLServer packs to v7.2.0.0’!  Read to save time and frustration, before importing the packs, as the previous pack isn’t upgradable to v7.2.0.0.



Updating SQL server packs to v7.2.0.0

Download links for SQL Server with SSIS, Dashboards, SSAS, SSRS

Check Holman’s GitHub Repo for a newer SQL ‘runAs’ pack

Run the MSI’s and copy the files to your file repository on the MS.

If you created custom SQL monitors, backup (export) override pack(s).

Remove the SQL Server Core Custom Monitoring pack.

Import packs and enjoy!

Screenshot list of SQL v7.2.0.0 packs
Screenshot list of SQL v7.2.0.0 packs

This ends the ’emergency broadcasting system’ Updating SQL server packs to v7.2.0.0

Resolve HSTS vulnerability CVEs on IIS10

IIS Error 500 – Don’t let a vulnerability cause downtime with your SCOM web console


This article will help resolve security HSTS vulnerability CVEs on IIS10.  The steps apply to Windows Server 2016+, to help resolve multiple vulnerabilities, including CVE-2023-23915 CVE-2023-23914 CVE-2017-7789.   There are a few ways to configure IIS, and the blog post will show how to set up HTTP response, and HTTP redirect for the SCOM web console role’d server(s).


Setting HSTS on IIS10 to resolve with Server2016 1609

Open PowerShell window as Admin
cd c:\windows\winsxs
gci wow64_microsoft-windows-iis-shared* | ft Name

Example aim for latest directory
NOTE bottom entry based on software versioning

Example output
PS C:\windows\winsxs> gci wow64_microsoft-windows-iis-shared* | ft Name


# AppCMD lines
.\appcmd.exe set config -section:system.applicationHost/sites “/[name=’Default Web Site’].hsts.enabled:True” /commit:apphost
.\appcmd.exe set config -section:system.applicationHost/sites “/[name=’Default Web Site’].hsts.max-age:31536000” /commit:apphost
.\appcmd.exe set config -section:system.applicationHost/sites “/[name=’Default Web Site’].hsts.includeSubDomains:True” /commit:apphost
.\appcmd.exe set config -section:system.applicationHost/sites “/[name=’Default Web Site’].hsts.redirectHttpToHttps:True” /commit:apphost



For Server2016 1709 and greater

To add the HSTS Header, follow the steps below:

Open IIS manager.
Select your site.
Open HTTP Response Headers option.
Click on Add in the Actions section.
In the Add Custom HTTP Response Header dialog, add the following values:
Name: Strict-Transport-Security
Value: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload
Or directly in web.config as below under system.webServer:

<add name=”Strict-Transport-Security” value=”max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload” />

NOTE iisreset may be required to restart IIS and apply settings



Verify HTTP Response Headers

From IIS10 (IIS Manager) > click on ‘Default Web Site’ > HTTP Response Headers

Verify Strict-Transport-Security blurb matches

HSTS IIS10 HTTP Response Headers screenshot verifying settings applied



Set HTTP Redirect

Now to set the HTTP redirect, to prevent denial of service (DoS) attacks.

From IIS10 (IIS Manager) > Expand ‘Default Web Site’ > HTTP Redirect


Default Web Site HTTP Redirect to SCOM web console URL



From IIS10 (IIS Manager) > Expand ‘Default Web Site’ > go through each Application to set HTTP redirect


Set HSTS HTTP Redirect on other web applications
Set HSTS HTTP Redirect on other web applications


Test your web console URL to verify components




NIST CVE-2023-23915 CVE-2023-23914

Mitre CVE-2017-7789

Blog link


Configure MMA agent via PowerShell

A car mechanic uses battery jumper cables to charge a dead battery.


Do you feel like a mechanic having to jump start the agent configuration like a dead car battery?   Assuming the Agent is already installed, you can configure the SCOM agent via PowerShell.  Even better when you can PowerShell remote to multiple systems.  I hope the PowerShell commands below help you master PowerShell to configure the SCOM side of the MMA agent (house).



# Find/replace variables to your environment like Kevin Holman’s fragments!

$SCOMAgent = New-Object -ComObject AgentConfigManager.MgmtSvcCfg

# If mgmt groups are incorrectly set

restart-service healthservice

# Domain

# Verify agent config
# If you have a second management group


# Restart and test connectivity
restart-service healthservice

# Check connectivity
test-netconnection -port 5723 -computername ##SCOMMGMTSERVER1##



SCOM Snapshot Synchronization alerts

Synchronized Swimmers

Updated 4 Apr 2023 with Tyson’s feedback!


First, some background – the Snapshot Synchronization alert just tells you there was a SQL issue running the workflow.

Second, the Snapshot Synchronization alert from a health model perspective, is NOT a critical issue (outage).  Create override severity to 1 (warning) to prevent false wake-up calls.  I’ll get this to my GitHub repo shortly!




