SCOM Monitor reset logic



Ever want to reset SCOM monitors, and wish it was just a simple Reset Button for unhealthy monitors?


I’ve been using Scott Murr’s TechNet gallery loop to maintain my alerts, and ensure monitors are healthy for all my management packs.


The blurb I put in my DS/WA scripts to reset SCOM monitors.  I build on Andrew’s methods I didn’t realize (just think much uglier code!)

Cleaner PowerShell to help reset monitors and rules



My PowerShell variables to reset SCOM monitors, includes my Addendum and the core – DNS example provided below (thank you Andrew!)


## Grab the MP, get the Monitors and Rules from the MP, then grab all alerts found inside the Monitors/Rules

$SCOMCoreMP = Get-SCOMManagementPack -DisplayName “Microsoft Windows Server 2016 and 1709+ DNS Monitoring”
$SCOMAddendumMP = Get-SCOMManagementPack -DisplayName “Microsoft Windows Server 2016 DNS Monitoring Addendum”

$SCOMCoreRules = $SCOMCoreMP.GetRules()
$SCOMCoreMonitors = $SCOMCoreMP.GetMonitors()
$SCOMAddendumRules = $SCOMAddendumMP.GetRules()
$SCOMAddendumMonitors = $SCOMAddendumMP.GetMonitors()

$SCOMCoreReportAlerts = Get-SCOMAlert | ? { ($_.Name -in $SCOMCoreRules.DisplayName) -or ($_.Name -in $SCOMCoreMonitors.DisplayName) }
$SCOMAddendumReportAlerts = Get-SCOMAlert | ? { ($_.Name -in $SCOMAddendumRules.DisplayName) -or ($_.Name -in $SCOMAddendumMonitors.DisplayName) }

$SCOMOpenReportAlerts = $SCOMAddendumReportAlerts | ? { ( $_.ResolutionState -ne “255” ) }
$SCOMOpenAddendumReportAlerts = $SCOMAddendumReportAlerts | ? { ( $_.ResolutionState -ne “255” ) }

$SCOMCoreRuleAlerts = Get-SCOMAlert | ? { ( $_.Name -in $SCOMCoreMonitors.DisplayName) -AND ( $_.ResolutionState -ne “255” ) }
$SCOMAddendumRuleAlerts = Get-SCOMAlert | ? { ( $_.Name -in $SCOMAddendumRules.DisplayName) -AND ( $_.ResolutionState -ne “255” ) }

$SCOMCoreMonitorAlerts = Get-SCOMAlert | ? { ($_.Name -in $SCOMCoreMonitors.DisplayName ) -AND ( $_.ResolutionState -ne “255” ) }
$SCOMAddendumMonitorAlerts = Get-SCOMAlert | ? { ($_.Name -in $SCOMAddendumMonitors.DisplayName ) -AND ( $_.ResolutionState -ne “255” ) }

$AutoClosed = $SCOMCoreMonitorAlerts.Count + $SCOMCoreRuleAlerts.Count + $SCOMAddendumMonitorAlerts.Count + $SCOMAddendumRuleAlerts.Count
$Test = $SCOMCoreReportAlerts.Count + $SCOMAddendumReportAlerts.Count
$OpenAlerts = $SCOMOpenReportAlerts.Count + $SCOMOpenAddendumReportAlerts.Count
$ResetMonitors = $SCOMCoreMonitors + $SCOMAddendumMonitors
$MonitorAlerts = $SCOMCoreMonitorAlerts.Count + $SCOMAddendumMonitorAlerts.Count



# If Cleanup needed, array of report monitors

# Reset Monitors Script
# Put ps1 in mgmtpacks folder
# Download


if ( $MonitorAlerts -gt 0 )
foreach ( $MonitorDisplayName in $ResetMonitors.DisplayName )
$Monitors = @( Get-SCOMMonitor -displayname $MonitorDisplayName )

# Set up monitor objects to reset
foreach ($Monitor in $Monitors)
$MonitorClass = Get-SCOMClass -Id $Monitor.Target.Id
$ActiveMonitors = Get-SCOMClassInstance -Class $MonitorClass | ? { ($_.healthstate -ne ‘Success’) -AND ( $_.healthstate -ne ‘Uninitialized’) -AND ($_.IsAvailable -eq $true) }
write-host “Found” + $ActiveMonitors.Count + “active monitors.”
if ( $ActiveMonitors -ne $null)
foreach ($ActiveMonitor in $ActiveMonitors)
write-host ” Resetting Health State on ‘” +$ActiveMonitor.FullName + “‘”

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