Delete PKI certificates

Don't you wish this were the certificates we worked with!
Don’t you wish this were the certificates we worked with!


Man, I wish I had a few of these certificates in my PKI infrastructure (portfolio)!  Ever need to identify an expired certificate, and or delete the certificate?  Depending on UAC, AppLocker, and other settings, the delete portion may require server logon.



Identify an expired certificate

Few ways to identify an expired certificate on servers.

Via RDP session to server

RDP to server, open MMC > Add Plug In > Certificates > for Computer

RDP to server, MMC, Certificates Plug In, Computer, expand certificate store to find expired certificate.
RDP to server, MMC, Certificates Plug In, Computer, expand certificate store to find expired certificate.


Via PowerShell

GCI Cert:\LocalMachine\*

The certificate store file path will vary the above command.

NOTE the SuperUser blog post will help decipher the folder name


Via ‘smart’ PowerShell across multiple machines

Courtesy of Vance Cozier!

“server1”,”server2″| % {invoke-command $_ -scriptblock {$env:ComputerName; GCI Cert:\LocalMachine\* }}


Via Monitoring for expired certificates

Using SCOM Certificate Monitoring or PKI monitoring management packs

Identify Expired certificates

Console navigation steps:

From SCOM console > Monitoring Tab

Expand PKI folder > Expand Certificates and CRLs folder

Click on ‘Certificates – Expired’ state view

SCOM Expired PKI certificates state view.
SCOM Expired PKI certificates state view.


Did you know

Run PowerShell commands from Holman’s SCOM Management pack (blog)- github download

Run PowerShell from Monitoring tool

From SCOM console > Monitoring Tab > SCOM Management folder > SCOM Agents

Highlight agent(s)

From Tasks Pane > click on ‘Execute any PowerShell’ task

SCOM Management pack, SCOM Agents, highlight agent(s), click on Task Pane > Execute any PowerShell task.
SCOM Management pack, SCOM Agents, highlight agent(s), click on Task Pane > Execute any PowerShell task.

On the pop-up window, click Override

Adjust timeout to 70 (seconds)

Override command line

Run the following commands (various Certificate store examples provided for removing expired certificates)

Personal Certificates folder

Get-ChildItem Cert:\LocalMachine\My | ? { (( $_.Subject -like “*GlobalSign*” ) -OR ( $_.Issuer -like “*GlobalSign*” )) -and $_.NotAfter -lt (get-date) } | fl Subject,Issuer

Trusted Root folder

Get-ChildItem Cert:\LocalMachine\Root | ? { ( $_.Subject -like “*GlobalSign*” ) -OR ( $_.Issuer -like “*GlobalSign*” ) } | fl  Subject,Issuer

Third Party Root

Get-ChildItem Cert:\LocalMachine\AuthRoot | ? { (( $_.Subject -like “*GlobalSign*” ) -OR ( $_.Issuer -like “*GlobalSign*” )) -and $_.NotAfter -lt (get-date) } | fl Subject,Issuer

Run PowerShell task.
Run PowerShell task.

Click OK button to close Overrides window

Click OK to run task

View task output

PS C:\Users\admin> Get-ChildItem Cert:\LocalMachine\Root | ? { ( $_.Subject -like “*GlobalSign*” ) -OR ( $_.Issuer

like “*GlobalSign*” ) } | fl Subject,Issuer


Subject : CN=GlobalSign Root CA, OU=Root CA, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, C=BE

Issuer  : CN=GlobalSign Root CA, OU=Root CA, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, C=BE

Subject : CN=GlobalSign, O=GlobalSign, OU=GlobalSign Root CA – R2

Issuer  : CN=GlobalSign, O=GlobalSign, OU=GlobalSign Root CA – R2



Once task completes, go back to the Certificates state view > highlight the certificate > Click the Rediscover Certificates task

SCOM PKI Certificate state view
SCOM PKI Certificate state view




Delete PKI certificates

After identifying correct certificate and folder in question that requires deletion:

    1. Verify backup of certificate
    2. Test delete via PowerShell window from SCOM

Get-ChildItem Cert:\LocalMachine\AuthRoot | ? { ( $_.Subject -like “*GlobalSign*” ) -OR ( $_.Isser -like “*GlobalSign*” ) } | Remove-Item -DeleteKey

  1. Verify Task output shows certificate deleted
  2. Refresh MMC GUI > Certificates plug in, and folder to verify certificate deleted
  3. Go back to SCOM Console Monitoring Tab
  4. Expand PKI folder
  5. Expand Certificates and CRLs folder
  6. Click on Certificates – Expired state view
  7. In Tasks pane on right, click on Rediscover certificates task, Click OK to run
  8. Open Health Explorer and reset monitor to clear alert

Alternatively, leverage PowerShell reset logic on SCOM MS, use blog




SCOM Certificate monitoring TechCommunity blog

Download SCOM Certificate monitoring pack

Long-standing PKI certificate pack and blog

Identify certificate stores to windows folders

STIG finding V-69223

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