SCOM SSRS permissions

Microsoft SQL Server SSRS icon
Microsoft SQL Server SSRS icon

Let’s discuss SCOM SSRS permissions.  The SCOM Reporting role install really comes down to three (3) things – permissions, latest SSRS EXE downloaded (for install 2019, 2022), and ReportExtensions configuration.  I’ve hit some permission issues that need more ‘how to’ details.


Set SCOM Admins group permissions

Whether the permissions are set up as part of a group policy (GPO) or not, if these steps are missing, expect problems.

Verify that your SCOM Admins domain group is a local administrator on the SCOM servers (SSRS server in this case)

Right click on Start > Computer Management

Expand System Tools

Expand Local Users and Groups

Click on Groups

Double click on Administrators

Verify SCOM Admins group, or specific service/MSA accounts are listed

Computer Management with Administrators group properties documenting relevant members which include the SCOM Admins group, and any other SQL related service accounts.
Computer Management with Administrators group properties documenting relevant members which include the SCOM Admins group, and any other SQL related service accounts.

Click OK



Set SQL Instance permissions for SCOM Admins group

Reference Holman’s QuickStart > Install SCOM Reporting Role…

  • Log on using your domain user account that is a member of the OMAdmins group, and has “sysadmin” role level rights over the SQL instance.

RDP to server with SSMS that connects to SQL server

Connect to Database Engine

Expand instance , then expand Security folder, thirdly expand Logins folder

Right click on the SCOM Admins group and select properties

In the pop-up, click on SQL Server Role

Verify that sysAdmin

View of SSMS Database Engine showing SCOM Admins group SQL Server Role has sysAdmin
View of SSMS Database Engine showing SCOM Admins group SQL Server Role has sysAdmin

Follow similar steps if using a domain connected SVC/MSA account when configuration differs from Holman’s QuickStart template.


Additional troubleshooting from the SCOM install can be found in the user’s directory – C:\Users\<accountHere>\AppData\Local\SCOM\LOGS


Find additional details in the SQL install logs

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS13.MSSQLSERVER\Reporting Services\LogFiles

NOTE that the Instance and version 'MSRS13.MSSQLSERVER' can change



Additional documentation and relevant links

The go-to reference is Holman’s QuickStart deployment guides for SCOM2019 forward list the how-to starting point.

Holman Quick Start links:


SSRS site article

SSRS Error occurred when invoking the authorization extension

SCOM SSRS ReportExtensions

For a smooth install, everything comes down to SCOM SSRS prerequisites.  The SCOM Reporting role install really comes down to three (3) things – permissions, latest SSRS EXE downloaded (for install 2019, 2022), and ReportExtensions configuration.  The go-to reference is Holman’s QuickStart deployment guides for SCOM2019 forward list the how-to starting point.  This post focuses on ReportExtensions configuration, where more ‘how to’ details are needed.

Quick Start links:

SCOM 2022 – QuickStart Deployment Guide

SCOM 2019 – QuickStart Deployment Guide

SSRS site article


Configure Report Extensions via SSMS (GUI)

RDP to server with enabled account

Open SSMS that has connectivity to SSRS install/server

Change ‘Server type’ drop-down to Reporting Service

Change SSMS Server Type from Database Engine to Reporting Service
Change SSMS Server Type from Database Engine to Reporting Service

Click Connect

Right click on Server > Properties

In the Server Properties window, select the Advanced Tab

Click on the AllowedResourceExtensionsForUpload, and add *.*

Click OK

Screenshot of SSMS Connected to Reporting Service, expanding SSRS Properties > Advanced Tab > showing AllowedResourceExtensionsForUpload
Screenshot of SSMS Connected to Reporting Service, expanding SSRS Properties > Advanced Tab > showing AllowedResourceExtensionsForUpload

Don’t forget to restart SSRS to make changes take effect!

Once restarted, verify SVC/MSA account permissions, and begin SCOM Reporting role!


