End the STIG(ma)

Seriously, dream on!  End the STIGma is a good thing, but STIGs can be a burden.  Hit the easy button, if you’re not already using it.  Contact your SQL Data and AI Cloud Solutions Architect for the latest SQL STIG Monitor 2024 Q4 build!


Latest SQL STIG monitor 31 Oct 2024 release includes

DISA UPDATES – see link
MS SQL Server 2016 Instance STIG, V3R2:

(NOTE: DISA has been contacted to remove related CCI STIGID for AzureSQLDB that was overlooked: ASQL-00-010700)

Updated version to 1.23
Added STIGID parameter to Invoke-StigMonitor allowing granular control over STIGID scanning.

Updated Checklist Templates for Q4 Revisions.
Updated Instance & Database STIG for Q4 benchmark date.
Script updates include:

CNTNMIXDB: Not A Finding if using Windows Auth
FORCENRYPT: NA if using Windows Auth
PWDCMPLX: Updated Finding to remove OS STIG reference
AZDBPERMISS: Revised script with new version.
DBPERMISS: Revised script with new version.
ENFCACCSS: Revised script with new version.
PSERRPERM: Revised script with new version.
UNQSVCACC: Removed code stripping out port number.
AZAUDITSTATE: Properly returns No Finding when audit setup is correct.
Fixed bug in vDocumentation view causing POAMs to not display custom comment in exported documentation.
Added usp_RemoveInstance stored procedure to easily clean up a specific Instance from StigMonitor that no longer exists.

Updated checklist templates, Approvals scripts, and Documentation Templates for Q4 Revisions.
Removed Set-CEIPRegKeys.ps1, Set-FIPSCompliance.ps1, and Set-SqlRegKey.ps1 in favor of Module commands.
Updated InfoPage with new StigMonitor logo and text references.
Documentation updated with new examples of Invoke-StigMonitor STIGID parameter.
Updated documentation to add Azure DB Permission for MS_SecurityDefinitionReader.
Added DatabaseName to CSV Export of Export-StigDocumentation.

Updated Report banner to display new StigMonitor logo and latest report versions.
Removed Adhoc scanning to Policy Management Report in favor of Invoke-StigMonitor parameter.
Removed references to Sunset 2012 and 2014 STIGs.
Added AzureSQLMI for future use.
Combined NF and Approved in Total Findings summary
Reduced Recent Scans to latest 6.

Also please send us your feedback if you get a chance to check this out.
If you want to be added/removed from this, click here (Subscribe /Unsubscribe) or send us an email.


Need to find the command UNIX pack runs for perf counter

Magnifying Glass



Have you ever needed to find the command UNIX pack runs for perf counter?   Say the processor time value doesn’t match what the Unix admin may be saying SCOM is showing.


Many times you can look at the SCOM management pack, and those commands trace back to the UNIX library.


Background:  The SCOM management server runs many of the cross-plat/xplat workflows to the UNIX agent through WinRM.


  1. Unseal SCOM UNIX management pack to obtain URI
  2. Understand command line options from UNIX/Linux side, and how to view the output
  3. Enumerate command line
  4. Test Command line from SCOM MS




Unseal SCOM UNIX management pack

The screenshot below is unsealing the Solaris10 pack to XML, and then viewing/searching to show the processor reference.

Solaris 10 processor rules

NOTE that’s a URI, not a script



How UNIX admin may supply processor output

Example – Unix admin typically uses vmstat or iostat.


The screenshot uses ‘vmstat 2 10‘ – a snapshot every 2 second intervals, 10 times

vmstat output


We can discuss the vmstat output, but it shows way more than just processor (ready queue, swap, user, system, and cpu %) to help figure out which operating system component is the problem.



Enumerate command line test

How do we test the command line syntax, to verify what SCOM pulls when running the rule?

For example, we need to make the URI actionable from the management pack.  What is needed to make a usable command?


