System Center Orchestrator 1801 Integration Packs




FYI – Additional IP’s released this month for Orchestrator, SMA, and SPF


Service Management Automation

Service Provider Foundation


In case you didn’t know, from Lynne Taggart’s blog , these integration packs (IP) were released in February:

System Center 1801+ Integration Pack for HP iLO and OA
System Center 1801+ – Orchestrator Integration Packs
System Center 1801+ Integration Pack for HP Service Manager
System Center 1801+ Integration Pack for IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus
System Center 1801+ Integration Pack for VMware vSphere
System Center 1801+ Integration Pack for HP Operations Manager


Have fun automating!

Dock the Outlook calendar

Tired of clicking to see your Outlook calendar?



I recently lost the ‘Outlook peek’ off my Outlook client, and panicked!

Here’s the Office Support link


It’s real easy to fix, but man it eluded me there [ as I over think it 🙂 ]


Right click on the calendar icon (lower left hand corner)

Choose Dock the peek


Voila!  calendar shows on your email tab



Office support article

OMS Heartbeat failures and creating alerts


Feel like you have a ton of data, but lack insights?



Would like to thank the Product team to clarify how to do this with Kusto (new OMS Query language)


If you use OMS and need to verify the most recent data collection

Heartbeat | summarize max(TimeGenerated)

If you want to check a specific machine you can run this one:  

Heartbeat | where Computer==”contosovm” | summarize max(TimeGenerated)

If you want to build an alert based on it you can write something like:

Heartbeat | where Computer==”contosovm” | summarize m=max(TimeGenerated) | where m < ago(15m)

The last query will return result only if you have heartbeat missing for more than 15 minutes.


If you need additional information on OMS query syntax, check out Antoni’s blog


Kusto site http://kusto/

SQL MP bloat

Updated 25 Feb 2023


Ever wish alerts were like a wad of cash?

The more you solve, the more you make!


How about performance counter data?



The SQL management packs are awesome for visualizations, and provide a bunch of data.


Tim McFadden pointed out SQL Performance counters

His blog brings up SQL MP Disk Latency performance counters.


His blog got me thinking about SQL DB and DB file design, where multiple DB files are on the same Drive, causes duplicate performance counters (SCOM workflows) on the agent, and will typically be one of the culprits for HealthService restarts.


SQL MP creates performance counters (per DB file, group, instance, engine)


Let’s start with how I figured out why all my money goes into storage.


Start in the SCOM console

Click on the Reporting Tab

Click on the ‘System Center Core Monitoring Reports’ folder

Double click on the Data Volume by Management Pack

View of SCOM report from console reporting tab

Select the timeframe (from, to)

Click Run

Data Volume MP selected


Reporting Data

I have 2 2016 DB’s and 1 2014 (SCVMM) database server monitored, and it’s 50% of my data volume!




Another example – had the DW shutdown for days

Data volume of SQL after


Did you know there are 60+ perf counter rules in 2012 alone, and nearly 200 in 2016?


How about an OFF pack, a management pack that turns off all the performance counter rules?

The monitors still exist for health, just no pretty performance graph, should you look.



Github repo link

Check out the Gallery post for download

TechNet gallery download


Zip file contains

  1.  OFF MP’s for 2008,2012,2014,2016
  2. XLS sheets to allow you to go to the SQL team and ask them what performance counters they use



2016 SQL SP1 patch issue

False alert?


If you have SQL2016 SP1 monitored in SCOM, you most likely have Compliance monitor warnings


This is actually a problem with SP1 where SQL did not update the registry key.



Two options to remedy:

  1. Disable SCOM monitor per instance (or class if SP1 is NOT in your environment)
  2. Fix the offending SQL Servers that are patched to SP1



Steps to fix the offending SQL Servers patched to SP1

Update Registry Key


Via PowerShell


TechNet forum is nice as well, but had to tweak it (blog listed here )


# Get Instance

$Instance = (Get-ItemProperty “HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server”).InstalledInstance )

NOTE: If you have multiple instances, you will need a foreach loop

# Get Version

$Version = (Get-ItemProperty “HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\$((Get-ItemProperty ‘HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\Instance Names\SQL’).$Instance)\Setup”).Version

# Match Version and set Registry Key
if ($Version -match ‘13.1.4’)


Set-ItemProperty -Path “HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\$((Get-ItemProperty ‘HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\Instance Names\SQL’).$Instance)\Setup” -Name ‘SP’ -Value 1


# Verify

Get-ItemProperty -path “HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL13.MSSQLSERVER\Setup” | ft SP




Steps broken out


Get Registry Key value via PowerShell


Get-ItemProperty -path “HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL13.MSSQLSERVER\Setup” | ft SP




Set Registry Key


Set-ItemProperty -path “HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL13.MSSQLSERVER\Setup” -name “SP” -value 1




Verify via PowerShell



Verify via RegEdit


Reset SCOM Monitor


And the false alert is gone!