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Are you willing to share ideas and feedback about OMS and the various products?
Good, Microsoft development has that covered.
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Please put your comment, suggestion, feature out to the community!
Example – Custom Security events filtering is your number one priority
Vote for this request https://feedback.azure.com/forums/267889-log-analytics/suggestions/17010730-allow-custom-flexible-security-events-filtering
ADFS auditing https://feedback.azure.com/forums/267889-log-analytics/suggestions/17268227-adfs-auditing
Additional information
UserVoice websites (please verify the links http://www.windowsobserver.com/2014/08/18/microsoft-and-uservoice-feedback-portals/ )
OMS Log Analytics https://feedback.azure.com/forums/267889-log-analytics/
SCOM UserVoice https://systemcenterom.uservoice.com/