Cleaner PowerShell to help reset monitors and rules

Like Meguiar's cleaner wax to your car's finish, this post will help utilize cleaner PowerShell to help reset monitors and rules
Like Meguiar’s cleaner wax to your car’s finish, this post will help utilize cleaner PowerShell to help reset monitors and rules


Cleaner PowerShell supplied by Andrew Bradley that’s helped simplify the PowerShell code included resetting/closing monitors and rules via a method call.  Hard to believe I’ve been quiet on the blog for the past year, as I’ve been working on SCOM management pack addendums.  The ‘cleaner PowerShell’ is being integrated into the various addendums.


have been helpful with many customers, by building out better ways to monitor, clean up alerts, and create daily reports.  The Addendum packs add report key insights for many 1P (1st party) Microsoft authored management packs.




Cleaner PowerShell to help reset monitors and rules

## Grab the MP, get the Monitors and Rules from the MP, then grab all alerts found inside the Monitors/Rules

$SCOMCoreMP = Get-SCOMManagementPack -DisplayName “System Center Core Monitoring”

$SCOMCoreRules = $SCOMCoreMP.GetRules()

$SCOMCoreMonitors = $SCOMCoreMP.GetMonitors()

$SCOMCoreReportAlerts = Get-SCOMAlert | ? { ($_.Name -in $SCOMCoreRules.DisplayName) -or ($_.Name -in $SCOMCoreMonitors.DisplayName) }

Example for DNS management pack

## Grab the MP, get the Monitors and Rules from the MP, then grab all alerts found inside the Monitors/Rules
$SCOMCoreMP = Get-SCOMManagementPack -DisplayName “Microsoft Windows Server 2016 and 1709+ DNS Monitoring”
$SCOMCoreRules = $SCOMCoreMP.GetRules()
$SCOMCoreMonitors = $SCOMCoreMP.GetMonitors()

$SCOMCoreReportAlerts = Get-SCOMAlert | ? { ($_.Name -in $SCOMCoreRules.DisplayName) -or ($_.Name -in $SCOMCoreMonitors.DisplayName) }

$SCOMOpenReportAlerts = $SCOMCoreReportAlerts | ? { ( $_.ResolutionState -ne “255” ) }

# Open alerts

$SCOMCoreRuleAlerts = Get-SCOMAlert | ? { ( $_.Name -in $SCOMCoreRules.DisplayName) -AND ( $_.ResolutionState -ne “255” ) }

$SCOMCoreMonitorAlerts = Get-SCOMAlert | ? { ($_.Name -in $SCOMCoreMonitors.DisplayName ) -AND ( $_.ResolutionState -ne “255” ) }

Adding parameters to datasource/probeaction moduletypes

Adding parameters to datasource/probeaction moduletypes


This post is adding parameters to datasource (DS) or probeaction (PA) moduletypes.  Sorry, found this draft from last year that I never published.  🙁 I’m in the ‘missing functionality’ boat.  Some would say I’m a dreamer, a good system admin, a car guy who has different ideas than the manufacturer, or something altogether different — you decide 🙂  Hope this blog post helps monitoring experts that author more functionality than what was delivered.  Specifically adding parameters to datasource/probeaction moduletype NOT delivered in the OotB functionality?!



Adding parameters to datasource/probeaction moduletypes
First – What is needed
Second – Verify dependencies required for a workflow
Third – Build on example ‘datasource’
Fourth – Configure Monitor/Rule to use Datasource/ProbeAction

Let’s go through step by step through ‘adding parameters to datasource/probeaction moduletypes’ to customize a data source. The datasource requirements are to include/verify the following parameters” TimeOut,TimeOutInMS,MatchCount,SampleCount (match/sample count are intended for rules/monitors)


Pre-reqs (what’s needed for a ModuleType to function)

Working Script – PowerShell/BASH/Perl/SH/KSH
ScriptArgs required at runtime
Other Configuration, or Overrideable Parameters
Using configured parameters properly
Verify ProbeActions (PA) inside DS have relevant parameters


Easiest way to summarize adding a configuration parameter
Must be added to Configuration, OverrideableParameters,ModuleImplementation,
When taking an Out of the box’ OotB’ moduletype to modify, where parameter(s) MUST be used in UnitMonitorType,Rule,Monitor

Quick background for MatchCount/SampleCount:
When adding parameters to datasource/probeaction moduletypes, it’s good to know why this is part of the conversation to be added to monitoring design/implementation.

