Azure Log Analytics for Windows Telemetry data



I blogged about this last year here



As best practice, the Upgrade Analytics script checks for far more than just injecting the workspace key and telemetry value.



FYI – This could also be managed in an SCCM Compliance setting.

Paul Fitzgerald – Platform PFE blogged about a non SCCM method here



Assess requirements for environment:


Barebones configuration requires Commercial ID, allow telemetry, and level of telemetry data to send

Optional – Create key for IEDataOptIn

Send data to Application Insights

Customer proxy setup



Script has 11 parameters specified, not all are needed (excerpt below from script)

# run mode (Deployment or Pilot)
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)]

# File share to store logs
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=2)]

# Commercial ID provided to you
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=3)]

# logMode == 0 log to console only
# logMode == 1 log to file and console
# logMode == 2 log to file only
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=4)]

#To enable IE data, set AllowIEData=IEDataOptIn and set IEOptInLevel

#IEOptInLevel = 0 Internet Explorer data collection is disabled
#IEOptInLevel = 1 Data collection is enabled for sites in the Local intranet + Trusted sites + Machine local zones
#IEOptInLevel = 2 Data collection is enabled for sites in the Internet + Restricted sites zones
#IEOptInLevel = 3 Data collection is enabled for all sites


[string]$NoOfAppraiserRetries = 30,

[string]$ClientProxy = “Direct”,






Simple method to update machines to send Windows telemetry data:



PowerShell script

From PowerShell as Administrator

Set-Location HKLM:


$registryPath = “HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies”

$Name = “DataCollection”

$Name2 = “AllowTelemetry”

$CommercialID = “00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000”

$value = “2”  # Values from 0-3 accepted

$vIEDataOptInPath = “HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\DataCollection”

$IEOptInLevel = “2”  # Values from 0-3 accepted


If ( (Test-Path $registryPath\$Name) ) { write-host -f green “Registry keys already exist” }

If ( ! (Test-Path $registryPath\$Name) )


New-ItemProperty -Path $registryPath -Name $name

New-ItemProperty -Path $registryPath -Name $CommercialID

New-ItemProperty -Path $vIEDataOptInPath -Name IEDataOptIn -Type DWord -Value $IEOptInLevel

New-ItemProperty -Path $registryPath\$Name -Name $name2 -Value $value `

    -PropertyType DWORD -Force | Out-Null

Write-host -f green “Registry keys added for Telemetry”







Configure telemetry

Get Started link

Win 7,8 Opt in link

O365 Office Analytics

Ever wonder where all your time goes each week?


From an executive standpoint, want to see statistics on where employees are spending most of their time?


Did you know Office365 has an Outlook AddIn for analytics? Personal Analytics Link



Access your analytics


Requires E3 add on or above (E5), and can be configured by the Office Admin



The MyAnalytics dashboard

Set your goals in meetings, email, network, focus/project time, and after hours



Click on Email hours for insight on where you so pend your time

Click on View Details to see when you’re sending and reading email



Click on the Network tab to add important people to your dashboard that you work with (for projects, job duties, etc.)

You can add people by using the Search Bar (top right hand corner)


Add Important People to your network

Click the Star to favorite people in the ‘Stay in Touch’ pane (or from the Network pane)



From the Network pane, click on Important people to see your VIP list




Click on the Meetings

Click View Details to see what meetings you multitask


Focus Hours and After Hours

Review the insights, and customize to your needs


For more information about Office Analytics

Knowledge Link

Personal dashboard link