Adding parameters to datasource/probeaction moduletypes

Adding parameters to datasource/probeaction moduletypes


This post is adding parameters to datasource (DS) or probeaction (PA) moduletypes.  Sorry, found this draft from last year that I never published.  🙁 I’m in the ‘missing functionality’ boat.  Some would say I’m a dreamer, a good system admin, a car guy who has different ideas than the manufacturer, or something altogether different — you decide 🙂  Hope this blog post helps monitoring experts that author more functionality than what was delivered.  Specifically adding parameters to datasource/probeaction moduletype NOT delivered in the OotB functionality?!



Adding parameters to datasource/probeaction moduletypes
First – What is needed
Second – Verify dependencies required for a workflow
Third – Build on example ‘datasource’
Fourth – Configure Monitor/Rule to use Datasource/ProbeAction

Let’s go through step by step through ‘adding parameters to datasource/probeaction moduletypes’ to customize a data source. The datasource requirements are to include/verify the following parameters” TimeOut,TimeOutInMS,MatchCount,SampleCount (match/sample count are intended for rules/monitors)


Pre-reqs (what’s needed for a ModuleType to function)

Working Script – PowerShell/BASH/Perl/SH/KSH
ScriptArgs required at runtime
Other Configuration, or Overrideable Parameters
Using configured parameters properly
Verify ProbeActions (PA) inside DS have relevant parameters


Easiest way to summarize adding a configuration parameter
Must be added to Configuration, OverrideableParameters,ModuleImplementation,
When taking an Out of the box’ OotB’ moduletype to modify, where parameter(s) MUST be used in UnitMonitorType,Rule,Monitor

Quick background for MatchCount/SampleCount:
When adding parameters to datasource/probeaction moduletypes, it’s good to know why this is part of the conversation to be added to monitoring design/implementation.

MatchCount comes in handy for repeated failures BEFORE alerting (count 5 events before alerting)
SampleCount comes in handy for counting number of failed workflows BEFORE alerting (run workflow 6 times failing before alerting)


Example Unix.ShellCommand.Invoke.Script DataSource
Requirement = Add MatchCount/SampleCount (or TimeOut to the PA ProbeAction)


Unseal, and open Microsoft.Unix.ShellCommand.Library.xml in NotePad++, VStudio, (or your favorite XML editor)

Screenshot of default Microsoft.Unix.ShellCommand.Invoke.DataSource
TimeOut and TimeOutinMS are baked in.  We begin by adding MatchCount/SampleCount

Adding MatchCount/SampleCount for Configuration, OverrideableParameters, and Module Implementation for DS/PA
Adding MatchCount/SampleCount for Configuration, OverrideableParameters, and Module Implementation for DS/PA


How to add MatchCount/SampleCount syntax

Adding MatchCount/SampleCount for Configuration, OverrideableParameters, and Module Implementation for DS/PA

NOTE – sometimes you don’t find an example!

This part gets complicated – how far down the rabbit hole do you need the parameters?
Does the DS workflow only need the respective parameters?
Do you have to add to the corresponding PA’s called in the workflow?


Starting simple, add to DS

Add MatchCount/SampleCount to DS Configuration
<xsd:element name=”MatchCount” type=”xsd:unsignedInt” maxOccurs=”1″ minOccurs=”0″ xmlns:xsd=”” />
<xsd:element name=”SampleCount” type=”xsd:unsignedInt” maxOccurs=”1″ minOccurs=”0″ xmlns:xsd=”” />

Add MatchCount/SampleCount to OverrideableParameters (if you want capability to override)
<OverrideableParameter ID=”MatchCount” Selector=”$Config/MatchCount$” ParameterType=”int” />
<OverrideableParameter ID=”SampleCount” Selector=”$Config/SampleCount$” ParameterType=”int” />

Add MatchCount/SampleCount to DS MemberModule

Add MatchCount/SampleCount to PA Configuration
<xsd:element name=”MatchCount” type=”xsd:unsignedInt” maxOccurs=”1″ minOccurs=”0″ xmlns:xsd=”” />
<xsd:element name=”SampleCount” type=”xsd:unsignedInt” maxOccurs=”1″ minOccurs=”0″ xmlns:xsd=”” />

Add MatchCount/SampleCount to PA MemberModule

Alternate example for monitors, the SQL Windows Replication mgmt pack has a good UnitMonitor/UnitMonitorType example – Microsoft.SQLServer.Replication.Windows.Monitoring.xml



Kevin Holman has a good example for changing frequency and MatchCount here

Find example by searching unsealed management pack repository (use Tyson’s SCOMHelper PowerShell module to unseal mp/mpb’s to facilitate a better unsealed mp search)