MatchCount comes in handy for repeated failures BEFORE alerting (count 5 events before alerting)
SampleCount comes in handy for counting number of failed workflows BEFORE alerting (run workflow 6 times failing before alerting)


Example Unix.ShellCommand.Invoke.Script DataSource
Requirement = Add MatchCount/SampleCount (or TimeOut to the PA ProbeAction)


Unseal, and open Microsoft.Unix.ShellCommand.Library.xml in NotePad++, VStudio, (or your favorite XML editor)

Screenshot of default Microsoft.Unix.ShellCommand.Invoke.DataSource
TimeOut and TimeOutinMS are baked in.  We begin by adding MatchCount/SampleCount

Adding MatchCount/SampleCount for Configuration, OverrideableParameters, and Module Implementation for DS/PA
Adding MatchCount/SampleCount for Configuration, OverrideableParameters, and Module Implementation for DS/PA


How to add MatchCount/SampleCount syntax

Adding MatchCount/SampleCount for Configuration, OverrideableParameters, and Module Implementation for DS/PA

NOTE – sometimes you don’t find an example!

This part gets complicated – how far down the rabbit hole do you need the parameters?
Does the DS workflow only need the respective parameters?
Do you have to add to the corresponding PA’s called in the workflow?


Starting simple, add to DS

Add MatchCount/SampleCount to DS Configuration
<xsd:element name=”MatchCount” type=”xsd:unsignedInt” maxOccurs=”1″ minOccurs=”0″ xmlns:xsd=”” />
<xsd:element name=”SampleCount” type=”xsd:unsignedInt” maxOccurs=”1″ minOccurs=”0″ xmlns:xsd=”” />

Add MatchCount/SampleCount to OverrideableParameters (if you want capability to override)
<OverrideableParameter ID=”MatchCount” Selector=”$Config/MatchCount$” ParameterType=”int” />
<OverrideableParameter ID=”SampleCount” Selector=”$Config/SampleCount$” ParameterType=”int” />

Add MatchCount/SampleCount to DS MemberModule

Add MatchCount/SampleCount to PA Configuration
<xsd:element name=”MatchCount” type=”xsd:unsignedInt” maxOccurs=”1″ minOccurs=”0″ xmlns:xsd=”” />
<xsd:element name=”SampleCount” type=”xsd:unsignedInt” maxOccurs=”1″ minOccurs=”0″ xmlns:xsd=”” />

Add MatchCount/SampleCount to PA MemberModule

Alternate example for monitors, the SQL Windows Replication mgmt pack has a good UnitMonitor/UnitMonitorType example – Microsoft.SQLServer.Replication.Windows.Monitoring.xml



Kevin Holman has a good example for changing frequency and MatchCount here

Find example by searching unsealed management pack repository (use Tyson’s SCOMHelper PowerShell module to unseal mp/mpb’s to facilitate a better unsealed mp search)




ConfigMgr SMS role alerts

Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager
Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

It’s that time to figure out the ConfigMgr SMS role alerts – If you are monitoring your SCCM/MECM environment, then you get role failure alerts.  Many times, the Operations Helpdesk, NOSC, NOC, SOC, etc. will get alerts when various roles fail on the Configuration Manager platform.  The common ask is why, what do you see, etc.  Much like Exchange, ConfigMgr internalizes the checks that are seen in the console as registry keys or events documenting said degraded component/feature.  Helping the MECM administrator understand the failure is key to decoding how to notify administrator, and when the helpdesk needs to act on ‘ConfigMgr SMS role alerts’.


Example – MECM/SCCM looks at replication probe action state $Config/RoleName$

Example MECM Service Monitor for role alerts
Example MECM Service Monitor for role alerts


The role check is based on a variable of the RoleName in a registry key that the application updates.


MECM Monitor Config
MECM Monitor Config


This is the origin of ConfigMgr SMS role alerts

HKLM:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SMS\Operations Management\SMS Server Role\$Config/RoleName$\Availability State


Decoder ring:

1 is critical state

2,3,4 are warning states


If more details are needed, download SCCM/MECM Management Pack for SCOM here

Use Tyson’s SCOM Helper pack to unseal, and inspect XML.


Once you know the origin of the ConfigMgr SMS role alerts, you can begin tuning the MECM alerts to your environment.  Understanding role alerts will help both teams understand MECM application health.  First, use MECM application health to trend alerts/outages.  Second, leverage maintenance mode schedules, or MM scripts to NOT monitor for common administration tasks.  From my experience, the alerts are the result of MECM Admins maintaining the application – common actions like building application/package lists, cleanup actions, site maintenance, backups, etc.  Lastly, set up a subscription to notify after the tuning discussion.  See my blog on building a subscription for more details.

ADCS – Active Directory Certificate Services Addendum pack

Time to talk Certificates!
Certificate of Achievement


Hello again, it’s time to talk about ADCS – Active Directory Certificate Services Addendum!


