File Services Addendum

File Services is all about sharing.
File Services is all about sharing.

‘File Services Addendum’, named Microsoft Windows Server FileServices 2016 Addendum, adds replication health/backlog script, seed and group classes, replication/service monitors, recovery tasks, and overrides to tune monitored environment.




Overview of File Services monitoring

Addendum assumes the file services version agnostic version 10. pack is installed.

Looking at XML file in Notepad++, the pack references are what packs the workflows refer to (other management packs).  Kevin Holman taught building backwards compatibility with MP authoring.  Backwards compatibility allows SCOM2012+ import without errors.  To take this one step further, the v10.0.0.0 file services packs referenced represent the version agnostic packs.

NOTE: File Services Addendum references may need updates if the whole file services management packs are NOT installed.

References screenshot

File Services Addendum references may need updates if the whole file services management packs are NOT installed.


Addendum logic


Daily report and close automation, on-demand tasks for reports

DFS backlog script errors

SmSvc, DFSN, DFSR service recovery and rule alerts (from Holman fragments library)

DFS replication backlog watcher, script, alerts


Notepad++ screenshot

Addendum rules, tasks, monitors, recoveries.


Next, we look at the group/class discoveries

Update the Class/Group discoveries for DFS servers or script install paths for replication script.
Update the Class/Group discoveries for DFS servers or script install paths for replication script.

Update Class/Group discoveries for DFS servers or script install paths for replication script.

Find and replace FilePath and ##DFSServerNamingConvention## variable.

Save file and Import




Kevin Holman MP authoring with fragments

Kevin Holman MP fragment library


DHCP Addendum pack

Leverage DHCP addendum to tune DHCP subnet monitoring.
Leverage DHCP addendum to tune DHCP subnet monitoring.

Leverage the ‘DHCP Addendum pack’.  Why?  DHCP manages IP ranges, particularly customer facing issues like VPN connectivity, VDI/AVD/appliance devices, as well as client workstations/laptops/GFE’s.  The DHCP management pack alerts when a subnet is nearing zero available IP’s before you have an outage.  This article will help you understand how the addendum’s new capabilities tune DNS monitoring to best practice.





What capabilities does the ‘DHCP Addendum pack’ provide?

Two groups, one DHCP server group, and DHCP subscription group to configure notifications to SME for DHCP related classes

Overrides for common alerts, disable event collection rules



Utilize the DHCP Addendum

Download the DHCP Addendum on GitHub, to get alerts where manual intervention required.


Update XML

The pack greatly decreases alerts, and the XML authoring is an easy feat.  After you import the pack, find/replace is required for two pieces.

  • Discovery group regular expressions (RegEx)


Find ##DHCPServerRegEx## and replace with your DNS server expressions.

Example server names: 12dc01, 19dc01,19dc02,19dc03, etc.

RegEx = (?i)12dc0|19dc0

Using PowerShell on SCOM management server (MS) to determine group GUIDs for replace in Overrides/Discoveries.
Using PowerShell on SCOM management server (MS) to determine group GUIDs for replace in Overrides/Discoveries.


  • Update group GUIDs, after installing this pack.

Find/replace the GUIDs, as they are unique to every SCOM management group, hard coding the group ID GUID is not possible.  We will be running Get-SCOMClassInstance to determine the group GUID’s applicable in the management group.


From PowerShell, on your SCOM management server, run get-SCOMClassInstance commands for the two groups added.

get-scomclassinstance -DisplayName “Microsoft Windows DHCP 2016+ Servers” | ft Id

get-scomclassinstance -DisplayName “Microsoft Windows DHCP 2016+ subscription components” | ft Id



Leveraging Notepad++ to find/replace the group GUID with SCOM environment specific GUIDs

Find/Replace the GUID in the pack with the ID from the output above.

Example leveraging Notepad++ to find/replace the group GUID with SCOM environment specific GUIDs

Save pack

Import into SCOM & Enjoy!

OS Addendum packs

OS Addendum packs for Windows Server from 2012 forward
OS Addendum packs for Windows Server from 2012 forward

Download the ‘OS Addendum packs’ for new capabilities contains Event count logic monitor type, Disk cleanup, Group Policy, self-healing/reset monitors, as well as ‘eventLog full’ logic and reports.  Additional monitors reduce alert noise.  Examples of common alert scenarios are: StorPort storage errors, Group Policy 1096 identification and rebuild.  Disk Cleanup & EventLog service recovery, which includes Event Log file expansion and rollover.


