PKI Addendum pack

The PKI addendum pack monitors PKI certificate hierarchy. Certificates can be a challenge, where we want to change focus to WHEN manual intervention is required.
The PKI addendum pack monitors PKI certificate hierarchy. Certificates can be a challenge, where we want to change focus to WHEN manual intervention is required.

The ‘PKI Addendum pack’ is a tricky pack, due to certificate hierarchy.  The decisions included are part of the three pillars – health, Security, Compliance, as well as alerting WHEN manual intervention required.






The PKI pack provides discoveries of the server certificate stores to then analyze certificates for validity, chain, and expiration.  The v1.4.3.0 release adds some task logic and script changes that helps discover more stores, trusted root, etc.


Set timeframe for certificate per organizational standards.

Break out different expiration alerts based on internal/external certificate, or by AD Client Certificate enrollment templates (to build out the manual intervention required scenario when alerts are generated).

Create groups breaking out application self-signed, PKI certificates.

Separate RDP Auth, Domain Controller, Computer, and OCSP certificates.


If this sounds interesting, and you want to dabble in XML authoring…

Download the pack from GitHub to improve PKI monitoring on Windows Servers.


Additional screenshots of addendum components

Addendum pack creates multiple groups to break out various types of certificates that have different decisions/behaviors requiring unique timing


Addendum pack created groups to help admins get to the 'manual intervention' required alerting goal.
Addendum pack created groups to help admins get to the ‘manual intervention’ required alerting goal.



Leverage dynamic groups based on server name and EnhancedKeyUsageList (EKU) list

PKI dynamic group discoveries
PKI dynamic group discoveries



Change PKI pack default discoveries, lifetime threshold expirations and more

Override PKI pack defaults
Override PKI pack defaults



Addendum requires the PKI Certificate MP release v1.4.3.0 download

Bob’s TopQuore blog