First, I’d like to call out Bob Williams and Vance Cozier for their help and expertise!

SCOM-ADCS-Addendum download




ADCS is Active Directory Certificate Services, or what we would know as a Certificate Authority.  The goal was to improve the pack, because the focus is on how important certificates are to a modern enterprise.  Let’s begin the Active Directory Certificate Services Addendum pack review.


In this paragraph, let’s talk through the Certificate Services packs for 2016+, and how we as Microsoft consultants, and field engineers, recommend changes to the pack.  First, for some background, the collaboration process gets a better result improving Microsoft products.   Second, the collaboration result can vary.  Third, collaboration input can be based on customer input, or field engineer experience.  Most importantly, this is how we ‘would have liked’ the pack to work.


AD Certificate Services Monitoring

The Certificate services pack alerts on events/services.  Therefore, the pack does NOT monitor the SCEP URL.  For instance, a transaction web monitor was added.   The collaboration effort was focused on improving the ADCS pack, resulting in the creation of the Active Directory Certificate Services Addendum and customizations packs.


Download File

Let’s delve into the download file

SCOM-ADCS-Addendum download


Review file contents

  • Download.txt (in case you need to find it later!)
  • Version.Info.txt (MP version history, what was added & when)
  • XLS MP export of rules/monitors
  • ADCS Addendum & Customizations packs



Configuring Certificate Services docs site

ADCS download

Management Pack wiki

XML for Product or Company Knowledge

Digging in the archives…



From a discussion with some PFE’s – the question was ‘how do I create knowledge for a monitor/rule?’

Tyson Paul pointed out the system Center Wiki  ‘Knowledge Article authoring’  


When you create a knowledge article in an MP (let’s not even go into the console GUI! )

If the Knowledge Article references a sealed workflow (does it reference a sealed pack)

It’s Company Knowledge






If the Knowledge Article references a sealed monitor, it will show up under the ‘Company Knowledge’ tab

XML example from Skype Addendum pack on TechNet Gallery

<KnowledgeArticle ElementID=”ML2MC!Microsoft.LS.2015.Monitoring.Internal.Health.DiscoveryRunner” Visible=”true”>
<maml:section xmlns:maml=”″>
<maml:para>Any added Skype servers will not be discovered in SCOM.</maml:para>
<maml:section xmlns:maml=”″>
<maml:para>Discovery Failed.  An internal exception has occurred during discovery.</maml:para>
<maml:section xmlns:maml=”″>
<maml:para>Fix permission issues in alert.</maml:para>
<maml:para>Skype PowerShell module may not be installed.</maml:para>
<maml:para>Import-Module SkypeForBusiness</maml:para>





If the Knowledge Article is referenced in a sealed pack, OR an UNsealed pack has a rule/monitor in the same unsealed pack)

It’s Product Knowledge


Sealed pack example


Unsealed pack Example

Workflow Manager Addendum MP for SQL Aliases


A SQL Alias is kinda like wearing disguise glasses…


From a security perspective, you can make things difficult for attackers by specifying a SQL alias and different port for SQL.




Symptom – discovery fails for WFM pack


Trying to monitor and figure out what the real database name, instance, etc. can be a challenge.

A couple of years ago, I was able to find an example for one customer where the registry key shed light on the alias.


The workflow manager management pack has a DataSourceModuleType “Microsoft.WorkflowManager.Addendum.v1.WFCommandExecuterDataSource”, where this change successfully retrieved the sql server name.

This datasource uses the PowerShell script (WorkflowPSDiscovery.ps1)


This function was changed in one example

# Get computer name from splitted dataSource
function GetPrincipalName {

#$ssWithoutPort = $ss[0].split(‘,’)
#if (-not $ssWithoutPort[0].Contains(‘.’))
# $ssWithoutPort[0] = $ssWithoutPort[0] + “.” + $ADDomain.Name
#$principalName = $ssWithoutPort[0]

$key = ‘HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\Client\ConnectTo’
$sqlfromalias = (Get-ItemProperty -Path $key -Name $ss).$ss
$sqlserverstr = $sqlfromalias.Split(‘,’)
$sqlserver = $sqlserverstr[1]
$principalName = $sqlserver

return $principalName



Ran into this discovery issue a second time, and the function didn’t solve the failure.

Real quick – a shout out and my thanks to Chuck Hughes and Mike Sadoff, for their time and testing this more robust discovery method.




Added logic to fix the assumed InstanceName ($instname) – Most likely why my first function worked (configuration had default SQL instance name of MSSQLSERVER )

Added GetSqlAlias function to help decode the disguise



Gallery download here


Don’t forget to override the original workflow manager discovery!