Let’s troubleshoot the alert

Start with Tyson’s SCOM Maintenance pack, and run the tasks

Tyson’s SCOM Maintenance pack tasks


Alternative long steps

Login to server with SSMS installed –

Open SSMS > Connect to the SCOM OpsMgr DB > Click on New Query

***NOTE verify database dropdown shows Operations Manager!

Paste SQL query into the query textbox

Select WorkItemName, b.WorkItemStateName, ServerName, StartedDateTimeUtc, CompletedDateTimeUtc, DurationSeconds, ERRORMESSAGE
from cs.WorkItem a , cs.WorkItemState b
where a.WorkItemStateId= b.WorkItemStateId
and WorkItemName = ‘SnapshotSynchronization’


Snapshot Synchronization alert query




Example SQL Output


WorkItemName WorkItemStateName ServerName StartedDateTimeUtc CompletedDateTimeUtc DurationSeconds ERRORMESSAGE
SnapshotSynchronization Succeeded SCOMV01 2023-01-24 00:26:23.427 2023-01-24 00:27:46.100 83 NULL
SnapshotSynchronization Failed SCOMV02 2023-01-25 00:27:52.363 2023-01-25 00:28:07.520 15
SnapshotSynchronization Succeeded SCOMV00 2023-01-25 21:43:36.540 2023-01-25 21:45:07.947 91 NULL
SnapshotSynchronization Running SCOMV00 2023-01-25 21:45:32.227 NULL NULL NULL

The jobs may show Succeeded by the time you login to SQL = EOJ (end of job)

If Failed is latest date/timestamp, re-run the task “Request Snapshot Synchronization” which can be found when we select  “Management Configuration Service Group” in the below mentioned view.


From Monitoring Tab > Click on Operations Manager folder > Click on Management Group Health widget > Highlight unhealthy state from Management Group Functions.

Click on the ‘Request Snapshot Synchronization’ task to execute the Stored Procedure “SnapshotSynchronizationForce” on the OpsMgr DB.


NOTE: There are two tasks with same name but with different targets i.e. ‘Management Configuration Service Group’ and ‘Management Configuration Services’


The other task can be found on below view after selecting the Management Server you want the Task to be executed on


From Monitoring Tab > Expand Operations Manager folder > Expand Management Configuration Service folder > Click on Services State view



Create Override for the alert

To change snapshot monitor to warning

From SCOM Console > Authoring Tab

Expand ‘Management Pack Objects’ > Click on Monitors

In the ‘Look for:’ bar type Snapshot synchronization state and hit enter

Monitor name = Snapshot synchronization state

Right click on monitor > Overrides > Override the monitor > For all objects of class

Click checkbox for Severity > change Critical to Warning

Click Edit – add comment – i.e. date/time changing to warning

Select your override pack > Click OK

Click OK to execute change

Override snapshot monitor to warning




Tyson’s MonitoringGuys blog for SCOM Maintenance pack – download here

Link to TechNet article


Detected malicious verification code error

'detected malicious verification code' errors
Detected malicious verification code when verifying element – ever run into this scenario while authoring?



Ever run into the ‘detected malicious verification code’ error while authoring?  I ran into the malicious verification error authoring, and couldn’t find any content for this error while authoring a pack.


Watch your copy/paste’s with additional monitoring changes to prevent ‘detected malicious verification code’ errors

In my authoring example, I received the ‘detected malicious verification code error’ after adding Rules, Datasources, and WriteActions (including tasks).  I was copying and pasting DataSources (DS) and WriteActions (WA), thought I had it all.  Uploaded > got the error, and GRR!   Hopefully this will help others authoring to know what to check to get the management pack uploaded.


Simply put – Watch out for typo’s to avoid ‘detected malicious verification code’ errors!

I stumbled across a few websites, but nothing really pointed out to what caused the ‘detected malicious verification code error’ when uploading a management pack.  First, check monitor and rules to verify the DS/WA are called correctly (no errors in file names.  Check the Tasks as well as DisplayStrings, to make sure everything matches.


Error Seen when uploading Management pack from SCOM Console GUI regarding ‘detected malicious verification code’ error

<ManagementPackNameHere> Reports could not be imported.


If any management packs in the Import list are dependent on this management

pack, the installation of the dependent management packs will fail.


Verification failed with 1 errors:


Error 1:

Found error in


| with message:

Detected malicious verification code when verifying element of type

Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration.ManagementPackRule with inner

exception: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key

was not present in the dictionary.

at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowKeyNotFoundException()

at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)



pes(Dictionary`2 moduletypes)



icationContext context)



.VerifyCollectionItems(Object context)


Additional links

Detected malicious verification code when verifying element


Caution using Tags/Notes extending classes



Please take ‘caution using Tags/Notes extending classes’.  Please read below if you use Tags/Notes on SCOM classes.  Ran across examples where SCOM Class Properties were used for tags that used the .Notes field on various classes, causing orphaned properties, NOT removed from OperationsManager database.




The Microsoft.Windows.Computer Class (insert class here) is updated using Tim McFadden’s blog.  This can cause issues with orphaned classes in the database because it is not currently handled as part of the stored procedure (i.e. the Notes property classes do not get marked for deletion).