Grab the URI from the pack



Because we know the URI, we now build out the syntax with WinRM

winrm enumerate http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wscim/1/cim-schema/2/SCX_ProcessorStatisticalInformation?__cimnamespace=root/scx -auth:basic -remote:https://<servername>:1270 -username:<scomID, not necessarily root> -skipCACheck -skipCNCheck -skiprevocationcheck –encoding:utf-8



Test WinRM command from SCOM MS

For instance, we want to test the WinRM command from the MS to the UNIX server

winrm enumerate http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wscim/1/cim-schema/2/SCX_ProcessorStatisticalInformation?__cimnamespace=root/scx -auth:basic -remote:https://ubuntu:1270 -username:scom -skipCACheck -skipCNCheck -skiprevocationcheck –encoding:utf-8


Example output

InstanceID = null
Caption = Processor information
Description = CPU usage statistics
ElementName = null
Name = 0
IsAggregate = FALSE
PercentIdleTime = 99
PercentUserTime = 0
PercentNiceTime = 0
PercentPrivilegedTime = 0
PercentInterruptTime = 0
PercentDPCTime = 0
PercentProcessorTime = 1
PercentIOWaitTime = 0

InstanceID = null
Caption = Processor information
Description = CPU usage statistics
ElementName = null
Name = _Total
IsAggregate = TRUE
PercentIdleTime = 99
PercentUserTime = 0
PercentNiceTime = 0
PercentPrivilegedTime = 0
PercentInterruptTime = 0
PercentDPCTime = 0
PercentProcessorTime = 1
PercentIOWaitTime = 0


Additional references for WinRM syntax and troubleshooting

Warren’s blog

Docs site

Use Unix MP’s for shell commands


Possible SQL issues affecting SCOM performance


Good reasons for a Risk Assessment


SQL RAS runs 800+ queries to check on target SQL servers

Check Best Practice Recommendations (BPR)


May be good opportunity to audit the SQL build for BPR!




Ran across some good examples where SQL settings brought SCOM to a standstill

One was Cardinality Estimation – basically, predicts how many rows a query will return

Part of SQL since 1998 with SQL Server v7.0


Let’s figure out what SQL2016 runs OoB (out of box)


SQL 2016

SELECT ServerProperty(‘ProductVersion’);

SELECT name, value
FROM sys.database_scoped_configurations



The other is CLR Strict Security

SELECT * FROM sys.configurations

WHERE name = ‘clr enabled’



Talking with Shawn Nakhostin – SQL PFE, we discussed opportunities and questions around SQL optimization and best practices.

Shawn gave me the following feedback on customer performance issues:

I’ve found some customers who have had performance issues with SQL based on organizational SQL settings:

  1. Trace flag 9481
  2. CLR Strict Security is by default enabled


Trace flag 9481

Enabling or disabling this TF is not a matter of best practice.

The customer should see what works for them.

Here is the explanation:

Customer started using a new cardinality estimator in SQL Server 2014.

The product team knew that the new CE improved some of the query plans, but not all of them. In other words, they knew that this would improve overall query performance in “some” environments but might have a different impact in other environments.

For this reason, they created TF 9481 so that environments that see query performance degradation after upgrading SQL Server from version 2012 and earlier, they can turn on this trace flag so that the query optimizer uses the old algorithm for CE.

Note:-Trace flag 9481 forces the query optimizer to use version 70 (the SQL Server 2012 version) of the cardinality estimator when creating the query plan.




CLR Strict Security is by default enabled

This causes all assemblies to be treated as unsafe.

As a result, assemblies will not load.

To get the assemblies to load they can do one of the following:

  • Sign the assembly. This may work if you have a few assemblies but becomes a huge task if there are many assemblies to sign.
  • Set the TRUSTWORTHY database property to on.
    • This is not recommended because in some form defeats the purpose of using CLR Strict Security.
  • Add the assembly to the trusted assemblies list.
    • This is called whitelisting, which may be a better option than the previous two.




Skype for Business 2015 (premise) Addendum MP

Ever try to figure out a Skype alert, for which server in the pool(s) is failing?


While maybe not the clearest to find root cause, the Skype pack brings a bunch of functionality, including synthetic transactions.


I was lucky enough to collaborate with Nick Wood, Skype PFE, to help provide more detail, troubleshooting, impact on what is critical versus warning.


What the addendum pack brings

Do you think 656 monitors can all be critical?

  • Sets up service restart recovery tasks for all Skype services
  • Company Knowledge tab for troubleshooting/user impact


Gallery Download


Here is a visual of our Skype efforts for integrating troubleshooting details into SCOM console.

NOTE:  Company Knowledge tab would be accessible from the alert as well


Company Knowledge

SCOM Console, Authoring tab, Dispatcher Queue monitor

Highlight monitor, right click, choose properties

Click on ‘Company Knowledge’ tab

Incorporated the XLS into SCOM under Company Knowledge for additional information on user impact, causes, and troubleshooting (under resolutions)