For those using Visual Studio and Authoring Extensions to author management packs
VSAE is Visual Studio Authoring Extensions, used to create management packs (with or without fragments)
See Holman’s Fragment library on TechNet Gallery for multiple hints at more than what SCOM delivers out of box (OoB)
If you or your customers are having issues after upgrading to VS2017 15.8.x.y. and above…there’s a new v1.3.0.1 VSAE download
NOTE – New VSAE updates are applicable to Visual Studio 2017/2015/2013/2012
View full features at the download link:
If you upgraded Visual Studio, and need to check the VSAE version
From Visual Studio, choose Help > About Microsoft Visual Studio
In my experience, I had to remove System Center Visual Studio Authoring Extensions’ to upgrade (I was running the private patch).
After upgrade, the version information:
Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features
Visual Studio 2017
Visual Studio errors seen when VSAE is not updated
Unresponsive VSAE (shows as Visual Studio component ‘System Center Authoring Extensions’)
Exception Encountered
Missing .NET Frameworks on the system where Visual Studio runs
Missing Visual Studio components
Another warning
In Visual Studio, be careful to dock panes, if you’ve accidentally dragged the panes around/on the screen.
Right click on the Pane, and choose dock.
If you still have problems, upgrade to latest Visual Studio, open a Premier support case.
There is also UserVoice for Visual Studio feedback
You can also upload pics to help illustrate the UI question.
Install VS2017