Setting up OMS Capacity and Performance

Setting up OMS Capacity and Performance
Setting up OMS Capacity and Performance


Update 18 Dec 2023 – Solution retired in 2021 with OMS sunset. Repository archived by the owner on Feb 1, 2021. It is now read-only.



Do you know what your HyperV hosts are doing?

Not a HyperV fan, there’s a VMWare solution also here




Capacity dashboard

Capacity and performance preview summary
Capacity and performance preview summary


OMS dashboard
OMS dashboard



Setting up OMS Capacity and Performance

Already have the dashboard setup?  Perhaps this will help troubleshoot

Do you have network connectivity, or is a proxy required?


Troubleshooting dashboard

Windows Agents


Verify Operations Manager event log on local agent, then filter for error events and/or EventID 4506.  Look for dates/times to see when events started.

Example Event ID 4506 details the Capacity and Performance Solution, citing ‘Microsoft.IntelligencePacks.CapacityPerformance.Collector’.

Operations Manager Event Log, Event ID 4506 examples
Operations Manager Event Log, Event ID 4506 examples


Additional options

  1. Search LAW (Log Analytics workspace) logs

OMS Log search screenshot


2. Verify no proxy is set up (unless your network requires this)

OMSAgent proxy setting
OMSAgent proxy setting


3. 4506’s result from too many workflows sending data from MS to DB’s (OpsMgr and DW).  Additionally, 4506 events can be communication issues from MS to DB server(s).   Lastly, use TLS1.2 configuration as a best practice to enforce encryption from MS to SQL communication.  Beyond encryption, TLS may be a culprit if AlwaysOn or SQL clusters are involved, particularly as the SCOM console connections fail as SDK cannot talk with SQL side.  See Kevin Holman’s blog for additional TLS1.2 information and setup.

TLS blog



Learn article
TechNet blog

Uncommon Custom MP Fragments


Building on Kevin Holman’s MP Fragment Library are additional Uncommon Custom MP Fragments


This is the SCOM Management Pack Fragment Library which includes VSAE Fragments you can use to make SCOM management packs quickly and easily.

V1.0 has two Event Monitors with two state, two or three criteria monitors



Visual Studio, and the VSAE Fragments are installed

Visual Studio has a powerful plugin called VSAE (Visual Studio Authoring Extensions)

If you aren’t familar with MP fragments for authoring, see instructions at:


A Management Pack fragment is simply a bit of XML, that contains all the “working parts” for a specific workflow….

Several authors have written about the power of fragments since VSAE launched, but the biggest gap I saw can be broken up into two major issues:
•Nobody provided a good “library” of workable MP fragments
•Nobody came up with a VERY simple method to reuse fragments quickly and easily

If you can do a FIND and REPLACE in notepad, you can use this.

Kevin Holman’s MP Fragments here

Gallery download for the uncommon MP fragments

Supported SQL version for System Center

I’ve also been asked what versions of SQL work with System Center, so here’s references to see what the latest supported SQL version and patch.

Here is the System Center SQL matrix




Sizing SCOM 2012R2 and 2016

Many times, the question comes up for Microsoft sizing guidelines for Operations Manager/SCOM.  The Sizing Calculator XLS is a great resource to use to help answer some of the storage and SQL DB questions as it relates to the various features you enable in your environment.

The sizing calculator takes features beyond windows agents to help size SQL and storage needs, as well as management servers.

The SCOM Sizing Calculator XLS from TechNet helps determine capacity and storage needs for 2012 and 2016.  Here is the 2016 System Center SQL matrix

Other SCOM features that change the Operations Manager environment

# of Unix Servers

Network monitoring

Application Performance Monitoring (APM)

URL monitoring (transactional and availability)

DB Data retention requirements