Do your SCOM users need to know if a server is in scheduled maintenance? This came about as Aris asked questions.
First, let’s discuss specific maintenance mode and maintenance schedule scenarios users might ask. Second, determining IF scheduled maintenance enabled, running, about to run. Third, how does another user know when scheduled maintenance ends, allowing action and decision point to add/extend server maintenance. Fourth, whenever scheduled maintenance entered by one user, is NOT automatically seen by other roles. While product guidance states ‘main
elf-service users still need visibility. Lastly, can we figure out a way to answer these questions. Given these points, users to be able to seeFrom PowerShell on SCOM MS
$ScheduleList = Get-SCOMMaintenanceScheduleList
foreach ( $ID in $ScheduleList.ScheduleID)
$Schedule = get-SCOMMaintenanceSchedule -ID $ID
# $Schedule.MonitoringObjects ;
(get-scomclassInstance -id $Schedule.MonitoringObjects.Guid).DisplayName
# Debug endtime
$Schedule | ft User,ActiveStartTime,ActiveEndDate,ScheduledEndTime
Example Output
Scheduled Maintenance report task
Maintenance mode report – what’s about to end maintenance mode.
Obviously, expect both workflows into the ‘Proactive NOSC DailyTasks’ pack. GitHub repo
SCOM 2022 Get-SCOMMaintenanceSchedule List syntax 2019 here