DHCP Addendum pack

Leverage DHCP addendum to tune DHCP subnet monitoring.
Leverage DHCP addendum to tune DHCP subnet monitoring.

Leverage the ‘DHCP Addendum pack’.  Why?  DHCP manages IP ranges, particularly customer facing issues like VPN connectivity, VDI/AVD/appliance devices, as well as client workstations/laptops/GFE’s.  The DHCP management pack alerts when a subnet is nearing zero available IP’s before you have an outage.  This article will help you understand how the addendum’s new capabilities tune DNS monitoring to best practice.





What capabilities does the ‘DHCP Addendum pack’ provide?

Two groups, one DHCP server group, and DHCP subscription group to configure notifications to SME for DHCP related classes

Overrides for common alerts, disable event collection rules



Utilize the DHCP Addendum

Download the DHCP Addendum on GitHub, to get alerts where manual intervention required.


Update XML

The pack greatly decreases alerts, and the XML authoring is an easy feat.  After you import the pack, find/replace is required for two pieces.

  • Discovery group regular expressions (RegEx)


Find ##DHCPServerRegEx## and replace with your DNS server expressions.

Example server names: 12dc01, 19dc01,19dc02,19dc03, etc.

RegEx = (?i)12dc0|19dc0

Using PowerShell on SCOM management server (MS) to determine group GUIDs for replace in Overrides/Discoveries.
Using PowerShell on SCOM management server (MS) to determine group GUIDs for replace in Overrides/Discoveries.


  • Update group GUIDs, after installing this pack.

Find/replace the GUIDs, as they are unique to every SCOM management group, hard coding the group ID GUID is not possible.  We will be running Get-SCOMClassInstance to determine the group GUID’s applicable in the management group.


From PowerShell, on your SCOM management server, run get-SCOMClassInstance commands for the two groups added.

get-scomclassinstance -DisplayName “Microsoft Windows DHCP 2016+ Servers” | ft Id

get-scomclassinstance -DisplayName “Microsoft Windows DHCP 2016+ subscription components” | ft Id



Leveraging Notepad++ to find/replace the group GUID with SCOM environment specific GUIDs

Find/Replace the GUID in the pack with the ID from the output above.

Example leveraging Notepad++ to find/replace the group GUID with SCOM environment specific GUIDs

Save pack

Import into SCOM & Enjoy!

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