Updated Skype for Business 2015 (premise) Addendum MP

Updated and completed for Company Knowledge!


Many thanks to Nick Wood for his help deciphering user impact for these alerts.

Reach out to Nick on LinkedIn


This has been an arduous effort to complete the Skype alerts and components.


Gallery Download


It’s taken a few steps along the way, to get all the content delivered.


To read the whole Skype Addendum journey, please read these additional blog posts
June blog
January blog


The initial Addendum pack with just service recoveries and Azure overrides

Old pack https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/Skype-for-Business-2015-b005f49f
This download disabled Azure, set service recovery tasks



The new Gallery download contains the following:

Skype SCOM Alerts.xls


NOTE The Skype.for.Business.Server.Management.Pack.Install.txt file contains the information as well


# Breakdown of files

# Skype SCOM Alerts.xls
# Skype SCOM Alerts XLS is is MP Export excerpt formatted for XLS workbook
# Feel free to search this file

# Column D is ‘Escalate to Who’
# This has values as SCOM Engineering, Messaging Ops, Telephony, Messaging Engineering
# Column E is impact
# This has values: P3-P5, *Email
# Column F is the Display String for the monitor
# Column H has the User Impact, Cause, and Troubleshooting steps


# Microsoft.LS.2015.Monitoring.ComponentAndUser.Addendum.xml
# Addendum management pack sets up company knowledge tab for each Skype monitor, with actionable troubleshooting steps.


# Microsoft.SystemCenter.Notifications.Internal.xml

# Backup the current MP first, and merge if you are adding this to your environment!
# Use this pack cautiously, as it will replace existing Channels, subscribers, subscriptions.

# On Management server, open PowerShell window as Admin
# cd <path>
# Example

cd $HOME/desktop
Get-SCOMManagementPack -Name *Notification* | export-SCOMmanagementpack  -path “C:\”

Copy-item .\Microsoft.SystemCenter.Notifications.Internal.xml .\Original-<CompanyName>-Microsoft.SystemCenter.Notifications.Internal.xml



# Save the bundled Notifications pack to the same path

# YES it’s that important, the file can eliminate any alerts leaving SCOM!
# Save file to local drive

# Follow MP Fragment authoring if you need to merge existing Notifications with Skype pack
# https://kevinholman.com/2016/06/04/authoring-management-packs-the-fast-and-easy-way-using-visual-studio/

# Skype.for.Business.Server.Management.Pack.Alert.Grooming.xml
# This file is to set alerts per the XLS, making warnings for P4,P5, email, and P3 for Critical





Ruling out SCOM as the cause of SCHANNEL events


Ruling out SCOM notifications as the cause of SCHANNEL events



Still getting SCHANNEL error events and want to rule out SCOM

Management pack SQL events https://kevinjustin.com/blog/2017/11/08/sql-native-client-for-tls1-2/

SCHANNEL ciphers debugged https://kevinjustin.com/blog/2017/11/08/schannel-event-logging/


What command Channels are setup for notifications?



Validate Subscriptions aren’t the cause for email/text

Exchange 2013 and above typically use S/MIME to digitally sign/encrypt messages


Email communication can cause System 36871 events https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/305088/schannel-error-message-36871-when-receiving-an-ehlo-smtp-command

Do the events correlate with emailed alerts?
Tracing Notifications http://blog.scomskills.com/enable-tracing-of-the-notification-component-om07/


SCOM ETL traces

Run traces on suspect MS

2012R2 MS (adjust drive letter according to drive SCOM install)
cd “D:\Program Files\Microsoft System Center 2012 R2\Operations Manager\Server\Tools”
2012R2 GW (adjust drive letter according to drive SCOM install)
cd “C:\Program Files\System Center Operations Manager\Gateway\Tools”
2016 MS
cd ‘C:\Program Files\Microsoft System Center 2016\Operations Manager\Server\Tools\’

# Stop Tracing
# Clean up old files
remove-item C:\windows\Logs\OpsMgrTrace\*


# Start Traces

StartTracing.cmd VER

TraceLogSM.exe -stop TracingGuidsNative

TraceLogSM.exe -stop TracingGuidsUI


# Wait until notification fires and validate if 36871 SCHANNEL event ID is logged

# Stop and format the trace

# Review txt files from C:\windows\Logs\OpsMgrTrace



Have a lot of SCOM subscriptions?

You logged into SCOM because someone said they didn’t get a notification

Looked at subscriptions and it’s blank


Do you know if you backed up your subscriptions?


