Console Errors in the new Active Directory Directory Services MP

New MP released that resolves this – v10.0.2.0 download here


Console Errors in the new Active Directory Directory Services MP



At least it’s not the Security patch issue when you click on Health/State views, right?


In the SCOM Console

Do you get an error when clicking on Authoring Tab, Management Pack Objects, Overrides?


If you are running the 2012-2016 Active Directory Directory Services v10.0.1.0 MP’s, you most likely get an error

“Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Common.ObjectNotFoundException: An object of class ManagementPackClass with ID <guid here>”


Unfortunately, the RODC group rule overrides were not referenced to the Discovery MP.

It’s an awesome MP, and I’m thankful for the new AD MP.

Check out Holman’s blog for all the fun and features.


Figure out which management pack has the issue with the ID

To find the offending item from the console error, see this blog.

Blog Summary = Using Ops Manager Shell, export the overrides

get-scomOverrides | out-file d:\monadmin\overrides.txt

Search for your GUID to know the ID and what in SCOM that ID is attached to.

Property          : Enabled
XmlTag            : RulePropertyOverride
Rule              : ManagementPackElementUniqueIdentifier=78ee983f-268d-0b99-0ca6-b1ca75c46621
Context           : ManagementPackElementUniqueIdentifier=0903521d-f768-3d26-a0af-ae52f8c09a29
ContextInstance   : 
Enforced          : False
Value             : false
ManagementGroup   : SCOM2012R2
ManagementGroupId : 28b70e43-4655-edfc-6127-ff4a72642488
Identifier        : 1|Microsoft.Windows.Server.AD.2012.Monitoring/31bf3856ad364e35||Microsoft.Windows.Server.2012.AD.DomainController.DRAOutboundBytesComp.Collection.Override.RODCGroup||
Name              : Microsoft.Windows.Server.2012.AD.DomainController.DRAOutboundBytesComp.Collection.Override.RODCGroup

The highlighted items show a Override for a Rule, named ‘DRA Outbound Bytes Comp’ (compressed)


Now, if you’re impatient like me, and can’t wait for the new sealed MP to fix the console error, here’s how you can fix the MP.

Unseal the three monitoring MP’s

After unsealing the MP, update the RulePropertyOverride(s) for 2012, 2012R2, and 2016 Monitoring management packs, and then import into your SCOM Management group.

MP Viewer How-To, Tool Download


Add Referencing MP to the Rule overrides
For 2012 – AD2012Core! was missing (See Manifest section for AD2012Core MP info)
For 2012R2 – AD2012R2Core! was missing (See Manifest section for AD2012R2Core MP info)
For 2016 – AD2016Core! was missing (See Manifest section for AD2016Core MP info)
The RODC group is created with each version of AD Directory Services (2008, 2012,2016)
In the 2008 MP the overrides exist in the Discovery MP
To correct the 2012, 2012R2, 2016 MP’s, the discovery MP reference must be added to the Rule


Verify overrides in SCOM Console

Click on Authoring Tab, Management Pack Objects, Overrides

overridesconsoleerror  “Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Common.ObjectNotFoundException: An object of class ManagementPackClass with ID <guid here>”

Through persistence, you may be able to search for Overrides


In ‘Look For’ bar, type RODC

Hit enter

Verify there are 4 (fyi there are 4 rules per AD version you have installed in your management group)


Remove Sealed AD Monitoring MP’s

Import unsealed MP’s


Verify in Console that overrides show up (No Errors seen)


Click on Authoring Tab, Management Pack Objects, Overrides

In ‘Look For’ bar, type RODC

Hit enter


Verify 16 (4 rules per AD version (2008, 2012,2012R2, 2016;  or 12 rules will display if AD 2008 packs are not installed)

Sample XML for Overrides
<RulePropertyOverride ID=”Microsoft.Windows.Server.2012.AD.DomainController.DRAIntersiteOutBytes.Collection.Override.RODCGroup” Context=”AD2012Core!Microsoft.Windows.Server.2012.AD.RODCGroup” Enforced=”false” Rule=”Microsoft.Windows.Server.2012.AD.DomainController.DRAIntersiteOutBytes.Collection” Property=”Enabled”>
<RulePropertyOverride ID=”Microsoft.Windows.Server.2012.AD.DomainController.DRAOutboundBytesComp.Collection.Override.RODCGroup” Context=”AD2012Core!Microsoft.Windows.Server.2012.AD.RODCGroup” Enforced=”false” Rule=”Microsoft.Windows.Server.2012.AD.DomainController.DRAOutboundBytesComp.Collection” Property=”Enabled”>
<RulePropertyOverride ID=”Microsoft.Windows.Server.2012.AD.DomainController.DRAOutboundBytesNotComp.Collection.Override.RODCGroup” Context=”AD2012Core!Microsoft.Windows.Server.2012.AD.RODCGroup” Enforced=”false” Rule=”Microsoft.Windows.Server.2012.AD.DomainController.DRAOutboundBytesNotComp.Collection” Property=”Enabled”>
<RulePropertyOverride ID=”Microsoft.Windows.Server.2012.AD.DomainController.DRAOutboundBytesTotal.Collection.Override.RODCGroup” Context=”AD2012Core!Microsoft.Windows.Server.2012.AD.RODCGroup” Enforced=”false” Rule=”Microsoft.Windows.Server.2012.AD.DomainController.DRAOutboundBytesTotal.Collection” Property=”Enabled”>






Supported SQL version for System Center

I’ve also been asked what versions of SQL work with System Center, so here’s references to see what the latest supported SQL version and patch.

Here is the System Center SQL matrix




Sizing SCOM 2012R2 and 2016

Many times, the question comes up for Microsoft sizing guidelines for Operations Manager/SCOM.  The Sizing Calculator XLS is a great resource to use to help answer some of the storage and SQL DB questions as it relates to the various features you enable in your environment.

The sizing calculator takes features beyond windows agents to help size SQL and storage needs, as well as management servers.

The SCOM Sizing Calculator XLS from TechNet helps determine capacity and storage needs for 2012 and 2016.  Here is the 2016 System Center SQL matrix

Other SCOM features that change the Operations Manager environment

# of Unix Servers

Network monitoring

Application Performance Monitoring (APM)

URL monitoring (transactional and availability)

DB Data retention requirements