What ID’s is SCOM using

Ever need to audit what ID’s SCOM is using?

Maybe you have to figure out how someone else setup SCOM.

Did they set up SCOM as recommended for best practices with different AD accounts per role?


If the ID’s are not logged during install, it’s a little more difficult to figure out what ID was used.

  • Domain Account for ALL services,


Try these PowerShell commands to find what SCOM is using.


ON MS (from PowerShell (don’t need admin unless you’re restarting services)

$Services = ( Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service )

$Services | ? { $_.Name -eq “OMSDK” -OR $_.Name -eq “cshost” -OR $_.Name -eq “HealthService” } |

ft name,Startname,StartMode




ON SCOM DB’s, Reporting (from PowerShell (don’t need admin unless you’re restarting services)

$Services = ( Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service )

$Services | ? { $_.DisplayName -like “*SQL*” } | ft name,Startname,StartMode



Source https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/heyscriptingguy/2012/02/15/the-scripting-wife-uses-powershell-to-find-service-accounts/



Have a lot of SCOM subscriptions?

You logged into SCOM because someone said they didn’t get a notification

Looked at subscriptions and it’s blank


Do you know if you backed up your subscriptions?


Hopefully, you read this and back up your management packs

Hope you read this blog, and it saved your life!


For those who love the Console UI

You can manually back up the MP

From the SCOM console

Click on the Administration Tab

Click on Management Packs (2012), or Installed Management Packs (2016)

Type ‘notification’ in the ‘Look for:’ bar

Hit Enter

Highlight the ‘Notifications Internal Library’ pack

Click on Export Management Pack

Name your path

Hit OK


For simple PowerShell


# Backup Management packs to C drive

# Set up your path, this example is monadmin\backup

$date = Get-Date -UFormat “%Y-%m-%d”


cd monadmin\backup

new-item -itemtype directory -path c:\monadmin\backup\$date

cd $date

Get-SCOMManagementPack -Name *Notification* | Export-SCOMManagementPack -Path “C:\monadmin\backup\$date”


Verify OMS Managed Computers

Ever wondered what objects are setup for OMS?


Maybe you’ve seen lots of errors on servers you don’t expect ?

It’s possible someone chose a group or nearly all managed computers in your SCOM environment.


How do we verify, or change what computers send data to OMS from SCOM?

1) Look for a group
In SCOM console, monitoring tab

Look for the ‘advisor’ group
Maybe someone put a group in there

2) Verify OMS members

In the SCOM console, Administration tab
Click on Managed Computers
See middle pane for what is currently set up


Update OMS Managed computers

In the SCOM console, Administration tab
Click on Managed Computers
See middle pane for what is currently set up

Click the ‘Add a computer/group’ link on the tasks pane (right side)

Add computers or groups

Add keyword, click search, highlight and click Add

Click OK when done updating members


Optionally, highlight the member, click delete


Verify the Advisor MP’s on computer

Go to server (added or removed)

If added, look for 1201 events in the Operations Manager Log

If removed, look for 1204 events in the Operations Manager Log



SQL Engineering Blog


Ever wonder when a SQL MP is published?

Wonder no longer, look for the SQL Engineering Blog!


New https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/SQL-Server/bg-p/SQLServer/label-name/SQLReleases

Old – redirect in effect https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/sqlreleaseservices/



Verifying Custom MP overrides are valid when updating sealed MP’s


I will raise my hand when asked if I prefer Notepad++ for looking at XML (because I can shrink the sections I’m not concerned about).


Using Notepad++ (works best for color and concatenation of XML or quotes in case of syntax errors when editing)


Open Overrides management pack (XML)

Click on the (-) for Manifest

Click on the dash (-) for RelationshipTypes

Click on the dash (-) for each Discovery (if it exists)



Verify targets exist in MP’s to be updated

Scroll to the right to view the Targets of your Override management pack



If changes were overrides, look at the Monitor or Rule and verify this is in the pack to be updated



To understand which MP is being referenced, look at the example – Windows3!

Scroll to the top of your MP and click on the (+) plus sign to expand manifest



NOTE Windows3 is the server 2016 Monitoring MP



Verify your monitor/rule name still exists, and your Override should still apply

In Server Overrides MP, look at the Monitor= section for the Monitor name



Go to the Windows Server 2008 Monitoring MP and look for that monitor

There is no monitor for 2008



Alternatively, you can look at the SCOM console as well (if MP is installed)

There is NO 2008 Memory Pages per second monitor



Now to remove the override in our MP

In Notepad++, highlight the MonitorConfigurationOverride section, and delete


Rinse and Repeat

Increment the version number and import MP when finished validating overrides.