Hopefully, you read this and back up your management packs

Hope you read this blog, and it saved your life!


For those who love the Console UI

You can manually back up the MP

From the SCOM console

Click on the Administration Tab

Click on Management Packs (2012), or Installed Management Packs (2016)

Type ‘notification’ in the ‘Look for:’ bar

Hit Enter

Highlight the ‘Notifications Internal Library’ pack

Click on Export Management Pack

Name your path

Hit OK


For simple PowerShell


# Backup Management packs to C drive

# Set up your path, this example is monadmin\backup

$date = Get-Date -UFormat “%Y-%m-%d”


cd monadmin\backup

new-item -itemtype directory -path c:\monadmin\backup\$date

cd $date

Get-SCOMManagementPack -Name *Notification* | Export-SCOMManagementPack -Path “C:\monadmin\backup\$date”


Setting up OMS Capacity and Performance

Setting up OMS Capacity and Performance
Setting up OMS Capacity and Performance


Update 18 Dec 2023 – Solution retired in 2021 with OMS sunset.  

https://github.com/uglide/azure-content/blob/master/articles/log-analytics/log-analytics-add-solutions.md Repository archived by the owner on Feb 1, 2021. It is now read-only.



Do you know what your HyperV hosts are doing?

Not a HyperV fan, there’s a VMWare solution also here


Documentation https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/log-analytics/log-analytics-capacity



Capacity dashboard

Capacity and performance preview summary
Capacity and performance preview summary


OMS dashboard
OMS dashboard



Setting up OMS Capacity and Performance

Already have the dashboard setup?  Perhaps this will help troubleshoot

Do you have network connectivity, or is a proxy required?


Troubleshooting dashboard

Firewall https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/log-analytics/log-analytics-proxy-firewall
Windows Agents https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/log-analytics/log-analytics-windows-agents


Verify Operations Manager event log on local agent, then filter for error events and/or EventID 4506.  Look for dates/times to see when events started.

Example Event ID 4506 details the Capacity and Performance Solution, citing ‘Microsoft.IntelligencePacks.CapacityPerformance.Collector’.

Operations Manager Event Log, Event ID 4506 examples
Operations Manager Event Log, Event ID 4506 examples


Additional options

  1. Search LAW (Log Analytics workspace) logs


OMS Log search screenshot


2. Verify no proxy is set up (unless your network requires this)

OMSAgent proxy setting
OMSAgent proxy setting


3. 4506’s result from too many workflows sending data from MS to DB’s (OpsMgr and DW).  Additionally, 4506 events can be communication issues from MS to DB server(s).   Lastly, use TLS1.2 configuration as a best practice to enforce encryption from MS to SQL communication.  Beyond encryption, TLS may be a culprit if AlwaysOn or SQL clusters are involved, particularly as the SCOM console connections fail as SDK cannot talk with SQL side.  See Kevin Holman’s blog for additional TLS1.2 information and setup.

TLS blog https://kevinholman.com/2018/05/06/implementing-tls-1-2-enforcement-with-scom/



Learn article https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/answers/questions/212007/scom-errors-no-data-in-summary-performance-dashboa
TechNet blog https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/ie/en-US/10b38121-b0e1-43ec-bf3a-d22ae9ef0220/event-4506-data-was-dropped-due-to-too-much-outstanding-data-in-rule
MS RMSe https://www.system-center.me/opsmgr/event-4506-and-new-root-management-server-rms-management-server-ms/

Setting up OMS Service Map solution


Ever wonder what happened to BlueStripe?

Anyone else have experience using it with SCOM?

If you weren’t aware, Microsoft bought Blue Stripe back in 2015 link


Looks like BlueStripe FactFinder is now Service Map in Azure

Documentation here


Service Map is very easy to add and get value from right away with OMS

Download agent

You have two choices:

  1. Choose from Docs.Microsoft.com documentation above, or from your OMS environmentdocsagentdownload
  2. From your OMS workspace, add the Service Map solution

Click on Home icon in top left hand corner


Click on Service Map pane

Click on Download Agent link as appropriate for Windows or Linux

Save file and install on your server(s)



Windows Server Installation

Execute the MSI file downloaded from OMS (NOTE may prompt with UAC prompt)

Click ‘I Agree’


Watch the Install


Click Finish


Now go back to OMS and look for updates (mine was that fast!)


Click on the Service Map pane to see more detail


To add additional machines is basically the same, just choose add machines



In case you caught that I have two (2) of the same named machines, it’s because I have that server set up for OMS separately.  Yes, it’s my lab, so I’m not following the best practice.

