SCOM SSRS ReportExtensions

For a smooth install, everything comes down to SCOM SSRS prerequisites.  The SCOM Reporting role install really comes down to three (3) things – permissions, latest SSRS EXE downloaded (for install 2019, 2022), and ReportExtensions configuration.  The go-to reference is Holman’s QuickStart deployment guides for SCOM2019 forward list the how-to starting point.  This post focuses on ReportExtensions configuration, where more ‘how to’ details are needed.

Quick Start links:

SCOM 2022 – QuickStart Deployment Guide

SCOM 2019 – QuickStart Deployment Guide

SSRS site article


Configure Report Extensions via SSMS (GUI)

RDP to server with enabled account

Open SSMS that has connectivity to SSRS install/server

Change ‘Server type’ drop-down to Reporting Service

Change SSMS Server Type from Database Engine to Reporting Service
Change SSMS Server Type from Database Engine to Reporting Service

Click Connect

Right click on Server > Properties

In the Server Properties window, select the Advanced Tab

Click on the AllowedResourceExtensionsForUpload, and add *.*

Click OK

Screenshot of SSMS Connected to Reporting Service, expanding SSRS Properties > Advanced Tab > showing AllowedResourceExtensionsForUpload
Screenshot of SSMS Connected to Reporting Service, expanding SSRS Properties > Advanced Tab > showing AllowedResourceExtensionsForUpload

Don’t forget to restart SSRS to make changes take effect!

Once restarted, verify SVC/MSA account permissions, and begin SCOM Reporting role!


Configure Report Extensions via PowerShell

Testing learn article PowerShell for SSRS Defaults (pre-requisite for SCOM Reporting role with SSRS2017+ versus SSMS).   > Reporting Services

SSRS Note for ServiceAddress (SSRS URL) is other than localhost

On respective server, open PowerShell as Admin

Paste the following:

$ServiceAddress = ‘http://localhost

$ExtensionAdd = @(













































Write-Output ‘Setting Allowed Resource Extensions for Upload’




                $Uri = [System.Uri]”$ServiceAddress/ReportServer/ReportService2010.asmx”

                $Proxy = New-WebServiceProxy -Uri $Uri -UseDefaultCredential

                $Type = $Proxy.GetType().Namespace + ‘.Property’

                $Property = New-Object -TypeName $Type

                $Property.Name = ‘AllowedResourceExtensionsForUpload’

$ValueAdd = $ExtensionAdd | ForEach-Object -Process {



$Current = $Proxy.GetSystemProperties($Property)

                if ($Current)


                $ValueCurrent = $Current.Value -split ‘,’

                $ValueSet = $ValueCurrent + $ValueAdd | Sort-Object -Unique




        $ValueSet = $ValueAdd | Sort-Object -Unique


$Property.Value = $ValueSet -join ‘,’


    Write-Output ‘  Successfully set property to: *.*’




                Write-Warning “Failure occurred: $error”


Write-Output ‘Script completed!’


Successfully set property to: *.*
PS C:\Windows\system32> Write-Output ‘Script completed!’
Script completed!
PS C:\Windows\system32>


Don’t forget to restart SSRS.

Verify SVC/MSA account permissions, then begin SCOM Reporting role!