Quick DownloadS



Tune ‘OS Addendum packs’ as needed

Update logical disk paths and retentions.  The default report contains quite a few common checks, including root folders broken out by path, highest to lowest GB’.  The workflow is scalable to add additional application paths, as well as file retention timeframes.  Workflow runs on a weekly basis to cleanup/archive log files, paths.  See Disk cleanup logic blog for more details.

' OS Addendum packs' contains Logical disk breakdown of root folders to list paths were files stored, highest to lowest
‘ OS Addendum packs’ contains Logical disk breakdown of root folders to list paths were files stored, highest to lowest



StorPort storage errors typically cut lots of alerts with storage reads/writes.  The ‘count’ monitors decrease the alerts, and the daily alert report consolidates the warning alerts (critical by default).  If you’re seeing these alerts, the default should decrease overall alerts to near zero.  Tune as  needed for disk alerts, by updating MatchCount or TimerWait in Seconds (the x events in y time piece of the monitor logic)

Update StorPort Count for Repeated Storage read/write errors
Update StorPort Count for Repeated Storage read/write errors

Save file(s) and import

DNS Addendum pack

nslookup to find out IP to name or name to IP resolution
nslookup to find out IP to name or name to IP resolution.


Simply put: Leverage the ‘DNS Addendum pack’.  Why?  DNS is a translation method to convert names to IP’s.  Can you imagine if we wanted to connect to google via IP?  The amount of workflows in the SCOM DNS pack (built by the DNS Product Group) makes for an astounding number of workflows running on your DC every minute.  Forward and reverse lookups are a good check, verifying DNS is functioning.  In a complex environment with 100’s of zones, SCOM becomes a utilization culprit for a DC’s primary missions – authenticate and resolve.  This article will help you understand how the pack will add new capabilities and tune DNS monitoring to best practice.






What capabilities does the ‘DNS Addendum pack’ provide?

Count logic monitors (i.e. x events in y time, and self heal)

Daily summary report of DNS alerts broken out

DNS service(s) recovery automation

Daily alert closure workflow to close out DNS rules/monitor

Synthetic internal/external nslookup monitor (scoped to PDC emulators versus ALL DNS servers

WMI validation alert recovery to prevent false positive alerts with weird one off scenarios – one example: Security tools randomly block WMI access.


Download the DNS Addendum on GitHub and the PDF install guide, to improve AD Integrated (ADI) DNS monitoring on Windows Server 2016+ (version agnostic).


XML authoring

The pack greatly decreases alerts, workflows on your AD integrated DNS servers, and the XML authoring is an easy feat.  After you import the pack, find/replace is required for two pieces.

  • Group GUIDs update, after installing this pack.

Find/replace the GUIDs, as they are unique to every SCOM management group, hard coding the group ID GUID is not possible.

From PowerShell, on your SCOM management server, run these commands (after DNS Addendum installed)

Use get-scomclassinstance -DisplayName “GroupNameHere” | ft Id

DNS Addendum - update overrides for group GUID from SCOM management group

Find/Replace the GUID in the pack with the ID from the output above.


  • Discovery group regular expressions (RegEx)


Find ##DNSServerRegEx## and replace with your DNS server expressions.

Example server names: 16dns01, 19dc01,16dns02,19dc02,19dc03, etc.

RegEx = (?i)16dns0|19dc0

DNS Group discovery example of RegEx for find/replace
DNS Group discovery example of RegEx for find/replace


Save and Import & Enjoy!

VMwareTools OpenSSL vulnerabilities

Extra Extra read all about it, VMwareTools OpenSSL vulnerabilities!

Extra Extra read all about it, VMwareTools OpenSSL vulnerabilities!

Update VMwareTools to solve OpenSSL vulnerabilities CVE-2023-3446, CVE-2023-2975.  The ‘VMwareTools OpenSSL vulnerabilities’ showed up two (2) weeks ago, but it took about a week for the update to post.  Latest Tenable scan article shows OpenSSL update to v3.0.10 required for VMware Tools.