Configure Report Extensions via PowerShell

Testing learn article PowerShell for SSRS Defaults (pre-requisite for SCOM Reporting role with SSRS2017+ versus SSMS).   > Reporting Services

SSRS Note for ServiceAddress (SSRS URL) is other than localhost

On respective server, open PowerShell as Admin

Paste the following:

$ServiceAddress = ‘http://localhost

$ExtensionAdd = @(













































Write-Output ‘Setting Allowed Resource Extensions for Upload’




                $Uri = [System.Uri]”$ServiceAddress/ReportServer/ReportService2010.asmx”

                $Proxy = New-WebServiceProxy -Uri $Uri -UseDefaultCredential

                $Type = $Proxy.GetType().Namespace + ‘.Property’

                $Property = New-Object -TypeName $Type

                $Property.Name = ‘AllowedResourceExtensionsForUpload’

$ValueAdd = $ExtensionAdd | ForEach-Object -Process {



$Current = $Proxy.GetSystemProperties($Property)

                if ($Current)


                $ValueCurrent = $Current.Value -split ‘,’

                $ValueSet = $ValueCurrent + $ValueAdd | Sort-Object -Unique




        $ValueSet = $ValueAdd | Sort-Object -Unique


$Property.Value = $ValueSet -join ‘,’


    Write-Output ‘  Successfully set property to: *.*’




                Write-Warning “Failure occurred: $error”


Write-Output ‘Script completed!’


Successfully set property to: *.*
PS C:\Windows\system32> Write-Output ‘Script completed!’
Script completed!
PS C:\Windows\system32>


Don’t forget to restart SSRS.

Verify SVC/MSA account permissions, then begin SCOM Reporting role!


New SQL Updates

Updated SQL patches released in July
Updated SQL patches released in July

It’s that time again, time to update SQL.  Just in case your configuration management solution automatically add SQL updates, you can be prepared.  Secondly, if you have to tell the configuration management team to approve updates, patches, this will help jumpstart that process.  Either way, knowing about the updates helps you make decisions for your organization’s change process.  I believe ‘knowledge is power’, so power up and take away whatever you need to keep up to date.



Subset of the SQL product group released ‘new SQL updates’ in July

SQL2016SP3GDR Security Update – 9 July

SQL2017RTMCU31 Security Update – 9 July

SQL2019 RTM CU27 Security Update – 9 July

SQL2022 RTM CU13 Security Update – 9 July

SQL2022 RTM CU14 23 July



Example New SQL Updates for SQL2022

Cumulative Update #14 for SQL Server 2022 RTM

The 14th cumulative update release for SQL Server 2022 RTM is now available for download at the Microsoft Downloads site. Please note that registration is no longer required to download Cumulative updates.
To learn more about the release or servicing model, please visit:

Starting with SQL Server 2017, we adopted a new modern servicing model. Please refer to our blog for more details on Modern Servicing Model for SQL Server

New SQL management pack

SQL Server Blog – New SQL Management pack released!


The blog posting the pack release fell through the cracks.  Released on 10 July, I’ve had some issues getting the updated MSI’s, but they’re live now.   I normally use the SQL Tech Community SQL releases site


Don’t forget to look for SQL Security updates, (CU) Cumulative Updates, or (SP) Service Pack updates at the SQL releases link!



New SQL pack released

Microsoft System Center Management Pack for SQL Server enables the discovery and monitoring of SQL Server 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2022, and upcoming versions.

Download link


File Name:



SQLServerMPWorkflowList.pdf <missing as of today>

Date Published:


June 2024 – CTP

What’s New

  • Added new “Table Clustered Index Fragmentation” monitor that targets databases and checks for high fragmentation of clustered indexes
  • Added new “Property Bag” step in the custom monitor setup to extend the alert context with a property from the query result
  • Updated the “Product Version Compliance” monitor with the most recent version of public updates for the SQL Server
  • Reworked the “Long Running Queries” alert rule to improve security
  • Improved accessibility for the Summary Dashboard view and Monitoring Wizard template, including the following major changes:
    • implemented Keyboard Navigation using the A and D buttons on the tiles in the dashboard
    • added the ability for the screen reader to announce buttons and errors in the SQL Server wizard
    • redesigned dashboard list controls for greater accessibility