First, identify which classes have Notes property.  Start from Management Server (MS) via PowerShell.   See attached TXT for additional examples to check and add/remove Notes Property on additional windows classes.



Set Notes property for Windows Operating System server

Second, we need to see how to set and clear the value, in order to clean up the Operations Manager database, to remove the orphaned instances.  The example below sets the value for one (1) server to ‘Production’.


$WOS = Get-SCOMClass -name Microsoft.Windows.OperatingSystem | get-SCOMClassInstance | where-object -property Path -eq “”

$WOS.'[System.ConfigItem].Notes’.Value = “Production”


$WOS = Get-SCOMClass -name Microsoft.Windows.OperatingSystem | get-SCOMClassInstance | where-object -property Path -eq “”




Example Output

PS C:\Users\scomadmin> $WOS.'[System.ConfigItem].Notes’.Value = “Production”
PS C:\Users\scomadmin> $WOS.Overwrite()
PS C:\Users\scomadmin> $WOS = Get-SCOMClass -name Microsoft.Windows.OperatingSystem | get-SCOMClassInstance | where-object -property Path -eq “”
PS C:\Users\scomadmin> $WOS.'[System.ConfigItem].Notes’

PropertyAccessRights : Unknown
Parent : Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Standard
Type : Notes
Value : Production
Id : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
ManagementGroup : SCOM2016
ManagementGroupId : e39f5f53-9fbb-9d7f-4bfe-5f0324630ae5



Set Notes property to NULL

$WOS.'[System.ConfigItem].Notes’.Value = $null

$WOS = Get-SCOMClass -name Microsoft.Windows.OperatingSystem | get-SCOMClassInstance | where-object -property Path -eq “”

Verify Notes value

$WOS = Get-SCOMClass -name Microsoft.Windows.OperatingSystem | get-SCOMClassInstance | where-object -property Path -eq “”



Example Output
PS C:\Users\scomadmin> $WOS = Get-SCOMClass -name Microsoft.Windows.OperatingSystem | get-SCOMClassInstance | where-object -property Path -eq “”
PS C:\Users\scomadmin> $WOS.'[System.ConfigItem].Notes’

PropertyAccessRights : Unknown
Parent : Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Standard
Type : Notes
Value : (null)
Id : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
ManagementGroup : SCOM2016
ManagementGroupId : e39f5f53-9fbb-9d7f-4bfe-5f0324630ae5


Have a happy Holiday!

Good luck, hopefully this scenario isn’t something that impacted the monitoring environment!

What’s my path again?

Say what? What's my path again
Say What

What’s my path again?   Why did my command fail?

Ever get ‘command not found’ errors when calling a command on a machine?  Many times, these errors are related to what is defined on said machine.   So with monitoring tools like SCOM, ALA, Azure Automation, BMC Patrol, the ID used in monitoring rely on filepaths defined on the local server (holds true for Windows/UNIX).  Because sometimes even ls, awk, dir, etc. if their various bin directory filepaths are NOT specified as a security hardening measure.  The result of STIG/Security hardening is ALL scripts/commands require a fully qualified filepath.

Fully qualifying command paths holds true for Windows and UNIX, from generic OS commands, AND also application specific files (including an executable).  Updates are required if you want to supply the short name command.  Add the full filepath to PATH= statement.  The alternative is to fully qualify in your SCOM mgmt. pack, so the command will run regardless of user, as long as the path is correct.


Check for specified shell

First, let’s check UNIX to see what shell is specified for user(s).

Second, log into your UNIX server, and check files type:  ls -al .* | more  

Use ls -al | more to see what PATH files are in the user directory
Use ls -al | more to see what PATH files are in the user directory

Third, another option with less output

example:  ls -al .*profile

What's my path? Use command ls -al .*profile to find which profile(s) exist
What’s my path? Use command ls -al .*profile to find which profile(s) exist


Fourth, Look for the shell defined for the user account

On my server, SCOM user is bash shell (but I do NOT have a .bash_profile, only a .profile (also note NO .ksh_profile) )   Knowing what profiles are configured for user account will help define what is inherited from the OS, (automatically included).  Leverage when calling commands in your management packs for custom rules/monitors.


In conclusion, if executable is NOT in the filepath variable, you have two ways to resolve the issue:

  1. Create a .bash_profile
  2. Call bash/ksh shell in your script or command line:   bash; <commandhere>


To check path:

UNIX $PATH vs. Windows $ENV:path

UNIX example – ‘echo $PATH’ from UNIX ssh session/logon

What's my path again? Use echo $PATH
UNIX what’s my path? Use echo $PATH


Windows PowerShell example

What's my path? Windows PowerShell example of $PATH
What’s my path? Windows PowerShell example of $PATH


Here’s my .profile that sets up SCOM user (only /bin shown)

What's my path? Use UNIX .profile to find PATH
What’s my path? Use UNIX .profile to find PATH



Here’s a UNIX .profile example:


set PATH=$PATH:/usr/homes/myhome/sqlldr:/appl/oracle/product/9.2.0/bin