Update VMwareTools

Start with the Security scan and the plugin ID to mitigate ‘Tenable Scan output of OpenSSL PlugIn ID documenting problems’

Tenable Scan output of OpenSSL PlugIn ID documenting problems
Tenable Scan output of OpenSSL PlugIn ID documenting problems

Talk with your security team to identify the offending path for guidance on which application might be the culprit.   The diagnostic/debug details can be a lifesaver!

Snippet of Tenable OpenSSL path from scan diagnostic of OpenSSL vulnerabilities
Snippet of Tenable OpenSSL path from scan diagnostic of OpenSSL vulnerabilities

Newer version of VMwareTools required to fix OpenSSL vulnerabilities.

Originally, no VMwareTools update posted
Originally, no VMwareTools update posted

VmWare tools v12.6 resolves CVE-2023-3446, CVE-2023-2975.  Hopefully your virtualization team uses an Endpoint Manager to manage server configurations, and they have an application/package wrapper to install VMwareTools without this being a manual process

Either way, you’ll have to download the update download link

VmWare tools v12.6 has OpenSSL update to resolve CVE-2023-3446, CVE-2023-2975

VmWare tools v12.6 has OpenSSL update to resolve CVE-2023-3446, CVE-2023-2975

Follow VMware’s knowledge base (KB) ‘how to’ article ‘how to’ install VMWare Tools

I typically link this with the monthly patches, where a single reboot puts all the patches into a fresh boot (applying the configuration).




Tenable article OpenSSL 3.0.0 < 3.0.10 Multiple Vulnerabilities | Tenable®

VMware KB article ‘how to’ install VMWare Tools

Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP) download

How to install OpenSSL in windows 10? – Stack Overflow

STIGs for SCOM FIPS compliance on Windows

What does your mind link to with the FIPS acronym?  FIPS makes me think of the movie Greyhound where Tom Hanks says LT Flipper, instead of Fippler, all that said being ZERO to do with resolving ‘STIGs for SCOM FIPS compliance on Windows’


The biggest hurdle to ‘STIGs for SCOM FIPS compliance on Windows’, is obtaining the files.  The current bundled SCOM ISO’s since 2012 SP1 do NOT contain the gacutil, and cryptography DLL files, to resolve STIG V-220942 (win10), V-226335 (Server 2012/2012R2), V-73701 (Server 2016), V-93511 (Server 2019), V-254480 (Server 2022).  As much as we want to resolve FIPS ‘STIGS for SCOM FIPS compliance for Windows Server’, gotta start with the finding relevant files.   My thanks to Nathan Gau, Tyson Paul, and Aakash Basavaraj, for their involvement and clarification.



Install DLL for STIGs for SCOM FIPS compliance on Windows

Time to mitigate!

Let’s begin to fix the SCOM Web Console role servers (possibly SQL SSRS and PowerBI Report Server included) for resolving multiple ‘STIGs for SCOM FIPS compliance for Windows Server’.  Blog post applies to multiple STIG(s) including STIGs V-220942, V-226335, V-73701, V-93511, V-254480


Download files

Whether from blog download link, or if you have the old ISO’s to obtain the DLL, and server ISO for gacutil , or link

Download SCOM ISO from
Download SCOM ISO from


If you downloaded from, extract from ISO.

Copy files to IIS role servers (SCOM web console, SSRS, or PowerBI report Servers) to setup files for FIPS compliance.

Download the DLL to the SCOM default folder –

Best practice is SCOM Default folder on non-system disk @

D:\Program Files\System Center\Operations Manager\Server


Update the registry on relevant servers

Registry key update is required to mitigate ‘STIGs for SCOM FIPS compliance on Windows’.


STIG states to create Enabled Key with a value of 1 in HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\FIPSAlgorithmPolicy\

Verification via RegEdit (registry editor)

Display of regedit for the FIPS enabled key
Display of regedit for the FIPS enabled key


PowerShell Verification:

$RegPath = “HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\FipsAlgorithmPolicy”

[string]$FIPSEnabled = (Get-ItemProperty -Path $RegPath -Name Enabled).Enabled

if ( $FIPSEnabled -eq 0 ) {write-host “FIPS disabled” }


Example Output

PS C:\> $RegPath = “HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\FipsAlgorithmPolicy”

PS C:\> [string]$FIPSEnabled = (Get-ItemProperty -Path $RegPath -Name Enabled).Enabled

PS C:\> $FIPSEnabled


PS C:\> if ( $FIPSEnabled -eq 0 ) {write-host “FIPS disabled” }

FIPS disabled



PowerShell to set the registry key:

Blog link

$registryPath = “HKCU:\Software\ScriptingGuys\Scripts”

$Name = “Version”

$value = “1”

New-ItemProperty -Path $registryPath -Name $name -Value $value ` 

    -PropertyType DWORD -Force | Out-Null




Reboot web console servers to verify web console functionality!