Pretty simple steps

Download and save to your SCOM server, or SCOM console connected machine

Navigate to the Administration tab

Expand Management Packs

Click on Installed Management packs

Click the Add drop-down, select the packs

Verify selections, and click Install button

Importing new SQL v7.6.5.0 packs into the SCOM Console

Click Close after import

v7.6.5.0 management packs are imported into the SCOM console




NOT monitored servers

Ever run into NOT monitored servers?
NOT monitored servers
NOT monitored servers
Unsure your experience, but recently, I’ve run across multiple occurrences where servers show up as ‘not monitored.  As a result, I’ve found three distinct sets of issues that might cause ‘not monitored’ status –
1) Orphaned Agent blog
This scenario usually entails deleting server from Managed Agents view in Administration tab, where alerts or other details may still exist.  The procedure leverages Holman’s orphaned agent blog (tried and true) post from years back to aid cleanup.
2) Do you have packs or connectors extending classes?
3) Rebuilding a server with the same name is a common server occurrence
Related to 1, Holman’s orphaned agent blog to be used to cleanup.
First, let’s test in the Lab.  Second, let’s talk about the express lane ‘easy button’.  Begin by deleting the Windows Computer orphaned object GUID.  Process the Windows Computer object (bottom), followed by the top two (2) are HealthService, and HealthServiceWatcher object properties (see three items highlighted).
16db02 properties
16db02 properties
Second piece, marking the Windows Computer GUID for deletion (IsDeleted=1) cleans up nearly ALL properties.  See the progress below, how this slight change makes short order of orphaned properties for ‘server’.
Windows Computer object marks all but SCVMM for deletion
Windows Computer object marks all but SCVMM for deletion
Third HealthService & SCVMM objects require manual deletion per GUID.
Note first screenshot shows health service properties marked ‘IsDeleted’ = 1 after manually processing each GUID.
HealthService marked for deletion
HealthService marked for deletion
Fourth, screenshot shows there the HealthServiceWatcher property is marked for deletion (IsDeleted=1)
HealthServiceWatcher marked for deletion
HealthServiceWatcher marked for deletion
If you have SCVMM, you will need to repeat for each of the SCVMM properties to clear out the orphans in the DB.
Why – the issue:
Typically, when servers are reimaged, i.e. NOT deleted from SCOM, there are two+ healthservice, HealthServiceWatcher, Windows Computer properties created for each image of example server.   Additional properties may show duplicated for any class discoveries that are common to the old and new image.
NOTE: Deleting the current agent may clean up objects for that instance of the discovered server, but NOT the old server image.

SCOM MS TLS1.2 drivers

SCOM MS TLS1.2 drivers
SCOM MS TLS1.2 drivers

Courtesy of Brook Hudson, who provided clarification for encrypting SCOM data –

Question – Can we update the OLE DB Driver from 18.6.5 to 18.6.7 and the ODBC driver from 17.10.3 to without breaking anything?


This configuration applies to SCOM2016 forward –

MS OLE DB Driver 18.6.7:

ODBC Driver



I did NOT have success with this for SCOM2019 and SCOM2022 –

If the SQL endpoint is secured with encryption, then the following drivers can be used.

MS OLE DB Driver 19.3.2:

ODBC Driver

If you want to use these newer drivers then SQL encryption is required, more information about enabling SQL Encryption: Configure SQL Server Database Engine for encryption – SQL Server | Microsoft Learn


The SQL team noted that the newer versions are defaulting Encrypt to be Yes/Mandatory. That is why the new drivers were having an issue. Setting up a certificate in the SQL endpoint would have allowed the connection to work:

Enable encrypted connections – SQL Server | Microsoft Docs

Certificate Management (SQL Server Configuration Manager) – SQL Server | Microsoft Docs

OLE DB Driver 19.0 for SQL Server Released – Microsoft Tech Community

ODBC Driver 18.0 for SQL Server Released – Microsoft Tech Community



Update: Hotfixes released for ODBC and OLE DB drivers for SQL Server – Microsoft Community Hub


SQL SysMessages 18054 events


SCOM2016+ SQL SysMessages 18054 events
SCOM2016+ SQL SysMessages 18054 events

Whether you’re building a new SCOM2019, SCOM2022 environment or not, you might be missing these event details, and NOT even know!


It’s been a while for me, and I came across these, so posting for a fresh heads up!

Leverage Holman’s TXT files to keep your logging up to maximum potential!  Use the information below to resolve SCOM2016+ SQL SysMessages and 18054 events.

Holman GitHub download – contains SQL TXT files to run on OpsMgr & DW databases


The Github TXT files to download contain a clear scope of messages.


SQL messages excerpt

— MOMv3 messages are 77798xxxx —

— Discovery range: 77798-0000 to 77798-0049 —
— Managed type doesn’t exist.
EXECUTE sp_addmessage @msgnum = 777980000, @msgtext = N’The specified managed type doesn”t exist.’, @severity = 16, @lang = ‘us_english’, @with_log = false, @replace = ‘REPLACE’

— Relationship type doesn’t exist.
EXECUTE sp_addmessage @msgnum = 777980001, @msgtext = N’The specified relationship type doesn”t exist.’, @severity = 16, @lang = ‘us_english’, @with_log = false, @replace = ‘REPLACE’

— Source entity of the relationship doesn’t exist.
EXECUTE sp_addmessage @msgnum = 777980002, @msgtext = N’The specified relationship doesn”t have a valid source.’, @severity = 16, @lang = ‘us_english’, @with_log = false, @replace = ‘REPLACE’