Troubleshoot Office 365 SCOM MP Run As account

Run As Account

The Office 365 Run As account is used for Proxy access for an HTTPS connection from SCOM MS to Office 365 portal endpoint.

Must be a domain account, not an Azure account (particularly if they ‘re not the same tenant or AAD associated

Service Accounts are recommended to prevent impact should an employee leave


SCOM uses a domain account (example scom_action ID)

Verify that ID is in Azure tenant (contact your Azure Administrator if you don’t have access )


To follow best practice, update the Run As account with the service account



Verify Run As account

On SCOM console that there are no Operations Manager event log 7000 events for the ‘run as’ configured ID

Remote Desktop to SCOM MS Server

Verify if the ‘run as’ ID has a valid password

Look in the Operations Manager Event Log for Event ID 7000

Click on Find

Type in the user’s ID from the ‘run as’ account in SCOM

If no entries found, then ID is successfully authenticating against the domain

If errors found, correct ID/Password

Create a new subscription in SCOM to use the auto credentials option

NOTE New subscription may take 5-10 minutes to populate health data

From SCOM console

Click on Administration

Click on the Office 365 wizard

Click Add Subscription



Add Subscription Name

Click Next


SCOM UI will prompt for Azure login


Enter ID and password

Click Sign in to authenticate


Click on Monitoring Tab

Click on Office 365 folder

Click on Office 365 Monitoring Dashboard

Verify state on the subscription in question


Verify SCOM ID used in O365 Subscription in Azure Portal

Verify SCOM ID used in O365 Subscription in Azure Portal

In Azure Portal

Verify the Application exists ( Azure tenant shows as SCOM O365MP )


NOTE In the right hand pane the Office 365 Management API’s has Application Permissions, and cannot be selected


Click Back to the Settings window

Click on Owners


NOTE NO owners show in this view

Click Add +

In the Add owner window, type the ID

Hit Select to add the user account (This example is the SCOM Service account)


Have user test

Office 365 subscription not monitored in SCOM


Yes this can leave you stumped, and wondering “why?”


This can be many parts, so choose carefully

Verify SCOM ID used in o365 subscription in Azure portal

Create a new subscription in SCOM to use the auto credentials option

Office 365 SCOM Run As Account


Verify O365 Subscription state in SCOM Console

In the SCOM console

Click on Monitoring Tab

Click on the O365 dashboard

Look at the health state

Error showed ‘endpoint not found’

Working with Azure Admin, we found the SCOM O365MP application did NOT have a service account assigned.

Verify SCOM ‘Run as’ account

Verify ‘run as’ ID (originally employee ID, not service account )

Remote Desktop to SCOM MS Server

Verify if the ‘run as’ ID has a valid password

Look in the Operations Manager Event Log for Event ID 7000

Click on Find

Type in the user’s ID from the ‘run as’ account in SCOM

If no entries found, then ID is successfully authenticating against the domain

If errors found, correct ID/Password in SCOM Console


Verify SCOM O365 Azure account


In the SCOM console

Click on Administration

Click on the O365 Wizard

Highlight the subscription

Choose Edit Subscription


Test ID (tested the Service Account)

With the radio button selected at ‘Use auto-created Azure Service Principal’

NOTE Name here is for SCOM purposes and does not have to match Azure Portal Application Name


Click Next

SCOM UI will prompt for Azure login


Enter ID and password

Click Sign in to authenticate


If error is ‘Authentication Fails’, contact your Azure Administrator for assistance


Verify SCOM ID used in o365 subscription in Azure portal

Create a new subscription in SCOM to use the auto credentials option

Office 365 SCOM Run As Account

Uncommon Custom MP Fragments


Building on Kevin Holman’s MP Fragment Library are additional Uncommon Custom MP Fragments


This is the SCOM Management Pack Fragment Library which includes VSAE Fragments you can use to make SCOM management packs quickly and easily.

V1.0 has two Event Monitors with two state, two or three criteria monitors



Visual Studio, and the VSAE Fragments are installed

Visual Studio has a powerful plugin called VSAE (Visual Studio Authoring Extensions)

If you aren’t familar with MP fragments for authoring, see instructions at:  https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/kevinholman/2016/06/04/authoring-management-packs-the-fast-and-easy-way-using-visual-studio/


A Management Pack fragment is simply a bit of XML, that contains all the “working parts” for a specific workflow….

Several authors have written about the power of fragments since VSAE launched, but the biggest gap I saw can be broken up into two major issues:
•Nobody provided a good “library” of workable MP fragments
•Nobody came up with a VERY simple method to reuse fragments quickly and easily

If you can do a FIND and REPLACE in notepad, you can use this.

Kevin Holman’s MP Fragments here

Gallery download for the uncommon MP fragments https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/Uncommon-Custom-MP-c5a12a86