This concludes resolving ‘STIGs for SCOM FIPS compliance for Windows Server’




Relevant links and documentation of  ‘STIGs for SCOM FIPS compliance on Windows’

Download from blog here (Link

Nathan Gau’s blog here

VisualStudio download for SCOM ISO’s here

STIG V-220942 for Windows 10

STIG V-226335 for Windows Server 2012/2012R2

STIG V-73701 for Windows Server 2016

STIG V-93511 for Windows Server 2019

STIG V-254480 for Windows Server 2022

NIST reference for hash functions

TechNet migrated forum post here

Tenable link for Server 2016 here

NIST policy for Windows Server2019

Windows runs per FIPS 140-2 Section 4.9

Researching further, Microsoft certified server2016,2019 per learn articles.

Server 2016

Server 2019

To Counter the STIG





Resolve HSTS vulnerability CVEs on IIS10

IIS Error 500 – Don’t let a vulnerability cause downtime with your SCOM web console


This article will help resolve security HSTS vulnerability CVEs on IIS10.  The steps apply to Windows Server 2016+, to help resolve multiple vulnerabilities, including CVE-2023-23915 CVE-2023-23914 CVE-2017-7789.   There are a few ways to configure IIS, and the blog post will show how to set up HTTP response, and HTTP redirect for the SCOM web console role’d server(s).


Setting HSTS on IIS10 to resolve with Server2016 1609

Open PowerShell window as Admin
cd c:\windows\winsxs
gci wow64_microsoft-windows-iis-shared* | ft Name

Example aim for latest directory
NOTE bottom entry based on software versioning

Example output
PS C:\windows\winsxs> gci wow64_microsoft-windows-iis-shared* | ft Name


# AppCMD lines
.\appcmd.exe set config -section:system.applicationHost/sites “/[name=’Default Web Site’].hsts.enabled:True” /commit:apphost
.\appcmd.exe set config -section:system.applicationHost/sites “/[name=’Default Web Site’].hsts.max-age:31536000” /commit:apphost
.\appcmd.exe set config -section:system.applicationHost/sites “/[name=’Default Web Site’].hsts.includeSubDomains:True” /commit:apphost
.\appcmd.exe set config -section:system.applicationHost/sites “/[name=’Default Web Site’].hsts.redirectHttpToHttps:True” /commit:apphost



For Server2016 1709 and greater

To add the HSTS Header, follow the steps below:

Open IIS manager.
Select your site.
Open HTTP Response Headers option.
Click on Add in the Actions section.
In the Add Custom HTTP Response Header dialog, add the following values:
Name: Strict-Transport-Security
Value: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload
Or directly in web.config as below under system.webServer:

<add name=”Strict-Transport-Security” value=”max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload” />

NOTE iisreset may be required to restart IIS and apply settings



Verify HTTP Response Headers

From IIS10 (IIS Manager) > click on ‘Default Web Site’ > HTTP Response Headers

Verify Strict-Transport-Security blurb matches

HSTS IIS10 HTTP Response Headers screenshot verifying settings applied



Set HTTP Redirect

Now to set the HTTP redirect, to prevent denial of service (DoS) attacks.

From IIS10 (IIS Manager) > Expand ‘Default Web Site’ > HTTP Redirect


Default Web Site HTTP Redirect to SCOM web console URL



From IIS10 (IIS Manager) > Expand ‘Default Web Site’ > go through each Application to set HTTP redirect


Set HSTS HTTP Redirect on other web applications
Set HSTS HTTP Redirect on other web applications


Test your web console URL to verify components




NIST CVE-2023-23915 CVE-2023-23914

Mitre CVE-2017-7789

Blog link