— Target entity of the relationship doesn’t exist.
EXECUTE sp_addmessage @msgnum = 777980003, @msgtext = N’The specified relationship doesn”t have a valid target.’, @severity = 16, @lang = ‘us_english’, @with_log = false, @replace = ‘REPLACE’

— Discovery data from invalid managed entity is dropped.
EXECUTE sp_addmessage @msgnum = 777980004, @msgtext = N’Discovery data has been received from a rule targeted to a non-existent entity. The discovery data will be dropped.’, @severity = 16, @lang = ‘us_english’, @with_log = false, @replace = ‘REPLACE’

— Invalid relationship rejected by cycle detection.
EXECUTE sp_addmessage @msgnum = 777980005, @msgtext = N’Relationship {%s} was rejected because it would cause a containment cycle; relationship source = ”%s” and target = ”%s”.’, @severity = 16, @lang = ‘us_english’, @with_log = false, @replace = ‘REPLACE’

— Discovery data generated by invalid connector.
EXECUTE sp_addmessage @msgnum = 777980006, @msgtext = N’Discovery data generated by invalid connector:%s.’, @severity = 16, @lang = ‘us_english’, @with_log = false, @replace = ‘REPLACE’

— Discovery data generated by invalid rule, task, discovery.
EXECUTE sp_addmessage @msgnum = 777980007, @msgtext = N’Discovery data generated by invalid discovery source. Id:%s.’, @severity = 16, @lang = ‘us_english’, @with_log = false, @replace = ‘REPLACE’

Documentation links

Blog for 18054 events

SCOM 2016, 2019 and 2022: Event 18054 errors in the SQL application log

Alternatively, if AlwaysOn configuration, leverage Holman’s newer blog post –

SCOM deployment configuration for SQL Always On


SQL STIG vulnerabilities V-213902, V-213935

Happy leap year, let’s talk Security and SQL STIG vulnerabilities V-213902, V-213935!
Happy Leap year
Happy Leap year

DISA DOD SQL STIG vulnerabilities V-213902, V-213935

SQL DBA team for RCC-C customer requesting documentation for exception, in light of vulnerabilities.
SCOM uses individual computer accounts in SQL for these findings
Holman documented this since 2012

SCOM SECURITY Documentation


Both V-213902 AND V-213935 state same identification action.

Run this SQL Query on SCOM DB(s)
FROM sys.database_principals
WHERE type in (‘U’,’G’)
AND name LIKE ‘%$’
To remove users:
Run the following command for each user:

V-213935 has a different identifier:

Launch PowerShell.
Execute the following code:
Note: <name> represents the username portion of the user. For example; if the user is “CONTOSO\user1$”, the username is “user1”.
If no account information is returned, this is not a finding.
If account information is returned, this is a finding.

Tab delimited view –

Remove Computer Accounts DB SQL6-D0-000400 V-213902 CAT II Non-repudiation of actions taken is required in order to maintain data integrity. Examples of particular actions taken by individuals include creating information, sending a message, approving information (e.g., indicating concurrence or signing a contract), and receiving a message.
Remove Computer AccountsSQL6-D0-004200V-213935CAT IINon-repudiation of actions taken is required in order to maintain data integrity. Examples of particular actions taken by individuals include creating information, sending a message, approving information (e.g., indicating concurrence or signing a contract), and receiving a message.
Can provide one work-around to mitigate.
Awaiting CSS engagement for official mitigation from support and  SCOM PG.

MCM Addendum pack

The MCM addendum pack helps monitor MEM. See start menu folder structure for Endpoint Manager software.
The MCM addendum pack helps monitor MEM. See start menu folder structure for Endpoint Manager software.

Rebranding central – MEM, EM, MECM, SCCM, Configuration manager, depending on the synonym, we’re referring to the same product.  Tune the most common critical alerts per the health model to warning.




Read Holman’s blog for more details.

Did you know – MCM discoveries are based on registry keys added with various role installs on windows servers.  These registry keys are typically under this path:  HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SMS\Operations Management\Components


What capabilities does the ‘MCM addendum pack’ provide?

Quite simply, the pack provides warning severity overrides for common alerts, disable event collection rules.

9 overrides for monitors and rules included in addendum.
9 overrides for monitors and rules included in addendum.


Includes warning severity changes for the following rules and monitors:








SiteComponentManager – CanNotFindObjectInAD.Event.Rule, CouldNotAccessSiteSystem.Event.Rule





Utilize the ‘MCM Addendum pack’

Download Kevin Holman’s MCM pack from GitHub.

