Tag: properties
Detected malicious verification code error
Ever run into the ‘detected malicious verification code’ error while authoring? I ran into the malicious verification error authoring, and couldn’t find any content for this error while authoring a pack.
Watch your copy/paste’s with additional monitoring changes to prevent ‘detected malicious verification code’ errors
In my authoring example, I received the ‘detected malicious verification code error’ after adding Rules, Datasources, and WriteActions (including tasks). I was copying and pasting DataSources (DS) and WriteActions (WA), thought I had it all. Uploaded > got the error, and GRR! Hopefully this will help others authoring to know what to check to get the management pack uploaded.
Simply put – Watch out for typo’s to avoid ‘detected malicious verification code’ errors!
I stumbled across a few websites, but nothing really pointed out to what caused the ‘detected malicious verification code error’ when uploading a management pack. First, check monitor and rules to verify the DS/WA are called correctly (no errors in file names. Check the Tasks as well as DisplayStrings, to make sure everything matches.
Error Seen when uploading Management pack from SCOM Console GUI regarding ‘detected malicious verification code’ error
<ManagementPackNameHere> Reports could not be imported.
If any management packs in the Import list are dependent on this management
pack, the installation of the dependent management packs will fail.
Verification failed with 1 errors:
Error 1:
Found error in
| with message:
Detected malicious verification code when verifying element of type
Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration.ManagementPackRule with inner
exception: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key
was not present in the dictionary.
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowKeyNotFoundException()
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)
pes(Dictionary`2 moduletypes)
icationContext context)
.VerifyCollectionItems(Object context)
Additional links
Caution using Tags/Notes extending classes
Please take ‘caution using Tags/Notes extending classes’. Please read below if you use Tags/Notes on SCOM classes. Ran across examples where SCOM Class Properties were used for tags that used the .Notes field on various classes, causing orphaned properties, NOT removed from OperationsManager database.
The Microsoft.Windows.Computer Class (insert class here) is updated using Tim McFadden’s blog. This can cause issues with orphaned classes in the database because it is not currently handled as part of the stored procedure (i.e. the Notes property classes do not get marked for deletion).
First, identify which classes have Notes property. Start from Management Server (MS) via PowerShell. See attached TXT for additional examples to check and add/remove Notes Property on additional windows classes.
Set Notes property for Windows Operating System server
Second, we need to see how to set and clear the value, in order to clean up the Operations Manager database, to remove the orphaned instances. The example below sets the value for one (1) server to ‘Production’.
$WOS = Get-SCOMClass -name Microsoft.Windows.OperatingSystem | get-SCOMClassInstance | where-object -property Path -eq “16db01.testlab.net”
$WOS.'[System.ConfigItem].Notes’.Value = “Production”
$WOS = Get-SCOMClass -name Microsoft.Windows.OperatingSystem | get-SCOMClassInstance | where-object -property Path -eq “16db01.testlab.net”
Example Output
PS C:\Users\scomadmin> $WOS.'[System.ConfigItem].Notes’.Value = “Production”
PS C:\Users\scomadmin> $WOS.Overwrite()
PS C:\Users\scomadmin> $WOS = Get-SCOMClass -name Microsoft.Windows.OperatingSystem | get-SCOMClassInstance | where-object -property Path -eq “16db01.testlab.net”
PS C:\Users\scomadmin> $WOS.'[System.ConfigItem].Notes’
PropertyAccessRights : Unknown
Parent : Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Standard
Type : Notes
Value : Production
Id : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
ManagementGroup : SCOM2016
ManagementGroupId : e39f5f53-9fbb-9d7f-4bfe-5f0324630ae5
Set Notes property to NULL
$WOS.'[System.ConfigItem].Notes’.Value = $null
$WOS = Get-SCOMClass -name Microsoft.Windows.OperatingSystem | get-SCOMClassInstance | where-object -property Path -eq “16db01.testlab.net”
Verify Notes value
$WOS = Get-SCOMClass -name Microsoft.Windows.OperatingSystem | get-SCOMClassInstance | where-object -property Path -eq “16db01.testlab.net”
Example Output
PS C:\Users\scomadmin> $WOS = Get-SCOMClass -name Microsoft.Windows.OperatingSystem | get-SCOMClassInstance | where-object -property Path -eq “16db01.testlab.net”
PS C:\Users\scomadmin> $WOS.'[System.ConfigItem].Notes’
PropertyAccessRights : Unknown
Parent : Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Standard
Type : Notes
Value : (null)
Id : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
ManagementGroup : SCOM2016
ManagementGroupId : e39f5f53-9fbb-9d7f-4bfe-5f0324630ae5
Have a happy Holiday!
Good luck, hopefully this scenario isn’t something that impacted the monitoring environment!