Test fire any event on any server from any application

Golden Oldies – always popular (tools vs music)

Old Holman blog that’s still relevant, even more powerful than EventLog Explorer

Basically anyone who wants to test fire events off a SCOM MP should use this tool.

Event Create, write-eventlog all have limitations (certain event sources that can be used to create events, or event ID number limitations)

First, download the 2007 R2 Admin ResKit here

MomTeam blog reference

Double click the downloaded MSI

I prefer to move extracted files under my SCOM tools/Management pack directory structure under MonAdmin (Monitoring Admin)

Copy extracted files to gold depot

Move to gold depot – SCOM \ tools \ <toolname here>

Go into the MPEventAnalyzer directory

Run the exe

MP Event Analyzer

Click on Investigate Event Sources Tab (bottom middle)

Don’t forget you can use the search bar (where I typed apm)

For my example, double click on APM Agent

Search Events on right hand pane

Check checkbox to select the 1319 APM event for configuration error (right hand pane)

Click the ‘Add selected events to execution list’

Once event verified in bottom box, click the green box to fire selected event(s)

Verify event in Event Viewer

Validate Management Pack

Stay tuned… this did not complete the validation process.

Re-learn an old but still relevant tool – EventLog Explorer


Sometimes we forget about tools that can make things easier.


Time to talk about EventLog Explorer.


Need to repro and test events for an installed program, to see what SCOM will handle?

Read this old mom team blog, courtesy of Kevin Holman blog



I wanted to try it to test fire some events, had a use case where we needed to test Skype events from the SCOM MP


Testing on my SCOM 2016 Management server


Download file, run EventLog Explorer

The Paste icon next to the X is ‘Add to Execution List’ and fills out the bottom pane

The Green Arrow is ‘go’ or execute (similar to PowerShell ISE)


Navigate through the Event Log and Event Source on the left hand pane

Mark events with the checkbox  


Add to Execution


Verify events added to bottom pane

(see my test yesterday for fired, and not fired events from today)




Click Green box with white arrow to fire events, and check Event Viewer



Yesterday’s test




Today’s test



Verify alerting occurred as expected!

Service Map SCOM pack configuration errors

Look for 6400 Event ID’s in the Operations Manager log on the management server if you do not have the correct information


Event ID 6400 in Operations Manager log helps show what’s missing with Azure AD error events


Follow steps outlined in the ‘Set up Azure Service Principal’ blog here



Sample 6400 event


Message: Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.AdalServiceException: AADSTS90002: Tenant XXXXXXXXX not found.

This may happen if there are no active subscriptions for the tenant. Check with your subscription administrator.

Trace ID: 89abf27f-4884-4191-b577-de2fce100600

Correlation ID: c8a2470e-2383-4325-b91f-86b5e20ade57

Timestamp: 2018-08-06 20:34:49Z —> System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request.

at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()

at Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.HttpWebRequestWrapper.<GetResponseSyncOrAsync>d__2.MoveNext()

— End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown —

at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()

at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)

at Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.HttpHelper.<SendPostRequestAndDeserializeJsonResponseAsync>d__0`1.MoveNext()

— End of inner exception stack trace —

at Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.AuthenticationContext.RunAsyncTask[T](Task`1 task)

at Microsoft.SystemCenter.ServiceMap.REST.Credentials.AdCredentials.GetToken()

at Microsoft.SystemCenter.ServiceMap.UI.SubscriptionData.TestConnection()

ErrorCode: invalid_request

StatusCode: 400


Inner Exception

Message: The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request.

Response URI:


Pragma: no-cache

Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains

X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff

client-request-id: c8a2470e-2383-4325-b91f-86b5e20ade57

x-ms-request-id: 89abf27f-4884-4191-b577-de2fce100600

x-ms-clitelem: 1,90002,0,,

Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

Expires: -1


Set-Cookie: esctx=AQABAAAAAADXzZ3ifr-GRbDT45zNSEFEzFrPhp_xcoXIlYw2iOqAFXkz7NO-Hm1hJdVAn6298A0ylDD5VvX2VosFiRVxTDzmRz24sbVUbhiTuyHJsmeIkR47y1MU3SafDlFp6xPo91BwZhRqoDPtP6YTBi5D6mHGqy2lkSAEVQtg9D4lsWTmKipm9iLaB2twBZcYR0VkDhIgAA;; path=/; secure; HttpOnly,x-ms-gateway-slice=004; path=/; secure; HttpOnly,stsservicecookie=ests; path=/; secure; HttpOnly

Server: Microsoft-IIS/10.0

Date: Mon, 06 Aug 2018 20:34:48 GMT

Content-Length: 508

VSAE support for 2017

VSAE support for VS2017 has been released!

VSAE download

MomTeam Blog