Download the Addendum here, to get alerts where manual intervention required.

Save packs


Enjoy some acronym humor and ‘who moved my cheese fun!’

MECM PowerShell
MECM PowerShell


Import into SCOM & Enjoy!


If you need more capabilities, reach out on the blog or GitHub.



Github repository here

SCCM management pack

Holman blog for MEM, EM, MCM, MECM, CM, ConfigMgr, Configuration Manager

Update SCAP tools

DISA Security Content Automation Protocol
DISA Security Content Automation Protocol


One more admin process and workflow is to ‘update SCAP tools’ on servers.  Many times overlooked, this can save many headaches with the newest version installed on servers.



Check DOD Cyber Exchange

Check the website  here, to search for Win in SCAP tools, then download & Install

SCAP tool download from DOD Cyber Exchange public website.
SCAP tool download from DOD Cyber Exchange public website.


Navigation steps:

Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features

In the search bar (top right) enter scap (and hit enter)


SCAP Control panel output showing multiple versions installed.  Need to install latest application, then remove the old versions (in this case, all three!)

SCAP Control panel output showing multiple versions installed.
SCAP Control panel output showing multiple versions installed.



Install SCAP application

Extract files from ZIP

Copy folder to repository (my path example below)

Save SCAP zip and files to folder repository and on server to install SCAP on.

Save SCAP zip and files to folder repository and on server to install SCAP on.
Save SCAP zip and files to folder repository and on server to install SCAP on.



Run SCAP application

Take the defaults (unless you want the checker icon on desktop).  Run SCAP application from PowerShell (as admin) window.

Open PowerShell as admin window


cd “D:\MonAdmin\STIGS\scc-5.7.2_Windows”; gci; .\SCC_5.7.2_Windows_Setup.exe

Hit enter to begin install

Run SCAP install from PowerShell (as admin) window.
Run SCAP install from PowerShell (as admin) window.


On the SCAP EULA radio button application install screen, click ‘I accept’ radio button and click Next.

SCAP EULA radio button application install screen.
SCAP EULA radio button application install screen.


Select Destination location (preferably on non-system disk), and click Next

Change path to non-system disk (like d:)

SCAP Destination Location Application install window.
SCAP Destination Location Application install window.


From the ‘Select Components’ window, click Next

SCAP Select Components application install window.
SCAP Select Components application install window.


Click Next on the Setup Start Menu folder window

SCAP Start Menu folder install window
SCAP Start Menu folder install window


On the SCAP select additional tasks install window, click Next 

SCAP select additional tasks install window
SCAP select additional tasks install window


Click Install on ‘Ready to install’ popup screen

SCAP Ready to Install popup screen.
SCAP Ready to Install popup screen.



With the new SCAP tool Install window, click Finish to complete.

SCAP tool install finished splash screen.
SCAP tool install finished splash screen.



Refresh Control Panel SCAP search

Remove old versions

Click Continue and go through removal prompts

SCAP control panel remove old version with prompt to continue.
SCAP control panel remove old version with prompt to continue.


With the Uninstall screen, click Yes to uninstall.

SCAP uninstall yes/no screen
SCAP uninstall yes/no screen


Click OK on uninstall

Old SCAP unistall completed.
Old SCAP unistall completed.



Check Control Panel for SCAP installs

Verify control panel only has latest version installed.  Close out Programs and Features window

Windows Control Panel, Programs and Features, SCAP search for new version install
Windows Control Panel, Programs and Features, SCAP search for new version install



Review SCC (SCAP Compliance Checker) Release Notes

SCAP release Notes details
SCAP release Notes details


Verify SCAP application functionality

Click on Start > start typing SCAP > Click on SCAP Compliance Checker

SCAP Compliance Checker


From the SCAP checker UAC prompt, click Yes to continue

SCAP checker UAC prompt, click Yes to continue
SCAP checker UAC prompt, click Yes to continue


Click OK to end the install

SCAN new features popup after install
SCAN new features popup after install



Run Local Scan

Run local scan to prove functionality.

Select STIG(s) in the middle pane > Click Start Scan

Run SCAP scan against server, choose your STIGs and Start Scan
Run SCAP scan against server, choose your STIGs and Start Scan


Verify SCAP tool modified files after installation

Recheck Windows Explorer for OpenSSL; look at file properties for version details.  Interesting, NONE of these files have versions (openssl, x509 searches show nothing file version wise)

Verify SCAP tool modified files after installation
Verify SCAP tool modified files after installation


Ask the Security Admin to re-scan!




DOD Cyber Exchange